Monday, October 10, 2005

sevenish perfectionish finish ishk ishk ishk...

for poww ;)

seven things that will scare me:
1. losing my mind
2. ok...death
3. eternal silence
4. ignorance
5. numbness
6. disillusionment
7. vision vs idealism

seven things i like the most:
1. my privacy
2. books and more books
3. reading
4. my harem
5. kids ( big babies appeal to me too :))
6. animals
7. debates

seven most important things in my room:
1. you know who you are :D
2. my whole library
3. sinful instant gratification in any form *mueheheheh*
4. handphone
5. blankie of the moment
6. pen
7. paper

seven random facts about me:
1. talk very loudly
2. burp alot
3. enjoy being domesticated
4. have stagefright haha!
5. will do anything for a laugh \cheapthrills/
6. hate needles
7. used to have chronic insomnia

seven things i can do:
1. read the tarot decently
2. deklamasi sajak (recite poetry lar)
3. read anywhere, everywhere and anything
4. inflict a lot of pain if i really really really want to
5. entertain kids below ages of 7 and have all of them think i'm 7 too
6. cook
7. draw

seven things i can't do:
1. define love logically and coherently
2. pretend interest when you're on my black lists (the 's' is there for a reason)
3. talk rationally most of the time
4. find enough time to do everything on my lists
5. tolerate any holier-than-thou attitudes (espescially if they can't be bothered to practice what the preach)
6. touch my nose with my tongue
7. lick my elbows

seven words i say the most:
1. eh babe or ah minah (they tied at first place)
2. eeeEjit!!
3. wahlau
4. otey
5. shoot
6. "hi this is amy"
7. why ah?!

seven celebrity crushes:
1. jostein gardner
2. jalalludin rumi
3. enid blyton
4. paulo coelho
5. milan kundera
6. fatima mernissi
7. douglas adams

seven people i would love to do this!:
1. dad
2. mum
3. terror 1
4. terror 2
5. terror 3
6. cylernkilla
7. and everybody on my blogger list ( i got greedy)

well...i promised myself to sleep early and wake fresh bright and early so that i can sahur, subuh, revise and leave early to run outstanding errands but just had to catch up bits. nyce called to 'catch up' and suddenly felt like i needed to touch base somehow and now :) my essays are due end this month and i have done nothing but read up tips on how to write in APA style lar, tips on creative academic writing lar, how to improve memory and mind mapping lar but didn't get futher than my squiggly first draft :P but as usual lar....procrastinate...procratstinate *ughh* i left my job last week and looking forward to a whole new beginning somewhere, somehow where i don't need to feel like i'm one of the contestants in survivor or any over exagerated reality show where pettiness abound; hopping mad around me like cute adorable but in actual fact, rabid dangerously fatal furry bunnies. and i really *muchmuchmuch* would like to kill and destroy these bunnies in the most inhumane possible ways. too bad most of the time these rabid fatal furry bunnies usually effectively disguise themselves as teamwork and understanding to my blinded by bootlicks, incompetent and stoooooOOOOOOPID managers in charge.

so...thats that and insyaallah this ramadhan will be best of the bestest time for me and us. it is always trying and challenging in a myriad of ways and may He bless us all with purity and peace of mind, body and soul. oh! and wealth in health!!!

stay sane peeps,

1 comment:

The Self Center said...

*jumpsupforjoyandbiscuits!* thank you che stinky for your words of encouragement (always nice).

it is true!! always when the darkest, scariest future of nothingness touches us or someone else, we tend to worry, feel sorry for them, panic! and sometimes even try to lay down solutions for them hoping/wanting that their nothingness becomes 'that fat paycheck that rules all'....almost everyone was shocked when i told them i left without 'a contingency plan' or a promise of a new job hehe..nak raya plak tue :)

dorang lupa larr (or tak tahu)....its me! its gua! its amyemeleea!!!!!!! *roar* ehe ehe ehe..