Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The fox jumps over..

In trying to outfox our evolved emotional makeup, please make options your allies by simply remembering stuff below:-

God is not in the details: Go with gut feel and how do you build a good gut? Practice making decisions quickly about small things and routine purchases.

Don’t dwell: Rumination is a dastardly virus that kills any shred of hope in sight. Refuse to spend too much time regretting a decision or blaming yourself for a poor outcome. This is not the same as procrastination hehe. Instead learn from your mistakes and determine to do better.

Keep your expectations realistic: Do your time! And ensure that you do not place all your eggs in one basket too. Needing it all is guaranteed to make you unhappy and can you imagine if the basket broke?

Risk a wrong decision: (Putting all your eggs in one basket is not wrong but STUPID) The longer you sit on the fence; the bigger your shithole is gonna get haha. Fight emotional paralysis by seeing and believing that even making the “wrong” choice is often better than making no choice at all. Many of us learn through trial and error anyway, we got ahead and evolved by blundering our way through life than being a prick and avoid making decisions.

Don’t look back: glances are okay and checking blind spots is always nice but one must engineer their decisions so that it is binding and irreversible. Force yourself to buy final sales items or draw up contracts to state that you will not reverse course on a larger decision. Or better, lose the receipt of your purchases and there goes all your claims :p

Happy anniversary to me!!!!!!!

“Not agonizing about a choice is a choice in itself~ Nando Pelusi”

Stay sane,

Ps: case in point is case closed lar!

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