“The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as to seem not worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.” – Betrand Russel
Much philosophy *modern* in this period concerns itself with explaining the relation between the theories of the natural sciences and the ideas of the humanities or common sense. Very much like how I like to keep on thinking all day without stop and am able to incoherently at all times come up with the most irritating, nonsensical mumbo jumbo when you have a conversation with me. questions come fast and the conversation flows like fast like an engaging river. Or they float like foam on the edges of the waves only to evaporate under the heat of the rays. It could also envelope the whole you in solitary muteness that could only mean…..i’m thinking about greek words!
name, gender female, origin greek meaning wisdom. Also title of my favourite book ‘Sophie’s World’ by Jostein Gaardner. A tale about her journey looking for her truths. She is my all time fave Alice in Wonderland. and so now you know why its 'looking for sophie'. i am looking for a lost book of mine and *ahems* lost truths along the way?
friend or lover. Usually paired with sophia to form ‘philo-sophy’. Altohugh it is very difficult to put single definition to the word ‘philosophy’, it is generally agreed that philosophy is a method, rather than a set of claims, propositions or thoeries. One sets on an inverstigation based on reason, always careful not to make sure no butt cheeks are left unexamined and lest you make the jump based on faith and pure analogy and therefore look, sound like a donkey. Although all lovers of wisdom will naturally dance the tango with reason once awhile and eventually step on each others toes. As long as you find meaning in the dance, there is no saying where you’d end up.
word or logic if you must. This refers to the internal consistency of the message – the clarity of the claim, the logic of its reasons, and last but not least the effectiveness of its supporting evidence. The impact of logos on an audience is sometimes called the argument’s logical appeal. *younotalklogicmehaverightdon’twanttounderstand* not to be confused with the word loco which means crazy in mexican? Or was it spanish?
character or one’s code of ethics? Ring a bell? This refers to the trustworthiness or credibilty of the writer or speaker. So can you trust your lawyer? Your doctor? Your family, friends or lover?!!! Just play attention to the tone ans tyle of the message and through the way they refer to differing views. Google them, buy them dinner, ask them out for a movie, flirt!! As their reputation can exist independantly from the message – his or her expertise in the field, previous criminal records maybe :p
suffering or experience, very often associated with emotional appeal. a highly emotional word for those already diagnosed by whomever to appeal to the audience’s sympathies and imagination. Through narratives or stories, an appeal to pathos causes an audience not just to respond emotionally but to identify with the writer’s point of view. Stories of broken hearts, betrayal, infidelity, forms of selfishness, power and life works turn abstarctions of logic into something palpable and present. Pathologically power!
no.dramas.no dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.
how boring, how stale, how ugly, how plain, how irksome, how silly, how slutty, how whorish, how incorrigible, how much more can one be?!!!!!! If my life was to be rid of no.dramas. but just this no.dramas persona that I am eyeing, just with the slit from the corner of my hearts eye, your no.dramas has set my zealous fire aplomb silently. And you know what that means….may you rise form the brashness of heat not as the ashes of the dead but the longed for phoenix once you and I set a date, time and place for the END. DRAMAS.
Stay sane, amyemeelea
no.dramas.no dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.no.dramas.
how boring, how stale, how ugly, how plain, how irksome, how silly, how slutty, how whorish, how incorrigible, how much more can one be?!!!!!! If my life was to be rid of no.dramas. but just this no.dramas persona that I am eyeing, just with the slit from the corner of my hearts eye, your no.dramas has set my zealous fire aplomb silently. And you know what that means….may you rise form the brashness of heat not as the ashes of the dead but the longed for phoenix once you and I set a date, time and place for the END. DRAMAS.
Stay sane, amyemeelea