Saturday, November 11, 2006


I love working weekends or maybe not, but for this time, its nice to be left alone to go about your own work with no one to bother with what you are currently doing. Usually I spy ms. I’m-so-good-I got-tranferred always looking into my latest did dos. She goes around and then innocently asks me questions like,

Sleng: did the auditor ask for the manila envelopes?
Me: no, I put them there because there wasn’t any space in the last storage.

*ms. Sleng exits my left to her desk*

Sleng: have you updated the attendance?
Me: not yet.

*spies her standing 2 metres away from the corner of my eye looking over my shoulder*

Sleng: when you have time you rearrange everything lar ok?
Me: ok.

I seriously am beginning to think she misses her old job. She comes by my desk to use the pc, claiming that hers doesn’t work. and I think its because she doesn’t know how the hell to use the system yet but do not want her new best buds in the customer service department to know *sniggers*. And she’s happy to go around doing what I’m supposed to do which I think is just so she can make me look stupid or her look busy. Or I have reason to suspect that its because I seem to be working the office like a charm. :P I don’t know, maybe it took her like a week to work the telephone system and she haven’t done any filling from August! half of which I managed to clear at least in 3 days. Everytime it happens I just smile, answer as honestly and sugary sweet as I should; having decided to leave any trace of sarcasm from my voice and actions at home. They can’t appreciate good cracks anyway so why waste them on ms. Sleng and company! All that doesn’t really bother me, its only the fact that when I specifically asks about something she throws a huff and answers non-comittally. You know the wishy washy type, who can’t seem to decide whether they are smart or really only acting smart. In the end they end up sabotaging themselves for really being shown as acting SILLY with answers such as, “I told you already right~~~ where the stationery was?” When she merely pointed out where everything was, which is all OVER the office and then handed me a plastic folder stuffed with a pile of papers each trailing each other, all to be filed under ‘Stationery Inventory’. It is all not updated, not filed, not organized in any way and yet she brazenly dares to tell me go sniff my own butt at a simple request to refresh my memory.

*hehe* she reminds me of those people who makes it a point to ruin your day somehow or another. Personally she checks on my grooming too. My eyes too puffy, my lips too red, I’m too slow in answering the phonecalls because I make it a point to properly greet and follow a certain self imposed standard where standards are non existent because 'we are a very small company’ or BEST reason so far! Is that ‘we are very busy’ *blursaper takbusysiak!* but this is me describing my new workplace as honestly as I could. As we are approaching a time where same sex laws are to be amended to be okay between two consenting heterosexual adults is underway and the word ‘globalisation’ being used as a punctuation mark in every conversation about the economy; I can’t help but assume that now we’d never have to argue about whose responsibility is heaviest! Is it of customer service? Sales? Biz development? Too old for my taste that, and someone has to do the job of making your coffee, sort mail and work the switchboard. Why am I any different from the girl who takes bookings from customers, the babe who services the clients needs and the lady who prepares convincing proposals to seek expansion approval from the boss?? Why? Why? Why?? Don’t I work for a living just as all of you? i put her in the same catergory i put ms.saiko and frens where the mindset is, if you don't earn 3k a above a month you are a non consequence, no importance :D yes, sometimes they do flit across my mind >) Neway, at least I managed to tone ms. I-am-so-good-I-got-transferred down a notch by chance when the other day, she was telling me with an air of importance and superiority, how I MUST HAVE HIGH EQ when dealing with callers as they can be very rude and unreasonable *duh!* sometimes. I mumbled a feeble ‘uh-uhh’ and went about doing my work and the twist came when she added with a twinkle in her eye, why I carry such a big bag all the time and I told her of my habit of carrying my school notes and books wherever i go so that I could catch up reading for my assignments. She smiled gleefully and concluded with a “oh! You still schooling ah? What do you study?” and I replied, “applied psychology". *muahahahahah* you should have seen her face turn ash grey and her ability to quickly swallow pooling saliva was impressive! It is at times like this I relish the punch that comes with the mere mention of the word psychology. And I suspect it’s because deep down we all remember that psychology IS the study of the soul :)

"It is the little rift within the lute,
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all."

stay sane,

p/s *which means 'postscript' i just got to know today :P* : i'm studying my own soul so no worries about me stealing peeks into your left eye ehk!


Polly said...



Polly said...


The Self Center said...

eh so terguris sampai terpost dua kali ker? :P

ladies and gentlemen! its ms. saiko aka bintang mata! bukan binatang mata tau..tabiat meka lain hehehehe....

seriously, wish the bad blood didn;t happened, wished the silence didn't engulf but we did take that walk down esplanade bay and lepak under the stars in toa payoh so hello! glad you're still breathing ;)

tapi sumpah! gua tak tahu saper yang terrer? lu gua ker sie ms. sleng?

Polly said...

bukan terguris atau terobek...cuma tak terrer bahasa inggeris jadi terpost komennya dua kali. Maklumlah belajar orang poteh setakat sampai NIE.

ehem ehem yg terrer itu awaklah, ahli psikologi.
Gerharu cendana pula.

still breathing

The Self Center said...

13 Nov 06, 08:00
Polly: Ouch!!! 'God' lah. I am the pathetic onelah cos english no good and i only learn psychology as part of my module n cos its related to education. Dont study soullah.

So glad to see Liza and Naz. Next up, Liza's Nikah on Saturday. Cant wait! Btw till the next peek, do try to excuse us for having a life while you're working on having one. Meanwhile, good on you for trying to analyse us, glad we can help because you know we love helping the poor, pathetic and needy tau. Besides, practice makes perfect and it's okay that you're exercising such enthusiasm now because god knows when you'll ever be qualified anyways. All the best!

Above excerpt from Sharky’s blog 13 nov…

ooOooo…ingatkan terguris terrobek pasal gua teringatkan kamu berdua :)


kepada polly akak starry eyes aka ms. Saiko & ms. Sharky...

no worries about being excused about having a life! By all means be yourselves as I just still like to blog hop every now and read whatever is not confidential. I hope you don’t think I read and analyse everyone’s blog! A real analysis can’t be done just by reading the content off his or her blog as it won’t be complete. but thank you for volunteering yourselves for analysis, glad that both of you have big huge hearts for me the poor, pathetic and needy. Just that I can’t imagine physically looking into the windows of either your souls *believedtobethelefteye* but really, it’s the thought that counts.

Eh! Lu belajar English sampai NIE siak,plak tue kamu berdua ada ijazah darik universit! gua setakat o’ level jer :D dan gua taklah terrer tapi kalau lu cakap gua terrer… dan dengan berkat doa lu, insyaallah ;) because only god knows when I’d graduate and be qualified to do anything with the knowledge :D

congrats on the wedding saikodelica! Here’s wishing everyone a good time. Salam dirgahayu from me and the terrors…Amin.

Polly said...

hehe tenkayu mama/minah terrer n selamat maju jaya dalam menjadi ahli psikologi dan seorang ibu


The Self Center said...

Moga diperkenankan! doa mu harapan ku *cedeylargua!*

Shakirah Firaz said...

I wouldn't have said such things if you didnt lump us into one category. Earning 3k is not a big deal, it's like the new 1k when you minus off loans, bills etc etc.

You're free to read lah we also read your blog and like to see gambar2 your kids. Put more of that if you can.

And sincerely, from my angle, I think you're alright even without the whole psychology thing. I think we're all alright without the academics or the big pay.

So please eh if at any time I give the impression that I ni bangga sgt with my job or pay or what, just say something about it and I will reevaluate my words if I really do seem shallow, arrogant etc etc.

But so far, I really dont think I've ever given the impression that if someone doesnt earn 3k above he or she isnt worth my time. Gawd, that line pisses me off so much!

I'm not like that pardon my impromptu reply. I admit I was rude and thanks for taking it with good humour.

The Self Center said...

hope the wedding went okay and you guys enjoyed yourselves!

still water runs deep and we both understand how the fast quips came about so que sera was cheap *hehehe* but cheapthrills are even harder to come by nowsadays :P more pics coming up!! ;)


The Self Center said...

*tutupomulotpowwsumbatdenganstokin* eh!!! nanti masok lalat :D