Like I take the time to title every blog entry or take 2mins tops to think of a title and go go go!! so forgive me if at times u feel cheated when the title and content don't quite sit very well.
Another well spent weekend I must say, but too bad no pictures were taken because I didn’t put top priority to buying baterries for the camera. The reserves where needed elsewhere ;) so! It was a fun weekend for the 3 terrors, they made new friends and as expected, they were spotted to be super active. just look at the pic (courtesy of powwsters!) not one of the 3 terrors looked at the camera ler. and needless to say, running around trying to entertain 4 boys and 4 girls all below 12 years was one cool trip. i got the help of powwsters and the che sham and all was well until after the short break and terror 1 complained we didn't get to finish touring the centre. Terror 2 and 3 kinda spoiled the plan after getting thoroughly wet!! Will get the other 2 ala makciks*hehehe* to pass some more of the fotos they took. We went from one exhibit to another and zipped all around in and out of the science centre to explore the over 6000 or was it 600 exhibits? We saw a live iguana or some huge lizard (it was confiscated from some home) in the ecogarden and I wondered why it wasn’t sent to the zoo if it was an endangered species or something. And I didn’t know the tortoise we found the other day was an endangered species too! I convinced kak guy to let it go when they complained it was a smelly thing and kak tina thought it brought bad luck to the household. Skalik it was an ‘indian star’ tortoise dar…*tsk* knew there was something special with that one. But I guess, it wasn’t meant to be part of the household when it could have brought us trouble with the law. Can you imagine telling them we ‘accidentally’ found the tortoise! Sure tak percaya one. After a very tiring day, the kids slept like logs till 11am the next day :) but i'm glad they really enjoyed the outing. much heartfelt thanks to the 2 ala makciks and family that made it happen! and on Sunday we went swimming! We made another set of friends that day too and my short swimming lesson teaching terror no. 1 got curious stares from other parents. I told her that if she wants me to teach then she won’t be able to play-play and she has to think of me as her coach rather than mum. She spotted the difference and actually surprised me when she managed to actually listen and duly comply to my instructions. Then as a reward we all went to the baby pool to play catch. Terror 2 and 3 were not at all intrested to be bossed around so they stayed away, until after we all got to chill at the baby pool and happily splashed around. One parent asked if I taught swimming lessons to kids and funny I actually did think of it this week *hohum*
A call to ask if my cheque was ready for collection proved to be a bummer. I asked someone out on a date today that I thought would be pretty cool. There’s this free screening of short local films at the substation on every 1st Tuesday of every month!! Then later we could go lepak and talk about the films and who knows learn something more about him. Pendek kata! *shortsay*I think I scared him off for being to arty farty tak? I have no idea siak! So instead, will go to jaybee with the fab che shasha and hubby at 9pm :p and the search for my purusha will go on!
stay sane,
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