No. I am not a teacher *whyshouldtheyknowALLthebigwords* No. I am not a communist *whataboutprogressivesoacialist?* No. I am not really a rat *ifeellikeonesometimes* No. I do not wear only black. *ilikeredtoo* No. I do not think going cold turkey will stop me from smoking. *beingpregnantdoeshehe* but YES! I am loud AND boisterously defiant. *orusually*
I left the office nearly 9pm today because the auditors are coming on Monday and I had to make sure everything was filed and bla bla bla…I surprised even myself by not kicking up a fuss when I was told to do this and that and was given dirty looks that read, “you are so incompetent and lazy” when I questioned shitte-o-tub on how exactly does she want her files to be filed. I knew she was bitching behind my back to anyone who was willing to hear and it didn’t get any better when as I just about to leave for lunch, I found my handphone missing! I called my phone from my desk and it rang and I could faintly hear surprise by radiohead from somewhere in the office so I went to hunt for it. Of course it stopped ringging soon after and knowing how careless I can be with my things sometimes, I really thought I misplaced it somwhere. The second time I rang, not surprisingly I got my voicemail instead. I tried a few times and went around the office to give everyone the evil eye but no one gave a shit. So, I shrugged my shoulders and called the people to immediately disconnect my line just in case it was really stolen. I didn’t want anyone calling long distance but I secure the phone with a security code so I didn’t worry too much. Then I changed my voicemail to annouce that my phone was stolen and to reach me at the office instead. I didn’t really have the mood to eat any lunch soon after but I couldn’t refuse free food :p and the fact that I had a mountain work to plough through later at the office so I will need the carbo to burn. It turned out, my phone quietly lay in switched off mode when I came back from lunch. I just opened my drawer and there it was. Apparently, someone thought it would be funny to hide my phone or maybe the intendee wanted to teach me to be more careful with my belongings I don’t know.
I am just glad to have it back. Right about now, I should have been with the 3 terrors but last minute the green eyed monster wanted to bring the kids out. Maybe to celebrate an early mommy’s day with new mommy but terror 1 wasn’t sulky or pouty about having to cancel our date today so I hope they enjoy themselves. We’ll just have to make do with whatever’s left of the weekend to celebrate terror 2 and 3’s birthday. Terror 3 is going to turn four this Sunday! And terror 2 is turning six the following Wednesday! It is also mommy’s day! So it is going to be busy, busy, busy and I am so looking forward to receive my prezzies. I already know what they are, my prezzies. They each come tagged as terror 1, 2 and 3 :) I already received mommy day’s wishes from friends, some early but all so drippingly sentimental sweet. The wallet I bought for one special mommy was refused so it is going to be given to another special mommy. I probably could guess why it was refused, but I shall not dwell on it. One’s lost, is another’s gain I firmly believe so all is still going to be well.
I miss my mom. And I wish she was still with me so that I could go about fussing around her. I think I saw that small wooden plaque I had made for her for mommy’s day once lying around somewhere. I had it say, ‘World’s Best Mom’ and gave it to her because it was so difficult for me to say it to her. She has mantle where she collects her oddities of china and rocco and stuff, so how better than to remind her of how much she means to me than have it up where she could be reminded of my feelings while dusting her favourites! :D but now, I can only hope my shout will reach her wherever she is.
“HAPPY MOMMY’S DAY MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I hope you’d be proud to know that I am now a mama myself and that I have the highest respect for everyone who is, are and will be once and always a mother. No. I don’t make plaques for everyone *hehe* but yes! I’d be obstreperous! I’d shout over the highest mountain to make it known and make sure she’s right there beside me to make sure the police don’t catch me and put me in IMH otey ;P
stay sane,
ps: think about someone you care about, and do something about it :)
Monday, May 14, 2007
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