I would be confirmed as verbally said to me last week by end of this month. Ms. Tub-o-shitte told me she would only deduct 2 days of my salary for the mc and unpaid leave I took this month and the other 2 days will be deducted from my annual leave. Yeay!! End of my episode.
Start of another episode.
About a month after I joined the company, we were joined by another newbie. He is about probably 40, average looking with dustings of grey liberally all over his crown of greasy hair and a crooked smile brought on by missing teeth right at the back. He tries very hard to be nice to everybody being new and all. He buys breakfast, says hello and everybody just took him in as he is.
It was during that time as well, ms. Finicky started to have problems at work with my other 2 colleagues (both now have resigned). She just came back from a long period of convalescence and felt that she was being picked upon and punished by going on medical leave for 2 weeks by being asked to assist another manager. She wasn’t happy and all matter of accusations started to fly in that tiny department of theirs manned by 2 managers. The manager she was asked to assist was notorious for sloppy and messy work. She swore the other 2 had something to do with it. They (the innocent 2) must must must have poisoned the rest (the whole company in fact) against her and not willing to come to work everyday crying and telling everyone else her woes of not being perfect she quit. The main man didn’t even ask to see her and they accepted her resignation as a sign that she knows that her standards have dropped and that from a management’s point of view, NO one is indispensable. She bawled her eyes out man! She couldn’t believe that she would get such treatment from the main man as she is a very senior staff. So she got another job and about to leave she allied herself with Mr. lonely!
The other evil 2 couldn’t stand Mr. lonely. He was dirty, uncouth, smelly and his movements seriously lecherous. He would ogle at anyone’s breast, asked about very personal questions and really, really SLOW in his work. Of course anyone especially the ladies loathed him. Deep down they know he is just another guy but already they had multitudes of reasons to hate him for who he is. Only Ms. Finicky who sat beside him had nice things to say about Mr. lonely. They sat beside each other you see and all the while Ms. Finicky carried tales about how she pitied Mr. lonely and she must help him and teach him all she knows before she leaves. Objective is for Mr. lonely to be even better than the other 2 evil twins muahahahah!
BUT….the evil twins, they had other plans and after the childish fiasco in their department they got very distracted at work. It is because they too are new; the impressions of un-professionalism that had imprinted on their minds made both of them decide to leave too. They made a bet with me and said that ms. Finicky would NEVER leave. She would take this opportunity to show to everyone and the management how she has been wronged by showing her loyalty now by staying. The main man only saw her after accepting the 2 evil twins resignation and BEGGED her to stay. Ms. Finicky asked for my opinion and I told her not to take the offer if the remunerations does not make up for all the hurt she felt. All this while, Mr. lonely was her best friend. Her sworn ally.
All changed when the evil twins got out and suddenly Mr. lonely was the baddest guy ever! He made a mistake of calling her late 1 night and since Ms. Finicky is happily married, it created a huge misunderstanding between her and hubby. This gave her an excuse to truly show how she felt about him. It was never out of sympathy or pity or even understanding. He was just another fall guy. The next day she was back to her old antics and the whole office came together to condemn the cheekopek or dirty-ole-man. They laughed at his insecurities, his loneliness and shunned his apologies. She spoke to the branch manager, Mr. sway-like-the-lalangs and had him shift to another desk. Reason was that Mr. lonely came too close to her and this scared her. She asked everyone to listen out for her screams when she would be the only one left with Mr. lonely. All this while ever since then, ms. Finicky refused to say a word or acknowledge Mr. lonely.
Yes, Mr. lonely is just another ‘person’ who has a problem of keeping to staid rules made by other ‘people’. He didn’t just call ms. Finicky but me too. Maybe even everyone he thought was his ‘friend’. But, he seems to get the idea that in order to fit he has to cut a lot of corners and I can see he is trying very hard.
‘Everyman, wherever he goes is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.’ – Bertrand Russell
So….even if you love your flies and them flying in comfort all around you, please DO NOT even try to pass the off to me. I breed only my own :P and I have a BIG, HUGE and very nasty fly swatter ready to kill as many strange, unknown flies moving towards me.
Stay sane,
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Wish upon a star and follow who you are….
Last 13th Jan, I turned 29 and my eldest turned 7. We celebrated both our birthdays with a small gathering of neighbours at the place where she practically grew up and where, I shared my innermost turmoils with strangers who now I call family.
I didn’t get ANY presents this year *sourgrapes* but terror 1 reminded me I didn’t need any to feel special because SHE is my present. *hehehehe* so she likes to always remind me when I get all pouty and sulky about having no presents this year!!!! Who doesn’t love presents!!!! I loooooove presents! Still, I thank all who remembered my birthday. I got many well wishes and that soothed my selfish heart a bit >) I had a nice lunch courtesy of cylernkilla and bobby and shikino just asked what I wanted for my birthday. Bobby asked if I wanted perfume but I told nah….i asked for books but he said to please ask for something easier to buy. Eh!! When did buying presents turn to be just another stroll in the shopping centre? :P but whatever IT is going to be, I’m going to love it and I’m going to enjoy it definitely.
I can’t bring myself to load the pics but there’s one I like of terror 1 & 3 together. They always hug when taking pics but still, terror 3 likes to complain that she isn’t loved by either 1 or 2 *muahahah* terror 2 is so difficult to photograph so he isn’t in many of the photos I took. I was too busy playing host and entertaining the kids and so the camera was left unused. Maybe later…
Now, I just want to sail and immerse myself with my conversations over msn…thank you husgy for the parting message which I used for the title in this blog entry. The elusiveness of love and the challenges of being married. Been there done that. My aspirations of becoming a witch. And how I’m not suited to live here with my liberal views fused with much eastern values. Or maybe I’m stuck thinking that if I can’t make it here then I can’t make it anywhere. Options still open. Saiko is pregnant!!!! Ajip’s son looks just like him and we both think this baby is definitely the next bet for singapore’s next olympic medal. Mum former national runner and dad is soccer fanatic. Condolences to poww for her lost. We both miss you. Hearing your voice right after I smsed was HUGE so let’s meet soon powwsters. Thank you yunis for asking me where it hurts. amir for just being amir! I promise to log soon because we can catch up on ‘kasih, cinta dan sayang’ Sham please get well and I bet you’d start smoking soon enough *hehe* and how I hate hate hate LIARS. May their pants really go on fire. I need to work on my next school assignments and now read till I can finally doze off. Noorticataitai, please..can I have just 10% of that cool 1 mil you got for selling away the house ;P pleeeeeeas arh! Listening to lefthanded right now……brought on by memories from gp.com :D never in anger because the past should be always in the fondest of memories.
“Kau pergi tanpa kerelaanku….hatiku lukaaaaaa…hampa dan kecewaaaaaaaaaa”
cedey lar gua!
Stay sane cos I haven’t been myself lately,
I didn’t get ANY presents this year *sourgrapes* but terror 1 reminded me I didn’t need any to feel special because SHE is my present. *hehehehe* so she likes to always remind me when I get all pouty and sulky about having no presents this year!!!! Who doesn’t love presents!!!! I loooooove presents! Still, I thank all who remembered my birthday. I got many well wishes and that soothed my selfish heart a bit >) I had a nice lunch courtesy of cylernkilla and bobby and shikino just asked what I wanted for my birthday. Bobby asked if I wanted perfume but I told nah….i asked for books but he said to please ask for something easier to buy. Eh!! When did buying presents turn to be just another stroll in the shopping centre? :P but whatever IT is going to be, I’m going to love it and I’m going to enjoy it definitely.
I can’t bring myself to load the pics but there’s one I like of terror 1 & 3 together. They always hug when taking pics but still, terror 3 likes to complain that she isn’t loved by either 1 or 2 *muahahah* terror 2 is so difficult to photograph so he isn’t in many of the photos I took. I was too busy playing host and entertaining the kids and so the camera was left unused. Maybe later…
Now, I just want to sail and immerse myself with my conversations over msn…thank you husgy for the parting message which I used for the title in this blog entry. The elusiveness of love and the challenges of being married. Been there done that. My aspirations of becoming a witch. And how I’m not suited to live here with my liberal views fused with much eastern values. Or maybe I’m stuck thinking that if I can’t make it here then I can’t make it anywhere. Options still open. Saiko is pregnant!!!! Ajip’s son looks just like him and we both think this baby is definitely the next bet for singapore’s next olympic medal. Mum former national runner and dad is soccer fanatic. Condolences to poww for her lost. We both miss you. Hearing your voice right after I smsed was HUGE so let’s meet soon powwsters. Thank you yunis for asking me where it hurts. amir for just being amir! I promise to log soon because we can catch up on ‘kasih, cinta dan sayang’ Sham please get well and I bet you’d start smoking soon enough *hehe* and how I hate hate hate LIARS. May their pants really go on fire. I need to work on my next school assignments and now read till I can finally doze off. Noorticataitai, please..can I have just 10% of that cool 1 mil you got for selling away the house ;P pleeeeeeas arh! Listening to lefthanded right now……brought on by memories from gp.com :D never in anger because the past should be always in the fondest of memories.
“Kau pergi tanpa kerelaanku….hatiku lukaaaaaa…hampa dan kecewaaaaaaaaaa”
cedey lar gua!
Stay sane cos I haven’t been myself lately,
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
first day at school!

Dengan langkah berani seorang srikandi diiringi doa
Kau yang bergelar Puteri hatiku menyusun tapak perjalananmu
Pergi bertetapkan jiwa cekal nan waja
Untuk menimba segala rahsia ilmu penghias hidup
Belukar onar berduri lakaran bukan milikmu
Mara terus maju kehadapan tetapkan pendirianmu
Wahai srikandi Puteri sanjungan!
Tebas tewaskan ragumu biar hancur cebisan noda
Cemuhan rintihan hitam busuk hati sekelilingmu
Jangan kau hirau sakit luka silam meracau pemikiranmu
Tajamkan azam dan runcingkan akalmu buat menindas
Ujaran palsu lagi simpang siurnya mendalam
Buka hatimu terima hakikat mengelirukan
Tapi ingat tujuan suci lurus hanya Satu
Percantikkan dan kukuhkan imanmu
Wahai srikandi Puteri pujaanku!
Hanya dengan ikatan doa harapan dan cebisan senyuman
Dapat aku sumbangkan, pelukan rindu hangat
Kucupan manis dibawa sang bayu mengiringi tiap tapak perjalananmu
stay sane,
Monday, January 01, 2007

thats the nicest hari raya picture i can got of the 3 terrors. and funny, the camera could only store 20 pics :( and i dunno why because i would have loved to take MORE pictures of em. that is the difference between the old camera and these new digital ones. at least with the old one, you know exactly how many exposures you have and could use, with this! you kinda have to fiddle and pray you have some more space left. and it sucks battery life big time!!!!
so the 3 terrors lined up and terror 1 had to try hard to keep the other wriggling, fidgeting 2 still so that mama here can snap a nice picture. we thought the picture took the very essence of each and every character of the 3 terrors. terror 1 is the tallest and eldest who is a bit shy and sweet natured has both hands on her siblings. she is protective of them as much as one who rules with an iron fist over her siblings *heheheheh* ah! i have to laugh because her namesake was derived from a spanish line of warrior princesses. the cheeky boy is terror 2 who always has a good one or two tricks up his sleeves. he likes to purposely rile you up to elicit anykind of response from you, and i'm guessing its because he hardly gets much attention like the other two being just the boy. he's very vain!!!! just ask who is the handsomest boy in school and he would promptly say its HIM *tskkkk* :P and last but not least the cutest, smiling ever so wide one in gold is terror 3. do not be fooled by that oh-so-sweet-smile, cos when she's all riled up she can pout and sulk till milk curdles. and she screams too! in e sharp minor major-ear-drum-burst no less *muehehehehe* :P
stay sane,
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