Monday, April 06, 2009

typing happy :)

Thomas Hood once said:
“But evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart!”

Wow…tup tap tup tap..It’s been two months and it was pure denial on my part because I JUST realized that I actually really thought it’s been only one month since the dumping experience. Time was just LOST in the lalang *TSSk* >( Yes, yours truly was dumped. Clearly it hasn’t been too difficult to read in between the lines or lack thereof right? :p

Naturally, our problem had been mutually dissected and discussed of course but at the end of the day, the offer of the only and one thing left not tried and tested is to see other people. We each attested to the fact that we did each our best to save us but in the end…jeng..jeng..jeng. The End. I shall reserve my comments for fear of backlash *hurhurhur* or bad karma but one thing for sure. There is always always two side of the story and what should be laid to rest shall have my hopes of peace babe..for peace! For peace *cewah!* maybe who knows in the future, this chapter of my live can also serve as funny fodder for the self in reflection. Of course it shall retain the pedas-ness of my mulot laser and hati sangat sakit memikirkan nya >) its normal what, the dumpee is the victim! And I shall stick to that story thank you.

Kes paksa tau tak terpaksa dan siapa paksa will be put behind to where it MUST be. And you know how I snapped out of my wanita melayu terakhir berangan phase? It was hearing him tell me on our last meeting, “Now you don’t need to look for me” *passing barang* I was nonchalant to his repartee, trying to act blur and still playing cool yeah…thinking, I shall prove to you I totally understand how I had rammed you to make such a decision to check out alternatives. For I do not deny, yours truly is and not easy to fathom nor am I easy to understand. Yesh, love is often not enough and memang cinta itu BUTA! *sigh* love is blind isn’t it? yes please hammer me on my head as I was still aiming at arrows of "bela lar sayer!!~~~” *sniffsniff* in the span of the months following the 'lets' be friends phase playing limbo rock hati, in hopes that the tide by some magic or divine intervention would work in my favour. almaklum, i see myself as a traditionally liberal women. Roughly translates to I do not mind people calling me "perigi cari timba" but I do mind when you play mind games with me. Or was it my own asking? Hrmmm???

Alas, it only took his soft but final “NO NEED” to my face to release me! Amboi macam nak jatuh talak siak :p but that’s how I felt lar. And again….incident after incident just proved me that the spoken word backs up what’s in your heart best and turns truth in action. I refer to ongoing debate and discussion on between “niat dan perbuatan” and let each to their own. Sesungguhnya gua berfeeling emo apabila tergerak hati mengikuti jejak langkahmu. He does work in mysterious ways : ) *Amin* so be FREE my still beating heart YEAHhooOOOOOOOooooo….and so it shall be all dust in the wind *poohkiri!poohkanan!!*

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Genesis 3:19

Yerlar..TAKKAN nak gua pie taruk talkin untuk sifulan hati gua yang mati nyer tak? Nanti seremsssssssssssssssssss……sendirik! *muahahahaha* I am feeling the flow and typing this as it flows. New inspiration to be real *notDEAD* and as it is from following and reading newly added escribitionistas that I chanced upon while blog-hopping. Yes, energy levels on the peak and adding on to increase steam to push ahead! I must say doamu harapan ku! Dan terima kasih to you for lepas-ing me dari tersiksa batin. Moga kau berbahagia disamping yang tersayang :) NOTA : TER – is used for ‘to love most’ and di – is used to describe “The Loved”. Danke many many! ariogato alompak a go go biks muse! Patah tumbuh hilang berganti? Jangan nak banyak gentel bola tue lari *lolol* dan akan ku daki bukit candu berbekal kan nasik lemak untuk mengundang semangat leftanan adnan *feewit* untuk celebrate LIBERATION!! sayang plak nak main tanam-taman dan buang-buang nie kan? BUT! what needs to be doen SHALL be done....

For you, me and all….BE FREE…


Ps: I shall fly and still get HIGH! But it shall be done very much legally hehehehehe… >)

p p s: kepada math tuition chicher ku~, TERIMA KASEH! *singgers*

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