Saturday, November 04, 2006

Happy post-ever after!

Its been a heady week and I’m sure there’d be a few cases of extreme malaise *soundslikemalasmalaslmalas* going in circles making its rounds. I spy bulging tummies and aching feet but I’m sure the kiddies are having a whale of a time counting their fat fat collection. Maybe mummy and daddy would let you buy that fabulous something you have been eyeing for quite sometime now ehk? :)

i spent the first two days working and I said all my goodbyes to my week or so colleagues. They pressed me for hari raya goodies but I sadly this year I have none to share. Neway, I do intend to bake some post raya *maybeusepostcereal!* and could easily pass some to the guys since they are but 5 mins away. I got the 3 terrors last weekend and we had a blast! We went around zipping in bobby’s car and the kids gave bobby a huge headache *hehe* it was the sugar rush that made them do it *innocentlyblur* and on the last night before I had to send the 3 terrors home, we counted the money everyone had and went to spend it ALL on the things they want. Of course terror 1 and 2 got stuff for school too. Terror 1 was insistent about saving the money to herself and said that she needed it to pay for her school fees! :P so I said, “Suit yourself but terror 2 and 3 will be spending all of theirs just like last year at the bookshop.”I think it was the lethargy of having to be good and well behaved the whole of 2 days that crumbled her defense and having the other 2 terrors gloat didn’t help either. She stopped being so sensible and turned 6 years old the minute she stepped over the threshold to sprint to the color pencil section.

Right after that weekend I started work here in Shenton Way! I tried my damnest not to bitch, complain or find any fault with the everything new around me but it was hard. At least I think I did good or maybe I’m not really in a vent mood today. The whole office is away in Thailand for a short company trip. There is only ms. spittle (she speaks and you’d need an umbrella) and ms. I-know-better (as loud as me) to keep me company or the firm open. My very first official blog entry from work! some peace at last because ms.i-so-good-i-got-transferred is not breathing down my neck and giving me all the wrong info. Spent 2 days sorting 2 or possibly 3 months worth of filling only to be told I got it all wrong *shuddergerams*but I took it in stride and well…I shouldn’t be such a biting bitch. I finally got my wish and I could be anyone I like over here. But! Shaik al camel works right beside over at the next building and I bumped into him while on the way back from work last Tuesday. Damn! He knows why I switched from Marlboro menthol to sampoerna! :P

Called jo berok yesterday and he sounded so bleargh. He has finally succumbed to taking medication and is on a kind of anti depressant. He complained of major headaches and was told by the doctor that it is very normal. I told him to give me the details of it so that I could check why it is being used on him and if it really has side effects. I pray that he’d feel better soon. On a light note, the recent holidays will serve its backlash overflowing from moments of pure indulgence and I bet its results will be hilariously disastrous. Nyce!! Apsal lu kena masok hospital?! Sham! Gua pon miss lu! Poww! bila off? Eh gemok! Password da letak blom? >) imgigi! Jaga lu, siap nanti kena korban…

Stay sane peeps,

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