The retrograde ended last January 25th but the after effects and shake ups is trailing me to no end till today. I have always said that I write when I am most depressed and I guess after such a long time from my last entry - today is the day.
I cried at the stroke of midnight in the arms of the beloved and the only reply to "Why." was "Because you know me, I cry when I am happy." Truth be told, I was as much as shocked as him when the tears decided to come. The dreams that came right after were blurry and tinged with much grey. Of course the sun came and the shadows disappeared the next day.
It is the New Year. "Please let me have a kitten." I wished aloud to nothing.
Nope, Godly Kitten did not appear and show no signs of making an appearance except for in cute meme. I iz sad no haz point in goiiiiiiinggggg onnnnnnnnnn. I take a grip of myself and remind the self to loosen the grip a bit. Hopefully this will help me breathe a little bit easier to prepare for what is coming - the onslaught of reflections and introspection over the horizon.
I can't help the feeling of tristfulness and blame it all on Mecury in retrograde.
Stay sane,
PS : I feel the funnies are marching soon to the pages ahead. Till then tooodleloo!
I can't help the feeling of tristfulness and blame it all on Mecury in retrograde.
Stay sane,
PS : I feel the funnies are marching soon to the pages ahead. Till then tooodleloo!