back from ozzy! and the trip was good. even if i didn't manage to ride the rides till i vomit or concus. the guys were good to have 'forced' me to save up and go. always the stingy bastard that i am lar :p the airplane ride was scary siak! and i was thinking..did i want to be crew because i wanted to go "woahhhh~"
*facecramp* at every turbulence?"
*mueheheheh* i behaved and didn't show my distaste at a single anyone of the crew member. well, the guys warned me anyway to keep my mouth shut even IF i did think one of them looked like a horse and the service was farken slow. they were afraid that the crew members would spit in our food
the main aim (besides bonding with mates) was to totally ride the rides! and hence turn up my nose that the rides in singapore >) but bummer the scariest ride of all the superman was down when we went. consolation was the fact that i got to ride on Batwing! and yeaps...lethal weapon yo! we spent a total of 8 days for the whole trip and i hearts the guys for making it happen for me on a budget of course. they even made sure i had a balcony or a patio to smoke :p and these very same people have kids in tow. I made sure i didn't smoke in front of them but err...the kids nowsadays are just too damn smart lar. so many times lil danny reminded me
"aunty amyyyyyyy...did you see the NO SMOKING sign there?" *coughcough* of course i promised them (ALL of them) that i'll quit ONE day :p we shopped LOADS being singaporean and cooked meals at the apartment. then added trips to seaworld (to check out the 'sad' dolphins) and also paradise country (chase kangaroos!) into our itinerary. it was COLD because its bright sunny winter and i came prepared. took with me 3 jackets and layers of tiny underthings to make sure i was warm but NOT penguinish. they guys were adamant that if i survived UK, then i'd survive australia lar.
out of all the shopping trips, i enjoyed carrara markets the MOSTEST. its just the different feel of an ang moh pasar malam that feel air-conditioned that makes it oh-so-memorable. it was cheap, colorful, good and hurray for the pony rides! i didn't ride da damn pony ler but i did buy the bestest souviniers evar from there! hellOoooooo lighter case :D and love my new 'pipe' aka alKENIT. how to quit smoking like that ler? :p from the outlet towns, i bought a nike BALL (go figure) and the 5 dora ballet pumps in black. kmart shopping were for books and the candies for terrors.
*pause* why am i the way i am? = exact words NOT used to protect the not-so innocent
to him, i said
"suker" meaning
'like'..i like the way i am. and i like what i do (which is seriously NOTHING)
*twidlethumbs* i didn't even try to expand on that break in our conversation. i felt embarassed for him actually for asking such a redundant question. or maybe i heard him wrong? maybe he meant
"i never understood why you don't act on the things you already know?" because we were exchanging stuff about
*gasppppppp* mother of all things, religion. but thats too detailed of an assumption on my part ain't it?
*slidessssssssssss* unlike the very upfront biks who told me
"i've stopped pretending that you are dependable" recently. to which brought me to realise, i need to make more effort in nurturing my relationships with those i care about. espescially those newly built ones but it doesn't really play out the same if i were to apply it to bobi, my very own flesh and blood brother because he just told me to concentrate on looking for my own pad soon! which is GREAT right? seeing that just a few months ago he threw a pot at the wall (aimed at me actually or was it to punctuate his point?) because i told him i wanted to move out.
you think you know the person but yet there will be times
*ALWAYSguaranteed* you never know
*jengjengjeng* yet, we all take the risk of knowing and trust for good :)
damn i this cough thanks to alkenit....MORE HONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
stay sane,
ps: i watched my very 1st world up last night at mcdonalds
*lol* brazil vs portugal!!! i lost my bet though cosh i was feeling very generous and gave che. adygood 1 and half balls siak.
*DEHEMIT* brazil won but i must say portugal's defense was POWER!