Wednesday, December 29, 2010

don't bite me yet!

first! it was the call of a need from a prick of a ghost that wouldn't die. even after i put in a LOT of trust that this friendly ghost was a happy free wandering back to his wifey every night ghost. but it didn't really bother me so much, i'd get a rational scientific explanantion from the scientist when he gets on the phone tonight ;p

then it was an email from makcik Jberoks..a follow up on teleconversation to comply to datelines and threats of unleashing the auditors on me. BOO YAH! ooOooo yeah...i'm so blaaardy scared~ that i'm shitting my pants. NOT. i ordered mcdonalds instead and then felt super bloated. verdict on samurai burger..its too sweet and never order a DOUBLE. meat is still just sitting there. UGH!~

ultimately the sharpest bite from draggy wednesday was a check on my bank accounts. i needed to do banking and saw that there was 600 bucks missing. i called the bank and hey told me "err...yeah..its being held by IRAS." nabooooooooooooooo, nabeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh my head screamed. i thought we had settled this?! *)(*(*^&%^$%$@$#@$%!%#^!&*#^(!*&#( so i smsed the boss for a morning run to beg for my money back tomorrow morning. granted! *phew* just hope they find me pitiful and GIVE ME BACK my money evil crapdoodles. its not even my fault in the first place that they told me they received all the ncesssary and then not confirm my taxes just because i need to personally declare my earnings. hell! i thought we are super efficient singaporeans. does my commie views have something to do with this? haven't i been lying low with my comments *ahems* about singapore?!!! do you REALLY need my vote next year hence this lesson to punish me and make me go through all this bureaucratic shitttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. actually, i'm confident it'd be another walkover and i won't get to vote but what did i do WRONG! dehemit ler...i'm just a lowly paid rat in a far far away old...yes OLD condominium ley.

anywho, i seriously need to cut down on eats and detox for this week man :( a run will feel good now to dispel all the bad vibes from today.

mencik ah!

ps: when no one trusted you to do good, i did. and every single time you managed to prove them right and me wrong. WHAT THE FARK IS wrong/right with you?!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

defragmentation 2011..

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find those worth suffering for.~ Bob Marley"

i'm back to running. my thighs hurt. shall i draw up resolutions? must i think of 2011. birthday countdown. i miss terrors. marry to love, love to marry (no this is NOT a movie title). i hate my accounts (meaning YOU makcik Jberoks) in charge. i have NO lift to new flat! 3 more days to 2011. i want to eat white peeper crabs. i have 600 minutes left for calls to india. tuching is tanduki major. noooOOOOoooooooo thunder thigggggggggghs!!!! one to wear and the other to smell. YES! to birthday trip. defrag! defrag! still fire is most cleansing. burn baby BURN. ashes don't hurt, won't cause suffering. at most mata pedih masok debu :D

otey sane,
kitty's going back home *purrrRR*

ps: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! to gedung songo! *biteskama*

Monday, December 27, 2010

it creeps and then wham!

greatness! i have found a room for myself in woodlands. it wasn't too difficult to decide because dateline was end of this year or at LEAST by january (my next birthday). that was what i promised bobi anyway.

i was a bit hesitant to tell bobi about the move, of course lar! he threw a pot at the wall when i tried to move earlier this year! so i wanted to be very subtle and gentle with my 'good news' lest he gets very emotional about it but i believe shikino has sorted him out since then and convinced him that its better to let me go if i wanted too because shortly afters he was sharign with me about his plans to move out to a SMALLER place. because i am so proficient with reading in between lines, the part where he said "what will happen to you?" was replied accordingly with "i won't die lar of course. i'd move out and i'll start looking right away." i remember this conversation succinctly because it was one of the lowest periods of this year when i got retrenched and worried about getting a new job.

i guess that was a good time for bobi as any other to tell me about his plans to upgrade to a condominium lar :p and that he won't have space of lil wee me. i felt the dent in my heart right after but i took it all in because i'm the lousy good for nothing sister you see. so this is penance i told myself. serve me right for being such a freeloader all this while (even though at i freeloaded at his behest or maybe i imagined this?!). the optimistic in me turned to look on the brighter side after a bout of sleepless nights. i was suffering from heartache you see.

so after that i've been more or less ready to move out and one of the things to do was to cut of the starhub connections at home. THIS was the very thing that gave me the window to slip past bobi about moving out. as usual i 'borrowed' his landline to check on email and such and he was nagging at me about how inconvenient it was for him. so he was urging me to go get my internet fixed or at least get a wireless thing going on soon. BINGO! an opening for me to 'selit daun' about my move....his reply was "wow, is this an early christmas present for me?".

yeakdish!~ okay that hurt-ED. it must have showed on my face because he tried to give me chocolates he bought from his turkey trip. i declined because i heard my phone and i knew it was kama. i buried my hurt at his callous reply with kama's soothing hellos from kay el :) well, i'm glad that bobi is happy with with early christmas gift. who knew that the timing was just RIGHT.

stay sane,

ps: i had to repeat the above conversation in the car for shikino's benefit. at least she was silent in her replies. i must learn that IF i ever need to talk to bobi about anything..shikino MUST be around or bear witness lar. penat tau repeat2 :p and here i thought their communication was tight *prrrft*

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

double digits countdown..

every year around this time, i be counting down to my birthday. it has always been a big deal for me as birthdays remind me of my mama and dad who'd fuss over parties and invite the whole neighborhood, family and friends to celebrate with me. it meant games, balloons and loads of presents! not forgetting how i look forward to kak long dolling me up to feel pretty. i'd be in a lace frock and i remember i sulked a lot too (i was a natural at that) if i didn't get things done my way. HEY! its my birthday attitude i still carry to this day.

as i got older, mama didn't fuss too much but she will always try to make it special. by my early teens i was to hold my own parties if i wanted any but she did promised a sweet 16th and my 21st party planned to be huge as she did for all her kids. mama didn't live past my 14th birthday :) but dad did alright and for my 16th i received a heart shaped locket and chain. he didn't live past my 21st but i got married instead muahaha...

so, its a nice surprise to get a stranger to start the countdown before me on facebook for my impending doubles coming january!!! terror 1 is also looking forward it and she's turning 11 :p and it IS 2011 *jeng jeng jeng* yar, screw me and my numerology shitte. terror 1 doesn't want anymore parties and i'm going to stay 33 all my life *hurhurhur*

the journey has just begun and i intend to take it all in. mas karna will be taking stock and defragment his whole in india and during the same time, i have plans to hide in a hole and re-stock as well. tempat senang is very appealing but more sad memories might just haunt or peek from the recesses and might NOT be such a good idea. its time to bury 2010 where it should be and scurry away hidden shadows and ghosts. it will do me good to be wild and feel free as i have been encouraged much.

no more crying on birthdays and especially not when its mine.

stay sane,

ps: rivulets of sad trailed at the end of november 23rd. i now know was me *us* finally saying goodbye. i truly mean it, "moga kau diteduhi cinta".

Friday, December 03, 2010

in the least..


i finished my rounds with the NEA aka mosquito busters at the estate. found more breeding and seriously can we be truly rid of these blodd suckers? especially with grounds as lush as we're in? hey! we still have chickens here and i nearly stepped on a LIZARD on my way out from the toilet. it was scaly and had a verrrrrrry long tail MIND you! and made me jump a wee bit. i don't mind the squirrels or the birds, sometimes fat cats BUT yucks....scaly lizards? biks will have a field day is she was here. might even chase after it to pet *gah!*

the terrors have been with me (or rather at kak tina's) for the whole week. we'd be celebrating her 51st birthday this weekend at east coast chalet. got them out for a bit of shopping, the usual trip to the bookstore and our monthly makan time out but they are asking if we could go on a dinosaur thingy or watch the movies. disney is out with their take on rapunzel this school holidays :p so I've been telling them we'll see how it goes for later this month.

it will be nice to spend the weekend with the terrors this week and so far the terrors have been very open about kama's presence. asking weird questions and giving me even weirder suggestions about my current attachment with him. they each have very distinct opinions but i'm glad they have accepted his invite for Christmas. even though terror 1 insist, she accepted under the influence of chocolates. terror 2 based his on the fact that he found kama attractive (i agree! hehehe) and terror 3 just plain inquisitive about who kama really is. she asked me the color of his walls and sofa??!!! and if he has a bathtub?? *errrk?!* i'm riding it all out as i always do, taking each day as it comes but must point out that he's been very supportive and sensitive about my insecurities. SO, yeaps....i trust that all will be well over snap baskets with clotted cream and strawberries and tell terror 1 not to worry about her engrish :p she's so afraid that kama will think her as 'silly' if she speaks singlish i told her to put on her best england accent ler :p anyway, the whole point is to prove to them that he doesn't EAT children.

i'm off too to kay da el finally! i kinda shot off my mouth and asked if i could watch kama in action at the annexe and *gulps* SEKALIK it turns out, its going to be a full packed weekend of saying hellos too, plus an interview?! i'm fussing over what the hell to wear but as usual come the day i'd just throw randoms into the bag *prffft* well, i'm positively grinning TILL D day to bongoland.

stay sane,


ps: *waves* alo 'aunty'!! *gulps* errr...i'm muslim like your cats too! :p