
peektures stolen from facebook because mine suck of course :p the video of the wedding turned out to be great! and yeah...the cynic ala jaded moi when it comes to weddings went into hiding for abit ;) my niece will do alright or even better and i wish all the gals the LOVE of this lifetime and many times over *amin* with oka nana, anis manis, maria fudgey married..last count i have 3 more weddings to look forward to for this bunch of sweethearts *whimper* and yeaps! before that...a nice trip to bali with the gals to make up for lost losssssssssssssst time *bows* let's hope my leave gets approved once i go past my PROBATION at work :D
yeaps.............this wee thang has gotten A JOB :p *yeeeeeeeeeeeHAH* last but not least, the gals made me pose with the sri lalat thingy because ITS a RARE shot of moi in kebaya *gasp* dehemit! i really need to work on how to read html aper kejadah so that i could do the justice for my posts layouts *pouts*
stay sane,
ps: We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way. ~ John Holt xoxoxox
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