it was to jogja and back, a birthday treat from karna. five fufilling days of my wishes fufilled no questions asked nor planning needed. i just took care of the tickets and it was free sailing all the way. fantastic couldn't justify the trip nor could the word awesome fill the gaps of the smallest experience. food was dirt cheap and we ate simply. if you count steaks and nasik gudeg the local speciality simple. we swam and and laughed a lot. i nodded to sleep in between rest time and marvelled at sights i only had to wish aloud. karna made it all possible. even the terrors were not left out of the experience as we trekked sights and sounds to record for them. i left the phone switched on but it wasn't brought on the road. all the photos taken were by karna, the most poignantly delicious left imprinted in our memories. i was a very happy hippie kitty in old soul jogja.
one irritating thing was the fact that i couldn't go! i ate all the fruits and veges i could get my hands on but no solid waste wanted to flush out. slightly bloated, i sucked in my tummy for bikini shots hehe. the trek up the mountains left me bretaheless and i saw rabbits skinned to be eaten as satay *bleargh* karna joked if i wanted to buy the skins back as rugs when he saw my scrunched up face at the thoaught of furry little things being eaten. well! he ate bats for godsakes!! i'd do the disgusting when there is no other alternantive on the principle of surviving of curse *gag* still it will be hard to eat anything so cute!
we got back and its been mad to say the least. cathing up on work and then trying to co-ordinate the move at the same time. bobi was surprisingly nice last night when i asked for an extension. he probably felt embarassed withmy outburst via sms. i just didn't get the numerous questions of when. yes, we do have a problem showing shreds of affection we have left for each other but usually we cover up our gaffes with good humour. that is more than enough for me at least. blood will always be thicker than water but that doesn't mean it couldn't thin at all. asparin will do just nicely if you ask any heart patient.
while we were gone the dear old mentor for singlalaland launched a book. karna was called right after for his comments. he was cooking soup hehe. we didn't entertain any work while in jogja yet his pulse on the undercurrents of his pet subject was impecable. the dutch radio took all of 15 minutes and then it was over. i was listening hard but i couldn't realy guess what it was. it was only the next day at work that i found out the source of recent minister lee's brouhaha. the racket online and amongst friends were about his book and HE had to say something quite discrimantory about the malay muslims in singapore. obviously whenever he opens his mouth, many sinagporeans, even those who don't know if they can vote sit up and pay attention.
no one in the community dared to speak up agaisnt the old man. he is the all powerful afterall. here was the guy attacking the malay muslims in sinagpore for being exclusive and now more strict with their beleifs. he proposed that muslims in singapore should be LESS strict with our practices and try to live to be more secular *jeng jeng jeng* he noted that the ministers of the past used to fish and drink with him but now, they ask if the food is prepared halal. wokay..the man was walking down memory lane lar. so give chance? turns out now between the two senile men of bongoland and singlaland is trying to best each other whose more bonkers in the head :p
stay sane,
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