bobby was nice enough to lend me his bike he got for his birthday this year and i had really wanted to find something sporty to do hence it was cycling!!! knowing how rough i could be, he risked lending me his bike and even woke me up early on sunday. or! maybe he just didn't want me to tag along to his weekend sports sunday with his friends *hehe* but really that is how very supportive my bro is :) i had asked tash along but she forgot it was her maid's weekend off so after a lazy sunday morning sleeping in slightly late i set off to cycle all the way to Singapore Sports School and back...alone.
it's been probably years since i have been on a bicycle and i didn't really trust myself and was quite afraid but the need was a tad too strong, so cycle i did! it was great! tough the first few minutes because i had to figure the gears and find my own rythm and when i did it was exhilarating. i plugged in to class 95 and found myself singing and enjoying the hot sun. i didn't notice that the tyres were bit flat till after i reached the school and headed back to find the 'petrol place behind admiralty mrt' to pump the tyres and *hehe* but mana ada petrol station dar! turns out it was small bicyle shop bobby told me hunt for. so i put on my i-know-how-to-do-this stance and pumped away till i realised that the back tyres just wouldn't inflate. panicked for abit and called my bro and said , "eh! i busted your the rear tyre ah! how much to change ah?" to which he replied, "do you know how to pump or not?!" *siaked* " of course ah! kau ingat aku bodo ker?" :P so in the end i just got the guy to change it and paid 6 bucks for it. the ride back was even better! so i continued and rode further up till i felt really sweaty and rode back.
my legs cramped a bit but it was worth it ah :D and i swore i would make it a more regular thing. for the weekends when the 3 terrors are not with me at least. hopefully it could help me keep off the smokes but i wouldn't really bet on it *muahahah* i chilled under the block and rewarded myself with a cold drink afterwards and felt really happy because i did it!! *proudofmeself* the bike is still in the hallway and i can't wait to go again. will ask bobby to teach me to stash it away properly so that i don't have to bother him next time round.
i also went for a movie. two in fact last week and saw pirates of the carribean at the new cathay and it was good. earlier saw hard candy but it gave me a headache. very intense arr that movie but it was nice. have much reading to do and am looking forward to see kids tomorrow. work slides in easy at least these past few days, counting down to my last day and having many thoughts about what to do next. am really glad that i don't have to put up with the constipated enviroment :P still...i do hope i can find something part time to tide over the overhead. mummy dearest called to set a date and bring me out makan and celebrate my last day!! and nyce called just now to date me out for womad next weekend!!! *woohoo!!* i hope to meet up with sham and powwsters soon and well....till the next cross in the road ;)
stay sane and have a great weekend ahead! *breathless*
1 comment:
pasal dia tahu lu nak gie celebrate with prince harry!!! :P tapi takper..will record the moment for you and re-iterate at full steam ahead bila meet up ;)
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