Thursday, November 18, 2010


"i wish i can pass all my exams and be very good in my math and art tool~ Terror 1"

that was posted on my google chrome courtesy of terror 1 who was here over the weekend. it was a girls weekend without terror 2 who got a trip to malacca with his favorite cousin because he aced his year end exams. yeaps, the boy got first place *woots!* and already he has asked for a beyblade as a prize.

i had wanted to post a short poem i wrote about wishing stars but since now it has been replaced by the above, i stand firm to jotting my notes in pen and paper. she obviously was following my train of thoughts when she posted the above and good to know she's very serious about her studies and art *ahems* wishes are of course nothing without the aid of hardwork and the detrmination to follow your dreams wherever it may lead you. notwithstanding the insurmountable obstacles that can stand in ones way. like mine perhaps...of wishes to have a home to call my own. to have the terrors with me, to be at my beck and call *hurhur* to bully and kiss goodnight. everynight in fact :)

which brings me to wax lyrical about my bumps into wishes coming true of late. of these are personal of nature, not shared by kinship. these too are wishes of security, understanding and lots of giving, of doing things at random and purely out of simple desires. promises of nothing asked in return and actually fufilling acts of desire that races the pulse and so heats the loins it emanates heat *blush*

i've been granted by genie or the celestial of the enigma i have so chased and yearned for but in its surreal beauty i still have yet to grasp where it all leads to and ask about its destination. i want to avoid being extremely literal here because one should always practice caution when wishing for the ethereal. in case of it turning to 'wishful thinking' or worst literally granted word for word :p for then it will surely lose its magic yes?

define having all your dreams and wishes come true and humbly give thanks i believe is the best that one can ever do. as they don't often come true as easily as they appear to be. not without sacrifice i realise but i am willing to just this once lead myself to believe hope springs eternal for those willing to give themselves up as i did and plunge into bliss. just this moment to savour and believe, i too am deserving of wishes coming true, not one but three and oh so easily ;)

okay tido!

stay sane,

ps: ah so~ mood jiwangs sua mari melambai-lambai but here! here! the cynic and realist me still lurks.

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