the day went past so fast till i just realised after the bus ride home just now, the fact that i haven't eaten much today. i had tuna puff in the morning, black coffee, err...2 and a half pieces of butter crackers, more black coffee, bits of rojak and then just now at starbucks this banana shake thingy *whichipukedoutafter*. i didn't want any coffe because i kinda overdosed on coffee today and i think my insomnia is slowly creeping back! *arrrgh!!!* maybe not but i'd be ready with some new tricks i learnt recently ;)
its midnite and it's number 2's 6th birthday today!!! happy birthday darling and you'd always be the apple of my eye. i've always wanted a boy and of course i am so very glad i have you. your poutiness and the shyness you have about you never fails to make me smile and yes....the streak of stubborness in you reminds me very much how you are mine! mine! mine! i'm going to take sometime tomorrow to write you your birthday letter which i will keep for safekeeping till you're a wee bit older to read my handwritting hehe
i met che lynn maharet who is even sweeter in person! yes..madam thank you for adding me on as your step father in multiply :D but if a step father i must be to view pics of the house then step father i shall be *lol* i also managed to catch up with missy JAH ;) who now is a proud owner of a cool XR!!! i'm glad to have made jaime's acquaintance and of course laugh at those silly but seriously fun times we had way back during our teens.
back home, bobby and shikino bought me purple organza cloth to sew into hari raya's baju kurung :) and i feel blessed. i'm serously thinking of taking up my motorbike license but we'll see how. bobby made me drool when he told me of a cool purple vespa that he thinks would be so cool for me. still *bah!* he said i should concentrate on school right now and quit jumping around like a monkey. kin~~~...thank you for being there *viasms* when i felt very sad today *hughug* i finished sending that email *longovberdue* to school with request to repeat my last 5 modules. otey so now you ALL know the truth >) che amyemeelea has been very jahat :P
last but not least *hugstopowwsters*
stay sane,
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
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its supposed to be StepFather/StepMother tau
dun knw y it ends up as stepfather..ahhaha.i willchange hor
poww u gotta change amy's photo in ur blog! she looks so different! sampai terbeliak mata i ahawh
nice meeting u amy ! mwahs!
hehe...ya ya...gua nyer gender pat multiply is male. its an ole habit from when i started out on the net. aktualli gua maseh konpius pasal gua nyer gender :P~
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