Sunday, March 10, 2013

a jolt of reality...

i caught up with two of my awesome buddies this week who've been out of the radar for quite sometime. i've been feeling blue over my own realisation for not making the efforts in making time for those who matter. i met che. commando over drinks at holland village last thursday and had a 4 hour conversation on the phone today with che. ndot. in between last friday, i managed to squeeze dinner at causeway to meet the 4 other girls going to cambodia with me to plan for the upcoming trip this april.

che. commando had been to prison for a week before start of university and is serving probabtion time now for a stupid gungho mistake. che. ndot been battling with home woes and is 10 weeks pregnant, expecting her third child and her hormones are out of whack.  the ladies planning the trip are going crazy trying to get everyone together to 'do something' or contribute to the trip.


I just finished my 3 month probation and enjoyed my first saturday off on my own this weekend at home doing nothing. kama will be back tonight to fill in details about lahad datu and his endless discussions about the upcoming malaysian elections.

all is well and now on to priorities next week....that must be of personal nature instead of letting work rule over me :-


it could be a simple meet up after work or that hours long conversation on the phone or even random updates on facebook. it is most important is to keep the communication going in person. nothing beats that one on one experience with another.

so thank you terror one who said please take time to enjoy my first saturday off!! i promise to make it to your parade next weekend because this weekend, i really had to make time for che. commando, aunty ndot and also my girl buddies for the cambodia trip. i needed the time as well with kama at home because he needs an assuring hand at dinner to cuddle.

ultimately you know that you are the best daughter i could ever ask for because all in all i need the time for myself to reflect and set my priorities going on ahead. thank you sweetheart for not insisting i must be mom first and foremost because the reality is......i am more than a mom to you.

so yes!!! at your parade next weekend...i am going to be the best MOM ever and make my presence with you count because.....

i do care :)

love mama terror,



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