Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hung Up and Down over…

Respect has to be earned not given.

It has been said too many times and most expected from another.

How does one earn respect from another?

Well, whatever rocks your boat or flies your canoodle one must say! Then the flow of conversation will go on hopefully on equal measure. Slimy is the one who replies to EVeRYTHING using ‘it depends on the situation’ as an answer every time.

I hate yous. It just means to me that your brains a fried lar and you need more time to phrase your answer to appear less stupid muahahaha..cheeky bastard. But I like you more than just enough which is why I patiently sexplainED the rhetoric to you dumbass so that I can get to know you better or LESS. In this case the baseline for either depends on how much VALUE *kaching!* you add into my life. As of current real-time, it looks like its leaning towards more on the scale of NO MORE PLEASEEEEEE…

I also hate it when someone tries to start a conversation with me with “so how you doing?” errr…u haven’t SEEN me in the flesh for like ages and you ask me smack in the face over nice dinner that lamest ever question? Besides I always associate joey from the sitcom friends whenever someone says that. Also! It’s a standard greeting at work for me!!! I go “Morning so and so..” and EVERYTIME and almost everyone in my office will reply with that.
oooPs! Why should the world revolve around my likes and dislikes right?


It’s because I CAN, CARE and WILL make the world revolve just right about me and those close by into my universe. Why do you think we like role playing games best?!! *slapforehead* oh yeah~, I forgot you fried your brains.

Not an assumption of course, I so KNOW how you fried your brains muehehehe..SO please stay away from the bimbos and himbos can? And when you do date the ever affable mary jane, balance and restraint is the key beb ;)

Stay sane,

ps: no emoley and damn i need an answer for november! >(

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