i have so much to say but i have only the energy to quote from wiki!
"Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused directly by God himself. (A related theory, which has been called 'occasional causation', also denies a link of efficient causation between mundane events, but may differ as to the identity of the true cause that replaces them).[1] The theory states that the illusion of efficient causation between mundane events arises out of God's habitual causing of one event after another. However, there is no necessary connection between the two: it is not that the first event causes God to cause the second event: rather, God first causes one and then causes the other."
the thing is....how the hell did i miss this ehk? reading ALL that stuff on philosophy bla bla bla?
more thoughts on above later because.....just popped to flu pills...i need a break man.
stay sane,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
fooh february!

another 2 more weeks to go and here comes mad march! i had a looooooooooooong weekend with the terrors and it must have been a 'normal' enough weekend that they rewarded me with a nice "alo mama!!" phonecall today *grins*
it wasn't anything fancy and we had the pleasure of a kind (but i really doubt this) soul taking ALL of us out for the movie "the imaginarium of dr. parnasuss" and makan at spize. i thought i saw a familiar face who seemed shocked i had 3 terrors in tow but yeaps....TOTAL TIGA beb ;)*flickshair* the movie was was was confusing for the terrors as they were dressed for a romp in the hot sun. instead we had to endure a highly fantastical movie about making choices and the damn cold in the movie theater. FAIL! but bearable lar because the terrors are appreciative freeloaders like their mama *hurhurhur* it was our very first valentine's day but i didn't dare make any comment about it because it might just jinx the mood. then it was more movie time at mama teena's place and loads of homework *bleargh* somewhere in the middle the terrors and me had to go through family counselling with the mighty rotan though. i of course had to swallow tears and listened to the sob stories. sibling rivalry is rife among the terrors but praise be to Him; He who gives us the strength and heal with love to slowly plod against all negativity. we end up sleeping hugging each other every night *awwwwwwwwwsniff*
i still had time for soccer with the gals at east coast but i was angsty. not at the terrors who might have kinda put me in a flux of emotions but more so of a case of a parasite friend. so anyway, we were LUCKY to gain an extra free hour so i could kick with much gusto and poof! my angry angry feelings evaporated. i had the pleasure of welcoming new gals into the team and boy did i enjoy kicking balls! mr. superpoliceman was kind (and as usual longgggggggggwinded) about the hitch back ride home but it was the least i could do and listen to him rant about 'nothing' *UGH* but okaylar small price to pay rather than i had to take the bus back from east coast oits! back to yishun. the terrors were asleep by then and i had the usual round of nitemares to accompany. terror 3 was still awake waiting for me *kishkish* the good thing about not sleeping well is that i woke up earlier than the terrors and made breakfast. made the terrors happy campers.
on the very last day of the extended weekend, i met up with the cellaraid gang for the girly party and we had fun. more plans ahead and all looks good so far till the next event. bobi drove us home and it was an awkward drive back, guards were up but i let my 'condescending' attitude just chill.....*phew*
back to work today still feeling lethargic so headed straight home. i updated myself with family gossip and could not offer much but show of family support. dearest uncle going through some hard times but after talking to him, i'm confident he'd do okay lar. bobi doubt he'd return my call but!!!!!!!!!!! sincerity and genuine warmth (not kaypohness hor) won another round *BOOhoooooooooo!*
i got lapicits to settle down on my my LAP for once and actually wanted to blog about a very special friday night. no mood now..all lost. maybe when i gather my thoughts on another day. work beckons and i don't want to be late ah tomorrow.
tonite......its to conjure dreams of crushes *smacklips* in colors of RED.
Au voire! stay sane!!
ps: there is nothing like a faker farker. they go limp at the merest hint of truth and originality tau TAK! *debik*
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
looming weekend..

lunch today at the paragon with work guys was *burp* very nostalgic..i saw ex colleagues and then witnessed crown prince hotel which is now park hotel being torn down *sniff*
had one of the bestest dinner last nite with lil dee and her friend wee rosie at rochestor and it totally rocked. i came back pretty mellowed by the grape juice and lamb chops i had. it would seem my appetite is coming back. not unlike terror 2's bits of raging hunger. only food of the tastiest morsels hokay~ *burpPPPPP*
maybe its that time of the month i couldn't be sure but well, as long as its picking up and i gain more meat! no soccer this week and i didn't sign up at the gym yet so its only sexcercise in the bedroom cleaning up my perpetual mess. which! is coming along pretty nicely i must say, except for the fact that i have got clothes all over everywhere *hohum* hence another on the to buy list is something that could hold my clothes. i have thrown out a good number of things i have not worn for a year? maybe more because i keep wearing the same things anyway. i didn't even bother to recyle or anything because many were so worn and tattered anyway.
i did laundry so that means i have to fold! fold! fold! and youtube is acting up *pout* how like that? uploading pictures now and then also thinking whether i should watch another episode of mentalist while folding up? hell no...maybe tomorrow or during the long weekend ahead. am not sure if the terrors will be let out so standby stuff to do *muahaha* like house work? *gulps* or MAYBE..i could just snooze and be a bear!
it already damn tuesday and on monday i got pissed by 'hakuna matata' *prfttttttttttttt* don't ask me why but yeah...it sounded just SO WRONG that morning. apprently these claws need sharpening *tweakkkkkkkkkkkscreeeeeech* and i might just have found someone to act as scratch post! >) ooOoooo..besh besh but still trying to be the sweet kitty that i am while i can still try to let go. choosing my battles carefully yo! i dragged the last one long enough and costs me 1 of my kitty life. still, i can count on a few stubborn ones more to back me up. no wastage there :) *emptyemptyyyyyyyyyy*
no song will get to this mangled heart, no sweet partying sorrows able to drown the loss i feel. yet honesty is my kindred spirit bearing hope anew. i say a prayer of much love for you, you, you. just please STAY out and don't come back. and to a particular superpoliceman.........*ptuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiii* i spit on your disguised ego tactics of oh-much-pity-to-ya offerings.
i can't help you man. i thought i told you that but yet..YET..YETTTTTTTTTTTTT....you chew on my olive branch of peace and tell me its your spit, that's MY CURE? damn..whose the hell do you think you are anyway? go away please with your superpowers. i used to 'own' a superman myself (who could tell time with no watch in sight hurhurhur) but he turned out to be crapdoodle. well yeah..i had something to do with his mutation into a mongstar!!! *just look at mr. green eyes* so before i turn you into shitte, dust....fleeting memory....just chill bro.
look the other way please :D
"I keep six honest men (they taught me all i knew); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. ~ Rudyard Kipling, The Elephants Child"
stay sane,
Thursday, February 04, 2010
big nite out! its da MUSE i concert
the last huge concert i been to was mc hammer *lolol* ok laugh laugh..but yes. his then wife or still wife, the famous infamous ms. whitney made a guest appearence. so now u know why i bought a pair of mc hammer pants *slapslap!* so after been to many local gigs *okay...notosmany* i decided to..GET tickets to watch MUSE. saosin and rise against (i didn't know of them due to old age) opened for them and it was AWESOME lar! i had wanted to go with terror 1 but its a school night do plans were shelved. the others i knew who were into muse were too broke to go (bobi inculded) so to be fair to ALL i know and knew *sniggers* ..i went ALONE. yes......alone! i took half day leave and then bobi said i was 'buang tebiat' which is slighly mad or neurotic to go to a mega rock concert alone. but why the hell not?! i love muse *dankechepowwandsaikodelica* for first introducing them to me and i haven't stopped loving them eversince. how better than to indulge by going to see them LIVE! i am suffering from aches and pain now. head is thobbing still but it was MEGA gerekness and pengsi to the MAX! they played thier latest and bestest from thier latest album. and seriously....here's a video *my first attempt!* of me at the concert going OI! OI! Oi!!!!!! *jumpjump*
and i promised bobi, who sulked *outofjealousy* that the NEXT concert, i shall ask him if he wants to come. say RADIOHEAD! or PINK FLOYD? he mentioned deep purple lar but hrmmmmm..we'll just have to see about budget :p bobi can't really complain because HE has gone to slipknot and Mr. big hor! and while i was very much delirious to stick within budget and buy the second most expensive tickets, bobi only wanted the VIP ones. oi! beggars can't be choosers and OH yearghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....it was MUSE baybeh! anywa, shikino said, she'd take him to hongkong to watch muse *wowWEEEE* so hey lil bro, i wish someone WOULD damn do that for moi *heheheh*
kasik chan ah akak kau nie kan? ;)
HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jahat!;) *waveswaves* and oh yeah...it was to muse and then back to concuss from muse. too bad mr. superpoliceman? whaddayaEXPECT?! MUAHAHAHAHAH.....that night was meant for me, myself and moi. threes a crowd and to add you? was JUST OUT OF THE PICTURE. thanks for the ride to and back though :D as i said, you did a good job of making sure i was safe. the taxi q was a mile long and damn it was packed. it could have definately gone WILDER but yeah...i shall save my tebiat for the NEXT concert and this time i promise myself....SOBER...i will be SOBER! *woahahahaha*
LOST beb....confirm gua tros LOST...and excerpt below:-
"no ones gonna take me alive. time has come to make things right. you and i must fight for our rights. you and i will fight to survive."
HELL YES..can't say it better myself *wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
stay sane,
and i promised bobi, who sulked *outofjealousy* that the NEXT concert, i shall ask him if he wants to come. say RADIOHEAD! or PINK FLOYD? he mentioned deep purple lar but hrmmmmm..we'll just have to see about budget :p bobi can't really complain because HE has gone to slipknot and Mr. big hor! and while i was very much delirious to stick within budget and buy the second most expensive tickets, bobi only wanted the VIP ones. oi! beggars can't be choosers and OH yearghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....it was MUSE baybeh! anywa, shikino said, she'd take him to hongkong to watch muse *wowWEEEE* so hey lil bro, i wish someone WOULD damn do that for moi *heheheh*
kasik chan ah akak kau nie kan? ;)
HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jahat!;) *waveswaves* and oh yeah...it was to muse and then back to concuss from muse. too bad mr. superpoliceman? whaddayaEXPECT?! MUAHAHAHAHAH.....that night was meant for me, myself and moi. threes a crowd and to add you? was JUST OUT OF THE PICTURE. thanks for the ride to and back though :D as i said, you did a good job of making sure i was safe. the taxi q was a mile long and damn it was packed. it could have definately gone WILDER but yeah...i shall save my tebiat for the NEXT concert and this time i promise myself....SOBER...i will be SOBER! *woahahahaha*
LOST beb....confirm gua tros LOST...and excerpt below:-
"no ones gonna take me alive. time has come to make things right. you and i must fight for our rights. you and i will fight to survive."
HELL YES..can't say it better myself *wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
stay sane,
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