so far he's proved to stay true to his promises although the time difference and everything else in between at random do stick up my ass in details that shall not see light of day anytime soon hehehehe...
i still havent' got round to clear the wifi thingy and all in all there wasn't much ado and TO DO..unless you count the realllllllllllllllly mundane stuff that lists of as wakey, eat, sleep, wakey, work, bummed, fagged and then shitttttttttttttttttte hits the fan before sleep, more eats and then yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the fancy farts that i allow hehehe..
kiddos all good this Eid morning with terror one greeting me with a 'i KNEW IT" when i called this morning. terror 2 could have sounded better but he was earlier teased by a rude rabbit and so i had to ask very nicely for terror 3 (the rabbit in question) to STAY away from the pouty and cranky terror 2. my bet is he can't gorge himself on the raya goodies for tipping the scales but a shot of teevee and hopefully random sweet will turn his pouts away. i am also quite sure he is getting crank hol moods from me vibes all the way from woodslaland~ :p hey~, mama terror is allowed to be wistful and full of longing so i guess a teeny bit of melodrama on Eid morning is always allowed.
bo and kin left earlier and made me cry before they left. i had 2 helpings of 'lauk raya', which is really the usual local traditional fare of sayur lodeh, sambal goreng and lontong! one HUGE helping last night in geylang and then the other this morning with bonkin while watching teevee. where its the usual sing and dance of raya yeayyyyyyyyyyyy~!
pyramids? the eye? camels and sand up our cracks??? hrmmmmmmmmm...brain short circuited by salty rivulets...yet again...........BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
j~~..............OUT of many ONE..and so much i wish for my wish to come true. heard me from the peaks i hope?! as i did my best (and yet to come) to hear my shoutsSSSSS........new beginnings 2010?! woooooooooooooooooooaaaah! no no NICE...it SHALL be explicitLY "E Pluribus Unum"~
stay sane,
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