Friday, December 03, 2010

in the least..


i finished my rounds with the NEA aka mosquito busters at the estate. found more breeding and seriously can we be truly rid of these blodd suckers? especially with grounds as lush as we're in? hey! we still have chickens here and i nearly stepped on a LIZARD on my way out from the toilet. it was scaly and had a verrrrrrry long tail MIND you! and made me jump a wee bit. i don't mind the squirrels or the birds, sometimes fat cats BUT yucks....scaly lizards? biks will have a field day is she was here. might even chase after it to pet *gah!*

the terrors have been with me (or rather at kak tina's) for the whole week. we'd be celebrating her 51st birthday this weekend at east coast chalet. got them out for a bit of shopping, the usual trip to the bookstore and our monthly makan time out but they are asking if we could go on a dinosaur thingy or watch the movies. disney is out with their take on rapunzel this school holidays :p so I've been telling them we'll see how it goes for later this month.

it will be nice to spend the weekend with the terrors this week and so far the terrors have been very open about kama's presence. asking weird questions and giving me even weirder suggestions about my current attachment with him. they each have very distinct opinions but i'm glad they have accepted his invite for Christmas. even though terror 1 insist, she accepted under the influence of chocolates. terror 2 based his on the fact that he found kama attractive (i agree! hehehe) and terror 3 just plain inquisitive about who kama really is. she asked me the color of his walls and sofa??!!! and if he has a bathtub?? *errrk?!* i'm riding it all out as i always do, taking each day as it comes but must point out that he's been very supportive and sensitive about my insecurities. SO, yeaps....i trust that all will be well over snap baskets with clotted cream and strawberries and tell terror 1 not to worry about her engrish :p she's so afraid that kama will think her as 'silly' if she speaks singlish i told her to put on her best england accent ler :p anyway, the whole point is to prove to them that he doesn't EAT children.

i'm off too to kay da el finally! i kinda shot off my mouth and asked if i could watch kama in action at the annexe and *gulps* SEKALIK it turns out, its going to be a full packed weekend of saying hellos too, plus an interview?! i'm fussing over what the hell to wear but as usual come the day i'd just throw randoms into the bag *prffft* well, i'm positively grinning TILL D day to bongoland.

stay sane,


ps: *waves* alo 'aunty'!! *gulps* errr...i'm muslim like your cats too! :p

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