Friday, May 01, 2009


i just tried to call the terrors on ms. hipsdiot phone only to have her scream "this is not my phone!" repeatedly at me. i could hear her only legal in thailand stepmum *hurhurhur* at the back sounding off warnings and i sure felt like smacking some faces. there is so much one can tolerate of course and i'd rather hold my tongue till the head gives permission for something equally positive and constructive to spew forth. sheesh...if only i can just have just one face off with the unmentionables, wouldn't my life be just grand? :p

ms. hipsidiot is the classic evil stepsister from reports and apprently the terrors can only skulk in fear when they have to face her wrath. ms. hipsdiot is 9 going 10 and has a curly scraggly short hair. she has her mum's height and features definately but what surprises me is the evidence of outright audicity of a GIRL that age to literally scream at her MUM for anything amiss. of course i feel angry when i witness her tantrums, espescially when it is directed to the terrors but realistically there is lilttle i cna do. i just ease away my worries by gloating that the terrors no matter how terror they each can be have NEVER had the courage to even try to raise thier voice at me and THAT ms. hipsdiot is NOT my daughter *hehehe* with regards to being physically abused, i am trying to 'teach' the terrors to not just turn the other cheek but practice instead assertive defense. they have been 'trained' by young to not resolve to physical fighting unless its called 'contact sports' and instead opt for more peaceful resolves, usually it must involve an adult as mediator. fights must be fair as in love and war, the wittier the better to encourage better excercise of the grey matter of course. but apprently this does not work in thier family. the complaintnants * the terrors* are most often turned away by the adults in the house. they 'trust' this tyrant of nearly 10 to be the eldest with responsibilty. and hitting is permissable and sometimes they say, papa just dismiss them with "nevermind, not purposely" to every lodge complaint. so now my problem is that the terrors turned out to be mere pussycats apprently in face of tyranny, prefering to patiently swallow any kind of abuse and it bothers me.

i heart the terrors for thier patience and faith in the Almighty to deal fair blow on thier behalf to the said opressors but then i draw the line at being physically abused. espescailly among siblings. we fight all the time and will have squabbles over the tiniest things but hitting the head with a book? smacking the face and body till it leaves marks? i could go insane thinking about the stuff i have heard and seen done by ms. hipsdiot!!! *ROARRRRRRRRRRR* so now the terrors have been instructed to pick up arms and understand that standing up and fighting back to these mean people is not a sin. defending your rights within boundaries is more admirable than taking it lying down and let your oppressors scoot away free. if the adults will not be fair or refuse to pay attention then grab that attention you deserve and demand you get fair trial!!! *ugh!!* still the terrors refuse. they said, it will only turn to be worse for them as the evil step sister is vengeful to add and its much easier to avoid confrontations *bah!humbug* maybe..maybe they say, always hoping and praying that one fine day ms. hipsidiot get her JUST desserts.

but why is that when its problems between the 3 of them, its so easy to throw that punch or quick to retort with something verbally vile? so its okay to fight among the three of them but not agaisnt the evil step sister? something is definately wrong here and i'll be damned if i don't get to the bottom of it. SOON! and i mean it!! i might just make you shit in your pants when i'm just about done with you. you can say that i have like 20 plus odd years being the bully at home *i still love you bobby and i never did repeat the same tricks twice wot hehe* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....and mama legal only in thailand, i know you're waaaaaaay older than me lar and you single handedly *or so i heard* brought up your own chldren after your divorce but but but.........................eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekS~~~ aren't your ashamed at being BULLIED by your own children? no wonder you prefer the terrors anyday to your own woman! cosh seriously, i may be the away mama BUT i sure hell hold a lot more respect from my terrors than you could ever TEACH your kids *mueheheheeh* so please ehk, don't have any AIRS because by blood your not thier MOM and legally by law your're NOT thier mom least in singapore. HELL lar!! i don't see how you deserve being MOM to any of the kids at all?? *pttttuiiii* secara hukum you have the 'rights' as ibu tiri. almaklum da nikah aper. tapi mak eh....kalau nak model diri tue serupa mithali, ingatlar yang kita nie maseh lagi terikat hukum dunia jugak! kalau ini cara mak eh..besok lusa, anak sendrik kaweng lari pastue dia cakap, "mama dulu kaweng pat thailand per" tak boleh nak salahkan anak-anak tue tau. peringatan kepada dua anak beranak ini...mama terror aksyen lar taknak tunjuk belang tapi pikirkan lar, air yang tenang yang selalu banyak ikan piranas! ishkk! sakit jiwa siak meikirkan nya...cuma waktu saya lebih bagus digunakan untuk mendidik saya dan anak-anak serupa terrors supaya bedoa dan usaha jangan larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...kiter sumer nie terjebak dan terbabit dengan &*^&^^$^$%#%#^&*#&*(&(& awak anak beranak!


stay sane,

mama JAHAT

ps: don't worry, i fear retribution more than death at second ;)

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