thats the nicest hari raya picture i can got of the 3 terrors. and funny, the camera could only store 20 pics :( and i dunno why because i would have loved to take MORE pictures of em. that is the difference between the old camera and these new digital ones. at least with the old one, you know exactly how many exposures you have and could use, with this! you kinda have to fiddle and pray you have some more space left. and it sucks battery life big time!!!!
so the 3 terrors lined up and terror 1 had to try hard to keep the other wriggling, fidgeting 2 still so that mama here can snap a nice picture. we thought the picture took the very essence of each and every character of the 3 terrors. terror 1 is the tallest and eldest who is a bit shy and sweet natured has both hands on her siblings. she is protective of them as much as one who rules with an iron fist over her siblings *heheheheh* ah! i have to laugh because her namesake was derived from a spanish line of warrior princesses. the cheeky boy is terror 2 who always has a good one or two tricks up his sleeves. he likes to purposely rile you up to elicit anykind of response from you, and i'm guessing its because he hardly gets much attention like the other two being just the boy. he's very vain!!!! just ask who is the handsomest boy in school and he would promptly say its HIM *tskkkk* :P and last but not least the cutest, smiling ever so wide one in gold is terror 3. do not be fooled by that oh-so-sweet-smile, cos when she's all riled up she can pout and sulk till milk curdles. and she screams too! in e sharp minor major-ear-drum-burst no less *muehehehehe* :P
stay sane,
Wonder if its the SD card. Anyways, it feels only yesterday that the third one was born but when i really think, obviously not. Salam Aidiladha dan Selamat Tahun Baru.
entah lar but will get my bro to take a look at it. maybe its the settings set too high or sumthing.
terror 3 is officially 3 plus now and am going to be 4 exactly in may 07 :D
eh your terror 3 ngan my tyrant 4 sama baya sey. And she's a May baby too..hurhurhur
muahahaha! can't deny larr..at that age still very kiut :)
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