another 2 more weeks to go and here comes mad march! i had a looooooooooooong weekend with the terrors and it must have been a 'normal' enough weekend that they rewarded me with a nice "alo mama!!" phonecall today *grins*
it wasn't anything fancy and we had the pleasure of a kind (but i really doubt this) soul taking ALL of us out for the movie "the imaginarium of dr. parnasuss" and makan at spize. i thought i saw a familiar face who seemed shocked i had 3 terrors in tow but yeaps....TOTAL TIGA beb ;)*flickshair* the movie was was was confusing for the terrors as they were dressed for a romp in the hot sun. instead we had to endure a highly fantastical movie about making choices and the damn cold in the movie theater. FAIL! but bearable lar because the terrors are appreciative freeloaders like their mama *hurhurhur* it was our very first valentine's day but i didn't dare make any comment about it because it might just jinx the mood. then it was more movie time at mama teena's place and loads of homework *bleargh* somewhere in the middle the terrors and me had to go through family counselling with the mighty rotan though. i of course had to swallow tears and listened to the sob stories. sibling rivalry is rife among the terrors but praise be to Him; He who gives us the strength and heal with love to slowly plod against all negativity. we end up sleeping hugging each other every night *awwwwwwwwwsniff*
i still had time for soccer with the gals at east coast but i was angsty. not at the terrors who might have kinda put me in a flux of emotions but more so of a case of a parasite friend. so anyway, we were LUCKY to gain an extra free hour so i could kick with much gusto and poof! my angry angry feelings evaporated. i had the pleasure of welcoming new gals into the team and boy did i enjoy kicking balls! mr. superpoliceman was kind (and as usual longgggggggggwinded) about the hitch back ride home but it was the least i could do and listen to him rant about 'nothing' *UGH* but okaylar small price to pay rather than i had to take the bus back from east coast oits! back to yishun. the terrors were asleep by then and i had the usual round of nitemares to accompany. terror 3 was still awake waiting for me *kishkish* the good thing about not sleeping well is that i woke up earlier than the terrors and made breakfast. made the terrors happy campers.
on the very last day of the extended weekend, i met up with the cellaraid gang for the girly party and we had fun. more plans ahead and all looks good so far till the next event. bobi drove us home and it was an awkward drive back, guards were up but i let my 'condescending' attitude just chill.....*phew*
back to work today still feeling lethargic so headed straight home. i updated myself with family gossip and could not offer much but show of family support. dearest uncle going through some hard times but after talking to him, i'm confident he'd do okay lar. bobi doubt he'd return my call but!!!!!!!!!!! sincerity and genuine warmth (not kaypohness hor) won another round *BOOhoooooooooo!*
i got lapicits to settle down on my my LAP for once and actually wanted to blog about a very special friday night. no mood now..all lost. maybe when i gather my thoughts on another day. work beckons and i don't want to be late ah tomorrow.
tonite......its to conjure dreams of crushes *smacklips* in colors of RED.
Au voire! stay sane!!
ps: there is nothing like a faker farker. they go limp at the merest hint of truth and originality tau TAK! *debik*
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