clockwise startingwith the white guy please : rob, dito, moi and eeqa. missing in peek is gail and his girlfriend whose going to move in 1st week march.
dito's caption for the above peekture is : My new roommates...the Singaporean sitcom begins w/ God as our producer.
19 January via Facebook for BlackBerry® smartphones · Like · OR NOT :p
i didn't want to be the party pooper and spoil his fun by mentioning that He is all seeing, ever present hehe..my load have all been moved into my room. gone is the purple boudoir look dehemit! because its an odd room to even begin with. i just noticed i don't have proper windows and yes, its the smallest room with the biggest door. plus! the painted dinosaurs are still there. well, beggers can't be choosers because i'm loving the house and the roomies. the chemistry amongst all of us is flowing and we even have a PET guinea pig! she's called spunky.
the housewarming party date is set for 1st week of march with already 100 invitees from eeqa alone. i'm sure dito will be very happy to know they'd be loads of chicks. its been a good week hanging out with the gang while i've been at home resting. i got 2 weeks HOSPITAL LEAVE BuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTttttttttttttttt...here i am at work &^#@*^@$@&$@&$@$@*...and no guessing that i've only been able to update because the internet connection is still funky at best. eeqa left her mac for use in the living room and i tried playing with it. ugh~! no serious reading/work could be done at all so dito, gail and me took it to the balcony to watch funny jap pranks :D
caught up with reading - finished neverwhere by neil gaiman and then some why zebras don't get ulcers. yeah i need to laugh..and i have been laughing. much actually. never been happier. just that, write i haven't done much. will like to be inspired to write about the sitcom in times to come. that should be happy stuff to write and update the self about?
who wants to bet if i will really do it this time? :p
stay sane,
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