Tuesday, March 23, 2010

own up!

i am one of those peeps who wll not own up to my own fart!



weekend came and went and although i must say i enjoyed every single second of it, i go feel a tiny twige of regret as well. BUT! in cases of self denial, i shall NOT own up to it instead....

i shall preservere to dig deep into my books!

and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

for tomorrow is another day at the office :p

plus my papers to write and also to fill in my journal in big tent. wait! not forgettting countdown to a meeting with legal aid next week after work. hrmmmmmmm...so i shall get that spanking new phone right? shall i go with the android or not ehk? or should i stick to a symbian nokia? UGH...

why does surah An-Nisa keep popping up?

okay...investigate besok..

stay sane,

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