stands for, fornication, fight, flight and freeze.
its the very basic workings of the the amygdala. no not the star wars queen but the part of our brain. i wonder why she was named for the very part that is said to be "the seat of our passions" or rather more precisely the seat of our fear. i went for class today and that was what stuck in my mind for the rest of the time i left class.
i'm taking module AP105- Emotional motivation and Intelligence :D and as it always has been, class was an experience in itself. i missed last week's class and it's nice to know my coursemates actually missed me haha! i didn't get a new lecturer as i had hoped but it was mr chee kum again. he's okay but can get very dry and technical *hrrrmpf* but for one thing, hes very passionate about teaching and is very serious about the comments that he get in class. he tries to accomodate by bringing in new material and tries to relate to the young and old in the class by using varied terms to explain the technical and scientific terms we learn in class. today he used the word horny *hurrah!!!* but stopped when i made a snide remark about it hehehe...we were talking about how in the 60's it was believed that women do not reach orgasm hah! but later studies have shown *ofcourse!* that women do reach orgasm such as men do but in very different ways.
which is why i prefer mr naidu to teach because he hates to speak about what was researched way back in the 60's! they have no blaardy business in the present, the now :) but in the academic world i guess it is still very much necessary to learn how things and theories HAVE evolved. very much like how life in general is. we hate to make past mistakes but many have forgotten that its the process that really matters. in the now times that everything has to be rushed, i find people aroud me less tolerant and less patient about changing and adapting. we have lost the sense of achievement that comes with a work well done and for different people the learning curve truly varies *weknowthatbutestillchoosetodisbelieve* i hate all the rush but reality is as such that i say potato and you say potata :P
after about a month in my permanent *hopes* department i took my very first mc today. i just can't take the stress and long working hours. i have been neglecting my health, my spirit and those close to me. just feeling off balance and the much needed rest was very welcome. i set my mind yet again to the routine i had set much earlier before which was to maximise my resources to its fullest and again am more aware of my strengths and weaknesses. i don't care how many times i fail and i don't care if it seems to be fruitless to some when significant and fixed changes have yet manifested themselves in my course of trying. it does get to me these negative feedback but He knows best and of course those closest to me.
"Human mental processes are surely among the most important and most difficult to deal with" - Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, Richard J. Heuer, Jr. and that's the challenge for me today!!!!! just need to first reduce the tension i am now feeling. so now i know more about what exactly that goes around in our mind among our kind *hehe* so it'll be much easier to 'understand' and go with the flow when i'm so set in my thinking and ways from before. and'll be intresting to see how i can apply what i have learnt in class to work for me in real life. even if it takes the topic of sex to awake me from my slumber hehehehehe...
stay sane and in good spirits,