Thursday, December 24, 2009
lepak christmas.
that was at about 1 pm and i woke up at 430pm startled. yeaps..the phone went off a few times and i saw a very angry sms from ms. nan *gulps* the messenger was blinking furiusly and ms. dod hung up on me *majorGULPS* no doubt about it, i just managed to again repeat my inability to stay awake when i need to most. fear not, it only happens when i am in my OWN bed that is. like the malays say, "tido mati' literally meaning sleeping like the dead :p
that's why i have to sleepover at ms. nan's place tonight. to make sure i don't flub the gang's plans this weekend. we are driving up to pulai springs for a one-nighter tomorrow! this is for a well deserved break after last weekend's sucessful event. usually it'd be food galore, hearty laughs and obviously more shopping. we'd dress up for canwhoring sessions punctuated my many inside jokes before retiring to a fantastic dinner. afterwich we'd find stuff to amuse ourselves around the hotel and end the night feeling totally spent in the camaderie.
the usual pack up to check out madness will follow after our morning swim session at the pool. i hope this time we get the 3 room suite by the pool so that i don't have to hang out at the cold cold balcony for smokes *heheh* for shopping follws and then its back to home sweet home to reminiece another fantastic weeeknd with the gang. usually, i'd need another day to recuperate from the side splitting laughs we all throw in spontaneously.
so thank god for the extended weekend. office will be closed for boxing day this monday and then it's futsal training at 8pm. the team is going to play in the next FAS Women's League and recutiment is picking up. my hope is for the team to progress even further and i am sure we can do this! wshing for no crcket score finishes :p
will visit the terrors over the weekend although terror 1 who caught me in facebook the other day told me that they'd be away. yes, the terrors have to resort to using facebook to track down thier mum *prfft* terror 2 is recuperating from his circumsision *yeay!* and glad to rport he did us proud by *itrust* to screaming fits. terror 1 said he cried but am very proud of him for sticking it through bravely. not a peep from terror 3 but i saw her latest cute picture posted at her sister's facebook album so i know she's doing fine.
i haven't told bobi of my plans to move out. fear of being alone again gives me anxiety fits. biks calms me down and said she'd help clean and even going further by agreeing to sleepover! yeah, i'm such a scared cat sometimes hehe..well, 2010 will be awesome! the terrors are excited and i'm about to drive myself crazy poring over details. when i know, trust only can fly off from a solid foundation built from faith. for all the risks i am about to take weeks ahead; definately many of them the hardest must be tackling another breath of freedom. may i have the dsicipline to hold out and fight of loneliness with creative productively ehk?
starting with writting regularly. err....yes....the papers for school i mean :p
stay sane,
ps: will 'edit' later...heh
Saturday, December 12, 2009
i am sooOooo set on 2010 *gulps* my intent on renting the new bacherlorette pad is firm! but i haven't mentioned anything to boshikino yet. i've been quite busy with the cellaraid gang with our weekly classes cum meetings (to gossip muahaha). che. diambunuh has proved to be more toxic than anything else so had to cut him off. its so obvious that i can't be friends with him but yet i tried in the name of 'compassion'. OTEY! i had HOPE that we could 're-negotiate' our relationship lar. UGH~! major FAIL so told him nicely via sms to fuck off. i think i can understand why anyone (BUT ME) will accept to be matchmade by parents. espescially for che. diambunuh as he's 'golden child' of the family. God forbid he marries someone LIKE MOI~! and for ms. shudoink? i actually envy her for having her parents roll out and approve her date lists. *uwa! i mish muh mom n pops* very the princess right? if it doesn't work out or anything then can shift a bit of the un-ease to others hehe..but as said...good luck to both, i wish you both ALL that you each deserve *jeng jeng jeng* i tried to call che.diambunuh to tell him in person but he was probably busy telling his girlfriend more lies :p so sms press 'SEND'. a wee bit regret here is the price i had to pay for taking so LONG to make that decision, i feel like i have lost my pilot! and then a few more others (whom were so charming actually) to my inabiltiy to open my self to another. i take being serially monogamous very very seriously. no point i believe to give another false hope and put up with pretenses right? which is totally different and subjectively up for debate if you're a 'player' and your obejctive is to sow your wild seeds with abandon. or as the opposite sex, your point in going through men like underwaer is to rake up sexperiences? :p
well, lesson learnt here for myself: say no to drugs! *lololol* and i am NOT, will NEVER WANT be another JUSTINATANTYSITITAUPONGSHUHAILA. Not now not future NOT ever. HOW the hell i believed that i could have been all of them for you is very humbling for me as a person. the realisation hit me once again (and this time VERY hard *adus*) and the lesson i had to learn ALL over again IS "it is better to hated for who you are, than to be loved for someone you are not".
after my time with che. green-eyed-monster I SHOULD HAVE LEARNT my lesson siak..otey lar...anyway tuition with you wasn't all that bad ;) dehemit you che.diambunuh!!! i now feel i should really thank you instead? but! maybe the birthday gift i got you will suffice as thank you? hope lies yonder i guess as all is not lost. last i checked, i am still breathing. claws still intact and venom still potent. not to forget, meditations and practice on streghtening my kundalini has shown much much progress! >) now i need to work on reghular 'tarik tikar' sessions *amin*
ORH! i must mention my afternoon date yesterday! the movie STORM II had me drooling for aaron kwok ah *slurpsss* the whole movie was very 300 but i enjoyed it noetheless. too bad i can't say much about my date *jelings* sib baik ehk gua lagi feeling generous ah but next time lu suruh gua suap lu lagik, jgn marah kalau termasok IDONG *cispai* 2nd date da mintak2 suap-menyuap ehk! padan muka kena BALEK then mandi air sejok! >p
stay sane,
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Playing the field..
Wifey : IF/WHEN you do have extra marital relations with other WOMEN just bear in mind that all is considered ‘natural’ till the point of penetration.
Hubs: you mean you don’t mind? Why no fucking?
Wifey: *smiles and giggles* just think about the baby born out of wedlock (IF)
Hubs : *blinks*
so what the hell do I have to say? When you ALREADY believe that:-
1) Your wife is the MOST understanding and forgiving person in the whole wide world and YOU CAN confirm that she’d thereafter be rewarded with PARADISE for her above statement.
Because OBVIOUSLY to you she:-
a) Understands and accepts that MEN are defenseless against the lure of infidelity (known and otherwise)
b) Will forgive you for any indiscretions made whether directed or not to her status and responsibilities of WIFE (known and otherwise)
c) Will still love and respect you as her soul mate and father to your children regardless of your infidelities (known or otherwise).
Resulting in your attitude: -
“Can I lick your pussy but no fucking please? My wife says its all okay but I must think of the babies born out of wedlock.”
*clapclapclap* in other words..Congratulations MATE!
I couldn’t agree more…your wife INDEED deserves my salutes for being the most open minded and liberated, enlightened soul evar! I am sure ALL the husbands in the world pray (all the time and HARD) for someone EXACTLY with her attitude and beliefs about ‘extra marital relationships’. Did you check if she recently joined ‘women for polygamy’ in malaysia! :p
ehk!!!!!!!! Do you still want to know my thoughts and opinions in THIS REGARD? >)
Stay sane,
ps: kimsalam bini lu ehk? Lu cakap JAHAT kimsalam~
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
My serendipity… aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting rid of the two timing, faithless and biggest bastard is the best thing that she could hope for.
is knowing that…
So if your question is still why? Then please take note:-
OFFICIALLY…..for the records.........and ask me again i'd say it to your fucking face
You’re right…and I couldn’t have agreed with you more on this….
You do NOT deserve ME AT ALL.
SHE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So stay the fuck away from me you creep!
Or else *winksbows*
"How hard it is, sometimes, to trust the evidence of one's senses! How reluctantly the mind consents to reality." - Norman Douglas
Friday, November 13, 2009
Inexcusably careless…
To me, I am being me. I don’t expect you to get me. even I get muddled being me! For those who do GET me especially when i don’t get me AT ALL *sniff* all I can say is “thank you” and kalau gua ada bangsi hikmat! Gua tak mintak lu lompat katak confirm :D
Bobi and I got into another row a few weeks back that unsettled me very much. It’s been 3 years and counting and we both acknowledge that it hasn’t been easy for either of us. Needless to say after hanging up, I only went back home the next day. We didn’t speak that whole Sunday, each of us probably still wringing our own said contentions. It was tense but I did what I do best when highly wrung out mentally and physically. I slept.
I went to work the next day feeling beat blueness of Monday in its full glory. To keep up pace, I did what I promised bobi and sent him an sms to update on status. Bobi surprised me with a 2 part sms reply (after clarifying what needed to be done) and apologized for what transpired between both of us over the weekend. I was rendered speechless. For one thing, he didn’t do anything wrong and I already told him right after our conversation that I know he’s just being angry and concerned about me being me. yes, I am annoying what! it's part of OUR profile being the other sibling to be as annoying as possible!
The other thing is, Bobi doesn’t apologize very often because he’s one of those who are so inconspicuous about himself and others around him that there is never really an opportunity to be an apologist. Maybe except to shikino hehehehe…but to me? hari raya YES! But other than that, our relationship has always been in one word – felicitous! Even when we argue or debate, we do so felicitously somber till one of us crack up over something corny that either cracks us up to guffaw in stitches or then to storm away and sulk. Even when our dad died at the hospital, family members found us in the waiting room laughing (at our stepmother lar) so happy go lucky that we both are.
To others, we are just another pair of siblings. Dysfunctional maybe; if you are privy to our weird and corny pastime of trying to oust scare each other by hiding behind a corner and be jack in the box *POM!opocotmapakacowpehtoooooot* or the fact that I like to sneeze into his face when I can! But who is to say what is normal?
He got really got me good that day at “…even though I do not say it, I am sorry…..” I reeled from the mega emo-moment I was having and I didn’t reply till after 7pm that day to say aye okay I understand shit happens. It was a rerun of recent hari raya ah! *tidakkkkkkkkkkk!* minus kiss my hand for absolution to seal the deal.
Still, I am adamant about moving out. I’ve wanted to move out ever since I moved in…ultimately the reason why I moved in with them was so that I could use the extra moolah from NOT having to pay rent so that I can save up and purchase somewhere for myself. and he’s right, I am taking advantage of his hospitality by giving him next to nothing for staying in AND plus, I don’t mind shamelessly freeloading when it’s being offered ;p It’s been 3 years and counting and 2010 will be rolling in not soon enough >) we’ll get older and tomorrow I might get struck by lightning so that I can fulfill another’s wish *muahahaha* I recanted my intentions of moving out as a solution to all our bickering of late. Although I admit that the urgency I feel is partly fueled by confusion and anger rather than the contended feeling of peace as initially planned. Bobi gave me the assurance and I repeat!!! ASSURED me that although they will like to see me only move out when I am financially less burdened; they will leave it entirely up to me to make the decision.
*Blearghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….* So yes no yes no yes no no? I could definitely squeeze out and it ms. Wahtomyu just tempted me with a proposal to house sit for them (pay rent of course!) while they try to scale kaki5 heights in kayel. Definitely but then the dilemmamama is….
Will you understand that this is best for US?
Could I count on you to trust me on this?
Can you stand true to your assurances as promised?
It’s not you lar…it’s me ;)
Stay sane,
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
The art of martial partial
Its rule is simple.
Kill or be killed.
With strengthened determination and perfecting mindful focus, every move and exhale must be accompanied by the sound “shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”.
Stand back and watch the enemy feign nonchalance. Maybe smirks at your way but have faith that each attempt cuts deep. why? FAITH mah!! have faithhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Looking ahead to more footie training and also muay thai workouts. I need to clean up my room slowly to help facilitate moving out *ad nauseum* (even i BARFED) Hopefully I can achieve loads this coming November break of 10 or more days. It sucks that most of what I hoped and planned for did not materialize! Still, I am very optimistic *forced* about the days of doing anything and everything I jolly well please woohoo!
One love letter coming up! ;)
Stay sane,
ps: love can easily be taught to lust BUT lust doesn't necessarily want to love *gotcha!*
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hung Up and Down over…
It has been said too many times and most expected from another.
How does one earn respect from another?
Well, whatever rocks your boat or flies your canoodle one must say! Then the flow of conversation will go on hopefully on equal measure. Slimy is the one who replies to EVeRYTHING using ‘it depends on the situation’ as an answer every time.
I hate yous. It just means to me that your brains a fried lar and you need more time to phrase your answer to appear less stupid muahahaha..cheeky bastard. But I like you more than just enough which is why I patiently sexplainED the rhetoric to you dumbass so that I can get to know you better or LESS. In this case the baseline for either depends on how much VALUE *kaching!* you add into my life. As of current real-time, it looks like its leaning towards more on the scale of NO MORE PLEASEEEEEE…
I also hate it when someone tries to start a conversation with me with “so how you doing?” errr…u haven’t SEEN me in the flesh for like ages and you ask me smack in the face over nice dinner that lamest ever question? Besides I always associate joey from the sitcom friends whenever someone says that. Also! It’s a standard greeting at work for me!!! I go “Morning so and so..” and EVERYTIME and almost everyone in my office will reply with that.
oooPs! Why should the world revolve around my likes and dislikes right?
It’s because I CAN, CARE and WILL make the world revolve just right about me and those close by into my universe. Why do you think we like role playing games best?!! *slapforehead* oh yeah~, I forgot you fried your brains.
Not an assumption of course, I so KNOW how you fried your brains muehehehe..SO please stay away from the bimbos and himbos can? And when you do date the ever affable mary jane, balance and restraint is the key beb ;)
Stay sane,
ps: no emoley and damn i need an answer for november! >(
Friday, October 30, 2009
Got private part *hehe* party party.
Maybe soccer training *finally!*.
And must get emoley~
I’d be working tomorrow because the floors need another round of polishing. Later today will be rounded up by the usual suspects for a long over-overdue meet up. The student will be paying for drinks *muehehe* but she can afford it lar! ;p I am sure order of the day will be most about the club’s progress. I just went to our official website which *ahems* if I may so point out, was due to be up by September. So I am not the only one dragging on the past ehk? I’m looking through the club’s constitution and what MOST struck me is clauses 9.7 and 9.9, under the heading ‘ Duties of Office Bearers’.
9.7 The Secretariat Heads shall lead the operation of specific secretariat duties of the Society and responsible for keeping the Committee informed of their secretariat activities regularly.
9.9 The D2D Enterprises Committee Members shall provide the link to potential sponsors, e.g D2D Enterprises and assist in the marketing and publicity of the society.
Hrmmmmm…..AND the the ball is round! *like DUh* The rest of it is the usual mentions of trustees, financial bleahs, dissolution and more meetings etc. I am of course zooming in on above because I volunteered to head “Welfare” >) and I know the gals are expecting the more we- get- together escapades!! Trips, celebrations and anything can be an occasion to squeeze into our jam packed calendar (too be reviewed and voted of course). I foresee much more work done sitting down then playing soccer BUT Clara pacta, boni amici.~~~
can settle one!
Now should I sign on the dotted line ehk?
On a very happy note! I have whole 10 days to be doing nothing end of November. Nearer to date, I’d make sure boredom gets shipped off somewhere far far away. No need to lead me to temptation as I SURELY can find my way muehehehehe…
AND you know who you areeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ *blowskish*
Stay sane,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I slept a druggy sleep. AFTER I wrote in my journal.
I am praying today is PAYDAY. So that I can hurry and buy my moleskin. My 18 month bla bla yada black soft leather bonded free of acid paper moleskin. And I shall name it obviously! Only after its safely nestled in my hands yeayrghhhhhhhhh!~ I concluded that the reason I haven’t been writing and seriously fogged of the mind is because *drumrolls* my journal planner notebook trusty companion is CHEAP. It’s still in purple though but still CHEAP. Forget about the fact that in my notebook collection, I have only 1 moleskin to boast of :p
In the spirit of blaming everything and everyone else for all that is actually my fault to EVEN begin with. I shall digress even further to state that :-
i do not like to be squeezed into a corner and its NOT AT all about my choices right? i have to do what is best for my parents *bATOKbatok*, my friends, my cool factor and then hell yeah~ my va-jay-jay. And why not? If men can think with their dick I could damn well blame and push all responsibility over to anything totally random to justify my ills.
The ills you so repulse in me and everything that I do and NOT do, is very damn well please get this - NOT my fault!
Hehehe… :p
stay sane,
j.amyemeelea *feeling-feeling MATAHARI*
PPS: sandbox! He’s in the bloody reserves for gaodsakes!!!!!!!!!! Or maybe he likes it ehk?
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Wah so BOOMZ! To quote the FORMER Ms. Singapore World *sigh*
Wahliao…the faulty lights at the corridor is hurting my eyes. I wish they would fix it lar. Such an eye sore.
What about MORE hari raya stories? And more hari raya pictures! I secretly suspect that bobby has purposely BANNED lapicits from connecting to his wireless network at home. Although I must say he has been pretty concerned that I’ve resorted to plugging in from his study now instead of dragging the looooOOONG wire to my room.
but to avoid tangles i am go-blogging this from the office *lol*
…where above will bring me back to OH duh~…
Terror 1 and her negi magi adventures!
Negi magi is a manga series about a boy who has magic powers stuck to ‘teach’ in an all gal school. I do not know WHERE the hell terror 1 got introduced to manga (definitely NOT me with all my bukake and whatever curiosities of all things jap) but sometime around a few months back on our trip to popular bookstore, she asked me if I can get her the comic. Of course I know manga! And of course I was surprised…in a good way to think that terror 1 has an eccelactic but somewhat very diverse range taste for books. Mind you, she collects a series on fairies and it’s not even the old school Enid Blyton kind. Her books are all airy fairy and oh-so-sweet stories about fairies that takes care of flowers, lil kitties and everything girly. Befitting books to be read by a gal aged nine.
It’s only her taste of music that is leaning towards the dark and angry and often quite emo! Think white snake, evanescence, my chemical romance! And whatever she is listening to now :p but all in all she is true blue her mama’s gal which is to say she doesn’t deviate too far from her rock roots. Terror one thinks gun’s and roses is so OLD SCHOOL >)
So when she ‘tested waters’ and asked very very nicely if she can collect the negi magi series, I was somewhat nonchalant if not quite bemused. In the end after actually browsing through the series and checking out the drawings I bought her book 16? It costs me $7.90. OH was she so THRILLED hehehe and I know why of course. It is in its very essence a comic lar. So what’s wrong with that right? WRONG.
Terror 1 : ma~ will you read negi magi now! *flips open her book and showed me a page*
Me : don’t want lar, I want to read my vampire story lar and I read it already what~
Terror 1 proceeds to convince aunty shikin to read her comic. Aunty shikin dutifully being the very good and loving aunt she is, proceeds to flip through the comic. A few seconds later she passed me the comic (I was sitting right behind).
Me : hehe…and we wonder why the jap kids are sooo errr sot dot…
I passed her back the comic where there was negi magi (jap harry potter) drawn with his face in between a gal’s legs. Of course no nippies or ‘camel toes’ drawn lar. And she then proceeded to hand over the comic to bobby when he came back to the car from pumping petrol.
Bobby : ehk! Why are you reading this?? I want to confiscate this book!
At that point I knew what was brewing and then proceeded to give terror 1 a piece of my mind. I told her off for trying to show off her kinda risqué reading material to just anyone. I knew by observation that that she doesn’t show just everyone what she’s reading. Only to those who matter. Like terror 3 who went “Disgusting! Disgusting!!” at every opportunity she has,trying to be the virtuous one, when she doesn’t even squeak at real life KISSING scenes on telly was cute hehe. Of course terror 1 shares her innermost a with bobby and shikino because all the terrors are very close to them both ;)
Terror 1 was snappish and majorly sulked at my nagging and admonitions of “a lot of people won’t understand and I will have to explain bla bla bla” ……..and *phew* I think she understands NOW that reading manga at 9 is a privilege and NOT just any given right. Basically! At the end of my bla bla blassss, terror 1 knows that she have just managed to irk me lar with her ‘I-want-attention-antics’.
After the terrors kissed me goodbye hurriedly and JUSTTTTTTTT when I THOUGHT I was safe within the boundaries of my room…bobby came up to me and asked me if I confisticated the comic from terror 1. Ehk? Like why?? Since I was the ONE who approved of her reading it anyway. I had a feeling that this was going to be ugly and yeaps…true enough, in between the supposedly ‘conversation’ we both had…I remember lines such as :-
1) Be MOM not FRIEND, THEY need a MOM not friend
2) She has siblings!
3) You BAD MOM, bad bad BADDDDDDDDDDD mom
4) Can you please support green-eyed-mongstar in trying to bring up the kids
5) You NOT COOL MOM, don’t need cool mom. JUST BE NORMAL
Bobby did went on to add the terrors are my kids and so he’s actually butting in about HOW I actually mould em to be the upright model citizens that are gonna be (read :: boring mice or evil capitalist rats maybe?? ) *OVERMUHDEADBODEH!* but what I heard most repeated was “BAD MOM BAD MOM” so of course I had to tear a bit right?! He thinks I am overcompensating for my time away from the terrors by TRYING to be this all cool mum. I TRIED to explain to him that I want to instead encourage responsibility and hail to intellectual freedom lar! But NoooooOOOOOO…
He faceplamed me from actually speaking anymore and said, “Don’t make me ANGRY. I don’t want to care anymore and as long as you live under my roof and abide by my house rules, you can do whatever you want.” and so THERE.
Stay sane,
Note to self :: never surrender muehehehe..\intellectual freedom/ and here is an entry form wiki about the historical roots and popularity of manga in general ->
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
chugga chugga choo choo~ *gulps*
managed to avoid doing anything at all yesterday except to bum around. bo n kin did ask if i wanted to tag along with them for raya visiting BUT i didn't want it to be like last year where i went around TWICE just because the terrors could only tag along the 2nd week. i had to EXPLAIN yet again to those who asked YET again *with no fail* WHY? WHO? WHAT? (*@^*%@*$@$@)$@)*$ am i NOT with the terrors again this year *prftttt! thank you for listening all those past years??* so offically this marks NO years celebrating Eid with terrors EVERSINCE the seperation yeay! and its not like i DO NOT celebrate or BOTHER to fight for the kids....*pancits* ugh~ just damn tired lar repeating the same old shitte. don't you think i am tired of repeating myself too? and to hear the same repliesssssss frm all of yous is also VERY TIRING YOU KNOWS~!!!!!
which part of "i am waiting for ALL the kids to turn 7 yrs old" is just too difficult to understand ya? or maybe incomprehensible lar to all of you to believe that i can actually survive raya celebrations alone? i guess i'd just have to put up with all repeat modes ad nauseum till the terrors swing over permament to my side huh? yes, PUT up *while i vomit blood by the side* and sorry no explantions will be offered this time espescially if i find myself ACTUALLY repeating myself to you *bows*
and the best part is, i won't even feel guilty lar for snubbing you. ALL OF YOUS.
saving grace for all the pain pain MOI palnning my days OFF months ahead. it tickles me that i have no destination and any holiday plans yet BUT i damn well NEED to.
so errrr hurray for me right?
stay sane,
ps to self:: i need to email freddie his macedamia papers and also upload the pictures from the camera for tagging! and then also find minah radz on fb! but 1stttttttttttttt....damn lar my land line needs to be fixed! >(
i SO need HEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...where is my bob villa when i need him most! *poutspouts*
Sunday, September 20, 2009
don't want NICE!!

so far he's proved to stay true to his promises although the time difference and everything else in between at random do stick up my ass in details that shall not see light of day anytime soon hehehehe...
i still havent' got round to clear the wifi thingy and all in all there wasn't much ado and TO DO..unless you count the realllllllllllllllly mundane stuff that lists of as wakey, eat, sleep, wakey, work, bummed, fagged and then shitttttttttttttttttte hits the fan before sleep, more eats and then yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the fancy farts that i allow hehehe..
kiddos all good this Eid morning with terror one greeting me with a 'i KNEW IT" when i called this morning. terror 2 could have sounded better but he was earlier teased by a rude rabbit and so i had to ask very nicely for terror 3 (the rabbit in question) to STAY away from the pouty and cranky terror 2. my bet is he can't gorge himself on the raya goodies for tipping the scales but a shot of teevee and hopefully random sweet will turn his pouts away. i am also quite sure he is getting crank hol moods from me vibes all the way from woodslaland~ :p hey~, mama terror is allowed to be wistful and full of longing so i guess a teeny bit of melodrama on Eid morning is always allowed.
bo and kin left earlier and made me cry before they left. i had 2 helpings of 'lauk raya', which is really the usual local traditional fare of sayur lodeh, sambal goreng and lontong! one HUGE helping last night in geylang and then the other this morning with bonkin while watching teevee. where its the usual sing and dance of raya yeayyyyyyyyyyyy~!
pyramids? the eye? camels and sand up our cracks??? hrmmmmmmmmm...brain short circuited by salty rivulets...yet again...........BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
j~~..............OUT of many ONE..and so much i wish for my wish to come true. heard me from the peaks i hope?! as i did my best (and yet to come) to hear my beginnings 2010?! woooooooooooooooooooaaaah! no no SHALL be explicitLY "E Pluribus Unum"~
stay sane,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Back from hiatus..well maybe just noOoottttchet
Phoneline on then off again and i DID try to get used to using prepaid. In hopes that I could also discover the magic of saving some money! But….no can do. I hate prepaid and I calculated; I spent even more than I should have! And that is WHILE I was being very careful.
I found out today that the late Yasmin Ahmad of the Sepet and Gubra films (none of which I managed to watch alongside with many other films I DO intend to catch) directed and made the short film that never failed to make me sniff (otey CRYYYYYYYYYYYYY) when I see it on tv. In the short film titled simply “The Funeral”, the lines… “it is the imperfection that makes it perfect…” as spoken in by the actress in her eulogy for her husband is heart wrenchingly beautiful. The whole bit of show no matter how many times I’ve seen it STILL made me sniff! And THAT can beat any Hindustan film hands down in my books*alfatehahyasminahmad* so, whoever HAS copies of her movies…… about a movie date?! Care for ice picking anyone? *sniggers*
Skiving – is reading her blog of past posts while I also ‘act busy’ with other windows open. Another blogger was also eulogized last week and as I read through them all (with skimmed bits included), what hit me was their flow and touch on all things human. struck a chord. The aha! bulb kinda flickers but then goes on bright to blind. Yes, they all run on themes close to their hearts of heart. And eerrrm *!!!* …I notice I’ve been commenting too much on the writings of others ehk? Pidomat has a new baby. And another malay male has gone hunting for rubber tapirs! I have got one plugged on stenciled images and his half minces words like its chop liver *weeeeeeeeeeEEEe!*
Other feeds I get runs on mma fights, books (and what else?), naïve art? And of course the daily run mil of other rats in the city as opposed to also commentaries on sex in the city adventures. The usual mish mash of the local blog celebs (am I running a care of blog envy? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) or hey~ I really just like to read. I could also skive by chatting but am trying to train myself to hold back on the chatter.
And other loathsome delirious intangibles overloading my senses. And I blame the melancholic on and off downpours.
Definitely worth saving and brought to life even through b-grade garishness.
Stay sane,
Ps: mat kental, for once I know why a guy will look for a girl and vice versa in such situations. Aren’t we all afraid of being judged somehow huh? But am glad…for what little I offered, it somehow made a difference. You did. For me :) *surppliseee!*
Pss: biks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope Thailand was magical :D can’t wait for peeeeeeeeeeeeeekTURES *kish*
Monday, June 29, 2009
err..PLAINSPEAK just for you and you and YOU..
“Seducers draw you in by the focused, individualized attention they pay to you. Anti-seducers are the opposite: insecure, self-absorbed, and unable to grasp the psychology of another person. They literally repel. Anti-seducers have no self-awareness, and never realize when they are pestering, imposing, talking too much. Root out anti-seductive qualities in yourself, and recognize them in others – there is no pleasure or profit in dealing with the Anti-Seducer. “
~ The Art of Seduction, Robert Greene
U huh *nods*, I have the above book and I follow his blog recently he updated about his latest book collaboration with 50 Cents entitled ‘The 50th Law’. Which I think will be very interesting. More on that on another time. AFTER i add that to my collection. I think zeemonkey would like that book cosh he idolizes 50 cents :p
So yes! Anywho!!! Yes you!!! Che. Anyhowdy *pointspointsJABJAB* I lent you the book (because i believe caring is sharing) because you had issues about relationships and am restarting your engines yet again to play the field. Who doesn’t have issues right? And since you are one of those few who actually read I lent you the above book. Maybe in hopes we could prolong by relating from stuff read. Intresting nuggets could be found in relation and contribute more to our conversations during lepak sessions constructively. Not that I am trying to set up a bookclub or anything but SINCEEEEEEEEEEEEE you told me you read…so read lar!
but what pisses me off or rather really really annoys me is how you try to use the very same laws and try them on me?! or maybe i am flattering myself too much here and cannot tell when you're just being your charming self? *ughhhhhhhhhhhh* but! but! BUT!!! i am using the very same LAW above (bold and highlighted somemore) to hint to you that AM not INTRESTED. and the law clearly states that...........
in proof!
1) i talk to you about other gals that you tell me about and advise you about how to deal with them right?
2) we always go out in a group right? and so okay we did spend SOME dinners and time ALONE but NO..i do not remember exchange of bodily fluids in *ahems* compromising ways
3) what about when I actually TOLD you off straight EXACTLY what i expect from you and US..
which is :-
thank you che. anyhowdy for being there for me when i am hungry and need someone to have dinner with. also the times you helped babysit the terrors when i am downright penniless and broke to bring them around. then for all the gerek kakis you introduced to me who happen to be very cool and great peeps! and how can i forget our conversations and times where random ad naseum just ranckles us silly and throw both of us out of reality huh? OITS!!! i thought you KNEW i am MOST comfortable with guys?! from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back inschool somemore!
don't you agree that with all above and major HINTS in speech and all that i fancy myself a bloke too? *gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* and don't give me the crap about guys and gals cannot be buddies lar (maybe some peeps can't handle this BUT we are talking about me here). AND never tell me puhleaseeeeeeeeeeeee that i'm giving you the i-am-playing-hard-to-get thingy with you hor! i am no sweet young thing or seductress that you make me to be??? NOTE: although i might just use this ploy when situation demands that i do. still! i digress!!!! and reiterate! am NOT am NOT! am NOT! *hentak-hentak kaki*
so hopefully i do NOT have to hurt you more than i should bro. it will be so downright hellish for me to bear the guilt man and how can it be fair when all i did is to be myself? :( so cut me some slack will ya and save me from the charming bull that you dish out. seriously bro....gua takbley angkat ah. macam nak pitam jer hehehe...otey otey...lets take today's skirmish ehk? where i did ask if you could buy me a pack of handrolling tobacco from over the causeway. i know its with you and you tell me you do not feel good about keeping it too long with you. apprently you are afraid that you might 'cukai' or go ahead and help yourself to some. i replied with no worries and take some if you like. i don't mind since payday is already around the corner *kaching!* so i'm pretty safe for now lar. you then replied in all seriousness how its 'amanah' (a promise) lar and its a heavy responsibilty lar with serious repercussions if not kept bla bla bla and what not...
and gua macam nak hantok jer kepala lu tau!! kalau gua da cakap boleh..dipersilakan dan go AHEAD and segala macam gua tak lokek lar geng peh replies. aper yang lu nak takot kena sambar petir or kena telan bumi nie??? tak paham arh! so jangan nak step alim-alim dan saya lar jejaka yang kamu idam-idamkan. pasal err...hampeh gua tak PERASAAN ler.
so again..please your righteousness and charming ploys (very effective i must say) for those who will actually return your advances lar. it will save you heartache and also add on to your self esteem right? why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do you want to go with an ANTI-SEDUCER as i have been? or must i stop everything at once so we can avoid misunderstandings?
peh funtart lar mat! menyirap ah darah gua tulis entry nie...pasal entah-entah GUA yang kasik lu SIGNALS ehk? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
say sane,
ps: bad bad bad monday! *terbalekkantoilet*
Friday, June 26, 2009
Resistance is futile..
The King of Pop died today at age of 50-51? So saaaaaaaaaad! It was the first thing that I heard when I switched on the news this morning to jostle myself up for the day. I haven’t been sleeping properly due to the happy pink pills and the hard workouts and major reading hasn’t help much. See! That’s why they don’t work (at least long term lar) and you get quite dependant on them *heeeep!* then I wonder if terror one knows this because they have been missing since Tuesday. She loves Michael Jackson! Yeaps, phone is cut again (temporary!) and as I replied to mel, “Same prob lar, bad finance management. Why? Got sugar daddy or mommy to pass ehk?” >) and I conclude its either they won’t answer my calls because they have caller ID or they have gone on a holiday of sorts. Weird because terror 1 did ask if I could send over junk food during this week and chill out *happytotshappytotshappyhappytots*
Packed bag for soccer practice today and then pillaged the pile of clothes for something decent to wear to work. I know copying has been said to be the most flattering compliment but ms. Bijik is getting err....too close for comfort (right up to the same styled speckies) *UGHHH!* so I need to disrupt her pattern a bit. I wonder if she would start wearing undies out, if I did. *ponderponder* glad that I have spare \umbro/ boots because as I had already earlier predicted, my white Nike pair hasn’t been washed and they look now brown with specks of white. I deliberated over t-shirt color and then screw it all by picking up an all black ensemble. Boots-sock-shorts-tee- ALL black! Hrmm….well, we are close to little India what and I don’t mind playing referee once in awhile *hurhurhur* keys, books, toiletries, ball, wallet and all trash checked and I left humming heal the world to myself. Maybe today if the mamak falls asleep again we can sneak into the ladies and take a quick shower after training. Apparently, we (the soccer players) CANNOT use the toilet! And I have in mind to check out why. Last Wednesday, we were noisily chased way by the mamak to use the one at the pool instead. Haz nearly got into a boxing match with him just by asking “then where? “.
It’s still damn too cold in the office now *brrr* and so bright and sunny outside! I ate fishballs and sat under my favorite tree for lunch. Didn’t do much reading but listened instead to loaded tunes from my phone. I skipped all songs that were NOT about ‘getting over IT’. In between I laughed at recordings done by terror 2 which were funny! And mused about my self depreciating conversation I had with IT this afternoon. The poof! IT replied to a very caustic tag I had made *FINALLY* and the closure sought (by moi???) has been reached. But I know it’s too soon to congratulate myself as for all I know it could just be another repetition of old patterns so I have to be very disciplined in minding my progress. We wouldn’t want to spiral or jinx this mild lift off do we? Proven once again how super egos work, IT replied only when IT had a chance to in turn to be the ‘forgiving one’. And who rejected whom again nie? *yeakkkdish! nak ajer gua pushkick tapi tak brutal maseh sabeeeeeeeeeeeeer*
The weekend looms ahead and I have decided to give the pilot a go! He emailed me last week to say he has a trip back and asked if we could meet :p okay please roll in the ‘materialistic bitch labels’ over. I do have a thing for pilots what! And I am lucky to have met quite a few. Although the best looking one was later found to be unavailable *dehemit!*. But I didn’t mind too much then because I was attached hor~~ see, me is believe in one man womang thingy *strictly*
i find it confusing for myself to "belek-belek, pilih-pilih orang macam durian" *sniggers* i guess its alright to line them all up like ducks in a row but not me :) And it’s about time I try to open up a bit right???
ERRRRR *drumrolls*.....But NO to saper –saper yang sebelom ini kena reject STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Nie bukan soal jual mahal ke soal gua materialistic ke haper lar..tapi chemistry beb..chemistry !!! Dan juga, dating seorang pilot gives me the freedom to sloooooooooooooooowly (distance is advantageous) thread water and see if I can once again breathe in the pheromones and want to actually consider procreating *LEGALLY* muahahahahaha >D
Okaylar, gua kerek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Memang per :D babtue lagik adopting ‘sombong kuali’ mode.
Stay sane,
ps: this is not a goooooooooooooooooooooood Friday….i prolly have grinded my molars halfway! Beroks arh!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
better than a wet tshirt contest..
i'm not worried about getting wet lar and am looking forward to sliding around chasing after the rest. there's more gals joining in the fun today! woohooo! *cartwheelie* and must must make mental note that THIS is soccer and NOT tomoi *hurhurhur* also, apparently coach azahari spoke to captain melly that he is thinking of registering the team for the upcoming FAS women's league! *GULPSSSSSSSSSSS*
i can hear the gals now...what? and get thrashed again?? we even rejected friendlies! :p but no worries..i must explain to the gals that we are joining because ITS FREE *muahaha* otey, actually i really do not know if this is sad or evilly happy news. why free? its a major league (OITS! its Football Association of Singapore hor!) and do you know how much some teams pay to FORM THEIR OWN leagues???? i am guessing that since it is organised by FAS most teams are reserving this moment to go for glory for when each team is at its peak. hence the attitude lets win all otehr leagues and THEN pay to win in the FAS. Who knows, one might even get selcted to join the national team sey! *giggles*
i told melly i'll talk it over with the gals and coach tohari today about it and see what he says. its good to know that attendance is on the rise and the gals are more feeling the groove afetr the slump before. i also think why not if its free right? must show support for FAS what and it's be good practice for the gals as well. we would get to size up the rest and also put our mettle to test. i wonder if marine parade has managed to replace thier womens team and if the fates be so funny *i know you gusy are* and possibley face a game versus marine parade?? *LOL*
crys just called and asked me if i got extra pair of boots? Oi! i am at work lar citot...and i already have been teased about the size of my bag siak. so manjalemak everything also ask amy if got spare. just cos i always have spares! now am thinking nie....i packed white shorts, and white boots! *slapforehead* and i left my reebok sports back last week at the shower room *eeeeks!* will it be more of mud wrestling today than anythingelse? knowing how waterlooged the field cna get and why oh why did i throw away all my bee dees training bras siak! alconsperm today err..cold? *arghhhhhh!!!* the worst evar mistake is boots in white siakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....i BLAME melly! she thought i'd look cool in white boots when she bought them for me when she went on the trip to states 2 months back. ishkk....another thing to do today...
wash boots and then go hunt for sports bras......lucky i got small neh-nehs heheeheheheh
stay sane,
ps: joined the prepaid bandwagon..ok so i got issues in managing my finances lar! and it's only temporary so don't panic. anyone wanna 'helep' me with my fiances hehehe. we can trade! i know how to massage with minyak lintah! *gagagagagaga*
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Busy with whattttt??
And my answer is always the same, “dunno”. Which is annoying but I find myself so bushed sometimes that the minute my right foot enters the door, I’m already rushing to bed. So forget about asking me out for TT session or whatever have yous once I have confirmed I’m home.
Honestly, I am a lonely basket but my buddies always give me the facepalm and reason how I could be lonesome when I have so many friends. This is the irony of the extrovert introvert *haha* where one can have many many friends but lonely still. In other words, desperately seeking soulmate lar! :p so desperate that I asked my best friend to go ‘steady’ recently. His reply?...”I can only answer your question when I see some actions.” WTH! No offence taken of course but he was obviously ruffled. He ranted and raved and I was confused for a bit but I know where I stand and I could understand the phobias and stigma attached to agreeing to ‘seal the deal’ with me. Horror of horrors huh? It’s not like I asked you to marry me what! But he knows me to well and understood what was being asked for and in his way tried to ‘politely’ decline. Dehemit! Now best friend has decided to go the way of the poof! Which is to disappear lest he jinx my intention of finding true love or some whack shit? Well, I tried and took his refusal in stride. Hey, I’m cool like that you know :)
So, this rejected went dejected to the fields of Farrer to kick some balls. One must know how to deal with stuff like this without resorting to self inflicted violence. Thank god for the school holidays so football training has increased in frequency. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays there’ll be training in the evenings and since I finish pretty early (I start earlier mah) I could just about make it to Farrer park where Coach Tohari and the boys will be already roughing it out. Beds agreed to partner me that day and thank god I brought my kit to work in cases of emergency like above. We arrived and kit up, beds had to wear the smelly bib and we played with the boys. As you know, football is a “gentelman’s game” so the boys (or men???) tried to avoid passing, tackling or didn't even want to try look in our way. Coach had to scream at them to pass to us. I just went for thier legs all the time in retaliation :p Shy shy I think but it was no sweat beds and me because we play with boys all the time. All in all it was still a good workout and since IT was TGIF and I didn’t want to go back to sleep; I convinced beds to let me tag along to go pick up some shoes from her friend in town. I had earlier planned to visit kidd at her new place but there were no takers. All the same I sent a mass sms to all my footie kakis and told them that we’ll be chilling out random till late and anyone is welcome to join.
We showered (yes gals!!!! There is a shower for gals at farrer park dardey) and made our way to locate Felicia somewhere in boat quay. We got lost and made turns around boat quay AND Clarke quay SO in the end Felicia HAD to hunt for us instead. Lil dee, stephie, kidd and lina replied and said will join us later for supper and or whatever so we waited for the rest at Clarke quay to chill abit up and wait for the rest. They came, they saw and we all smacking loudly air kissed each other and then decided to head down to boat quay for the tarik. You cannot imagine how either of these places changed! I felt old but! Hell yeah! i do not look old hor *muahahahaha* so anyway, steph left to join her frenchie roomie and then beds had to head home in case she turn into a pumpkin :p left with lil dee, kidd, lina and me to push the limits of the humid night further. Kidd suggested we hang at istana park, dhoby ghaut where the skaters roam and we all agreed to walk there. I suggested we take a short cut hiking up Fort Canning (it was already 1am siaked) since they haven’t been up there themselves before and I could show them exactly where I worked. Lil dee jumped at the appearance of a wee frog and I was asking myself why the hell did I suggest this route???? Because it IS DAMN creepy lar the place at night, ESPESCIALLY since I already know that there is a kramat (its GRAVE lar!) in Fort Canning. It was not called the Forbidden Hill for nothing before *gulps* and I kept steering the gals away from the lanes leading to it. making it easier to avoid was the fact that paths leading to it are not brightly lit. we managed to avoid it *phew* and they asked me to show them where was the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM), which was close.
There we discovered a durian tree right in front of ROMM and while trying to make funny of the damn scary already situation we took pictures with the small durians that littered the ground. While I tried to ignore the prickling sense of all my hair standing on ends! We were taught not to ‘tegur’ or rather make any mention of strange and scary things so we still carried taking pictures with my phonecam. Lil dee and kidd were pretending to be runaway brides haha and we were trying to get a shot of them trying to break into the ROMM. Beside the entrance is a vending machine and somehow I was trying hard to avoid looking there. We took a few shots before I declared that my phonecam sucks bigtime with nightshots, so we should make a move already.
I turned to my right where we came from and that route didn’t feel so right. I looked to my left where the is an UNLIT path (darrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mauts) to the spice garden and it didn’t feel right as well so I tried to convince the gals to slide down the steep slope in front of us *muahahaha* leading to the road below. GAH! Lina just had to suggest to use her sony ericsson phone to RETAKE the shots. Ho hum…I sad okay. Lil dee was trying to strike pose and I SAW her taking a double take just then. Her face all ashen and panicky when she happened to look towards the vending machine. *uwaaaaaa* I maintained composure and then lina nudged me. I said ok go! WE all FELT it and SMELT it!!!!!!!!! I insisted that the slide down the slope will be fun! But lil dee insisted on taking the spice garden route. I muttered some prayers and we walked through it quickly. The smell of cloying frangipani greeted us and since it was NOT too strong indicated that IT was quiiiiiteeeee near. My heart was pumping overtime man! We reached the main road and it was only when we could hear music from timbre a local pub hangout somewhere close did I manage to breathe normally. Lina then whispered to me about a black black figure when I told her to shut her trap immediately!
Arrived! Istana park is SMACK in the middle of a busy busy main road so PHEW. No worries about close encounters here *huuhurhur* There were some like us too just there hanging out and with our drinks and keropoks we settled down at the istana park to lepak. Wah! I felt 16 heehehe…the next time I checked my watch it was blaardy 6 am already so we all shared a cab home. Good thing I wasn’t working unlike the three of them >) Lil dee headed home with me since she stays ON the other part of the island and I think she can fit into my used-to-be-FAT pants. We wear about the same shoe size so it was settled. If they don’t fit she has to haul her ass back to jurong herself. i snoozed away the whole Saturday afternoon but I got another surprise, the terrors suddenly cancelled their trip up to genting. Apparently their papa told terror 1 and 2 there were no tickets but told terror 3 that she has to update her baby photo in her passport before they could make the trip *whatever~~flipshair*BUT ka-ching!!! he’s going anyway to malaysia with his wifey so the terrors are left all alone with the lazy muthafarken maid for the weekend. There goes my PLANNED weekend again courtesy of the ex *^@*^*$^@($&($&@)*$@)$&). Where can i get a sitter at this hour?
Budget was tight and I CANNOT cancel Sunday training anymore than I could grab a cab and haul them to be with me. Terror 1 was getting emotional and was crying and raving mad. She wished she was dead and amongst other things wished that we didn’t divorce. Fooooooh! It was 1030pm already and I had to keep calm and coaxed terror 1 to fix something to eat. Hungry people are angry angry people. Guess what? The maid told the kids she don’t know HOW to BOIL a hardboiled egg! I even gave specific instructions but the maid chose instead to turn in at 11pm. My blood was boiling by their 20th call and it was already 130am. They made much noise so the neighbor downstairs made a trip up to scare them. note please that the miad refused to wake up. The emotional wrestling over da phone continued till I convinced terror 1 to raid the kitchen to see if we can try fixing simple recipes with whatever was available. Terror 1 listed all the stuff and we settled on bread, butter, cheese, parsley and bits of pepper. I trust her with the microwave and like spies they worked supper with stealth in case they wake up the maid. Tummy is full and I told them to park themselves in front of the telly and try to doze. At one point I think I did threaten to call their dad immediately and demand an explanation for all this crap! But that was merely a slip of course. I knew it will only make things worse for them.
Finally. Sleeeeep. Time check 2am. Terror one called AGAIN! at near 3am to complain that the maid woke up and switched off all the lights and telly and forced the kids to just lie down in their bedroom. Again inducing hysterics from all the terrors. At that point of time, I WAS really tempted to GET over and KILL someone. Luckily, I managed to appease them by promise of better tomorrow. So after soccer training last Sunday, with help from my school buddy we kidnapped the terrors and spent the day at the beach. Needless to say by 11pm I was a walking zombie. Monday went uneventful; I was already in bed just as the news came on. And my friends WONDER I busy with whattttttttttttttt?
Sleep lar.
Stay sane,
p/s : today terror 1 called and asked me about a hotel “PUTERI PAN PACIFIC”. I told her it is in johore bahru and I thought she wanted to tell me the coincidence of the hotel having the same name as hers. I asked why before jumping the gun and she replied sarcastically, “orh! So papa must have stayed there lar cos he said he go mesia to go hospital!” Then I replied, “Good lar, let them be honeymooners so I can see you more often”. Terror’s reply, “ada anak honeymooooooooon aper??! “ I rest my case *ziippppppppppppp*
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
who is in denial nie?!
you dummy you!
so i had the pleasure of being introduced to www.minahspeak.livejournal by biksmuse. and who else?! *tsk* of late, my mood for all things guapunya lepak days made such sudden rushes disturbing my akak-akak opis persona. so yeaps, i have been busy blog reading is in alpha? beta? aper kejadah?? well, her entries are not many and i note that she already HAS a facebook fan groupie thingy in facebook! yesh, her quiz created ripples among the minahs and mats in facebook. i didn't take the minah quiz or maybe i did? but i didn't score 100% lar and my persona has always been mucho macho male peargh! so obviously i took the MAT quiz and hell yeah! scored 100% mat-doom there \menten/
how she writes, reminds me of this mat who goes by the name of 'karipap7posen'. or does she just remind me of being the new generation of minahs. he answers to also k'pap in short! and he write funny stuff this chap. in a very innocent way, his beguiling crack jibes have an air or age old lepak wisdom. then one time he started this super hot and sicky topic in the forum pages. there is this dictionary, a compliation of all the rock or lepak speak of the mats and minahs united combined in it. it was sensational larh! then if i could remember better, he had a webpage too? for this fact, i shall have to double cross check maut with the 'otais of guapunya' otai - old timer :)
ishkk!! come to think of it, originilaty can still be achieved. a sense of individualism very much attainable in this cookie cut techie world! foar~~ yesh i salut the originals out there. no matter what label, size and in every measureable, empirical sense of the word....i give you a mega dio lar! and yes, you are surely a minah IF you DENY being one int he first place. gosh, when you want gender to just doesn't! what gives???!! *balingkerusi* so yeaps...below is for you..MEGA tau tau tau!
so my weekend with the mats and minahs rempits *batokshearkkkkhhhhhbatoks* ala geng car-car was fun *smirk* my selfish intentions of getting away from it all actually backfired BUT! that is bordering on too much info hehe. but i note that generally, in the same topic of why do we like to be in a state of denial is purely because its just another choice. a much much easier choice to make rather than to contemplate horror of horrors a confrontation. with nothing less than what it is that generates the feeling of livid fear and presumebly can sure die of embarrassament trying to choke us with DIS-ease. can anyone spell T-R-U-T-H? so so so..what is it you ask, that hit a home run to this state of in denial was smack me! there i was out of place, out of sync and out in the hot sun trying to do what?? FIT beb..yeah me...FIT. me of the random personas usually genderless ball of balderash was in a state of extreme denial. in the midst of all the hullabaloo of meeting up members ala united mesia n singypore of the drivers (they called themselves something else lar of course) and thier partners (yes, those who didn't drive or own one was howdy pardnah!) there i was completely clueless to find myself neither belonging to either group. i had to swallow a huge ball of spit mind you when a very nice and friendly gal came up to me and asked if i was either, and all i could answer was "errm...." *smack!CRASHHHHHHHHHHHHH*
she offered a weak, "orh! partner yer? kita-kita sumer nie pon ada yang partner jugak. ehk join lar *tooot* sisters! u just click jer and join us to kenal-kenal perangai buroks dema-dema nie" and i smiled my megawatt smile and thank god i had my HUGE sunnies on. yeaps..i wore them for lunch at geng's restaurant :p she just invited me to be part of the girlfriends wing of the going strong, pretty active car gang. and i wanted to kiss her and wished i could 'layaned' melepak with her as a thank you for filling in the 'awkwarddddddddddddddddd' moment but i was still dazed you see with blinding self revelation that i went completely bombotic! which is like a bimbo who swallowed a ticking bomb because she had thought it helps with the cramps *lolol* i swear you could hear ticking coming from me so i flip my hair (in true bimbo style) and then tucked into my just arrived nasi ayam upin dan ipin. betol betol betol! SALAH! because i really wanted to try something more kuala lumpurish! i mean, we of singytebahbombers are used to succulent, delish hainanese (halal hor) chcken rice wei at brickworks! so apa lar..nasi ayam upin dan ipin right? and with the last bits of rice into my mouth, i lit a ciggerate and fagged there RIGHT at the table yeah! while nice gal took the opportunity to to a kebelakang pusing *abouturn* on me *sigh* she was really nice adn genuine but well oh well. needless to say, my bomb shot the fuse and erupted into da nasty *BURP* gah~ wish i was a farter instead *lolol*
that was a tragedy alright...where was my gua rockers lar attitude right? live and let live babe. lu suka gua pun suka. so kita suka-suka! yeaynesssssssssssss! all went well and in some areas much appreciated. somehow somewhere i lost a sense of self for cheap *NOT!* getaway. the price was a 'kriiing kriiing' moment. or i would like to think of the moment to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay trippppppppy beb..then at the last bit "berlanggar motorcar! pom! pom! POTONG gua PEH STIME!" and i didn't think a "sorry sorry langgar lorry" was going to make up for the losses with the concept of being in denial.
still, i gained new insight on the mamat lagik gua chui..or cannon so to speak. and then totally tripped on the highway with mojo rock 80's all the way. the extras are deemed explicict thus not bloggable for fear of 'report offensive content' push button activated *hehehe* and one word of buying new aroma sealed handrolling fruit flavored tobacco- IT TASTES like shitte!! but what to do??? roll cili padi or a fat jack sama dia lar! budget beb..budget...abeh da go hurray hurray per ;)
stay sane,
note on mamat gua chui : actions do speak louder than words but i don't speak mime lar! so can you please clarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrify? cakap BIAR terang per or do you really think i can read minds? itu alice cullen lar! oops! but you don't read kan? dehemiT larr....must i now go slink to mat mime corner as opposed to mat action for clarifications please ask mat on duty corner now?? *gah!!!*
pps: k'pap! kalau gua jumpa lu skarang kan...akan gua publish ler lu peh compilations and 'nasihat wak-wak lu'...pasal confirm letup giler lu lagik darik minahspeak tue. cheh! gua biased nie hehehe....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
woooo its friday!
tuesday - work was work and i caught up with princess terror three over the phone who excitedly reminded me that it was her birthday at midnight. did i mention work was work again and that i added a few more reads to my blogroll. i finally read the use of webtools available on blogger.
wednesday - the birthday prezzie for my biksmuse came and yeah work was work scrollinng through and sexcited about owning a bloog :D packed gear for muay thai and damn me for agreeing to go all the way to holland just to spar. tears were shed of course in tinly rivulets as i was reminded of a missed birthday. hell did i kick ass that night at muay thai. not only my ass hurt but i think my tummy really protested this time to the 'conditioning'.
thursday - clashed parties. i had forgotten about nads birthday bash and futsal meet with zai. wait what about workshops! *gah!!* was i meant to play futsal in a black polka dot dress? NooooooooooOoooooooooo....the tuchings brought extra gear and soon my aches were forgotten TILL i reached home close to midnight. what's with birthdays in the month of may and also hrmmm...anniversaries???? TT = Teh Tarik session dar! *slapsforehead*
FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYYY - training at farrer was mercifully cancelled due to rain. i prayed for sleep and rest. received rainbow at end on conversation and yeay for laksa ala express! read kacip and read him some more. why do you have to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay younger dehemit! lu rock lar beb, gua caya sama lu woohoo! please sign my dada gituk. you ARE on my blogroll definately. senyum sinis melebar ke telingga.padded pillows with lavendar and go-blog yeah! orh! guapunya is in alpha beta? me dunno want to just ommmmmmmmmmmega sleep tight. showered, rested and add the few books on books in facebook. gosh my body is creaking *ughughughughugh*
*yawn* and looking ahead
saturday - ex secondary schoolmates arranged football. no fair gals play rounders? cisss!! its the same old thing, gender discrimination but! it'd be fun to drop by and say hello to familiar faces. my prince terror 2 birthday but apprently its parent teacher meeting. hrmmm...i really hope it rains. planned makan session!
sunday - football training and returning balls to marine parade. i am imagining me carrying that many balls and zai in kebaya playing soccer *muahahaha* constitution? training dulu beb! and will hope to get to see the prince and princess of honour. please..please be sunny side up so that i can get rid of hatefull tanlines.
monday - ehk! dia bunyik lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.............................
stay sane,
ps: the mind can forget but the body reaps its bashes literally *snores*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
the joke is on me..

Friday, May 01, 2009
ms. hipsidiot is the classic evil stepsister from reports and apprently the terrors can only skulk in fear when they have to face her wrath. ms. hipsdiot is 9 going 10 and has a curly scraggly short hair. she has her mum's height and features definately but what surprises me is the evidence of outright audicity of a GIRL that age to literally scream at her MUM for anything amiss. of course i feel angry when i witness her tantrums, espescially when it is directed to the terrors but realistically there is lilttle i cna do. i just ease away my worries by gloating that the terrors no matter how terror they each can be have NEVER had the courage to even try to raise thier voice at me and THAT ms. hipsdiot is NOT my daughter *hehehe* with regards to being physically abused, i am trying to 'teach' the terrors to not just turn the other cheek but practice instead assertive defense. they have been 'trained' by young to not resolve to physical fighting unless its called 'contact sports' and instead opt for more peaceful resolves, usually it must involve an adult as mediator. fights must be fair as in love and war, the wittier the better to encourage better excercise of the grey matter of course. but apprently this does not work in thier family. the complaintnants * the terrors* are most often turned away by the adults in the house. they 'trust' this tyrant of nearly 10 to be the eldest with responsibilty. and hitting is permissable and sometimes they say, papa just dismiss them with "nevermind, not purposely" to every lodge complaint. so now my problem is that the terrors turned out to be mere pussycats apprently in face of tyranny, prefering to patiently swallow any kind of abuse and it bothers me.
i heart the terrors for thier patience and faith in the Almighty to deal fair blow on thier behalf to the said opressors but then i draw the line at being physically abused. espescailly among siblings. we fight all the time and will have squabbles over the tiniest things but hitting the head with a book? smacking the face and body till it leaves marks? i could go insane thinking about the stuff i have heard and seen done by ms. hipsdiot!!! *ROARRRRRRRRRRR* so now the terrors have been instructed to pick up arms and understand that standing up and fighting back to these mean people is not a sin. defending your rights within boundaries is more admirable than taking it lying down and let your oppressors scoot away free. if the adults will not be fair or refuse to pay attention then grab that attention you deserve and demand you get fair trial!!! *ugh!!* still the terrors refuse. they said, it will only turn to be worse for them as the evil step sister is vengeful to add and its much easier to avoid confrontations *bah!humbug* maybe..maybe they say, always hoping and praying that one fine day ms. hipsidiot get her JUST desserts.
but why is that when its problems between the 3 of them, its so easy to throw that punch or quick to retort with something verbally vile? so its okay to fight among the three of them but not agaisnt the evil step sister? something is definately wrong here and i'll be damned if i don't get to the bottom of it. SOON! and i mean it!! i might just make you shit in your pants when i'm just about done with you. you can say that i have like 20 plus odd years being the bully at home *i still love you bobby and i never did repeat the same tricks twice wot hehe* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....and mama legal only in thailand, i know you're waaaaaaay older than me lar and you single handedly *or so i heard* brought up your own chldren after your divorce but but but.........................eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekS~~~ aren't your ashamed at being BULLIED by your own children? no wonder you prefer the terrors anyday to your own woman! cosh seriously, i may be the away mama BUT i sure hell hold a lot more respect from my terrors than you could ever TEACH your kids *mueheheheeh* so please ehk, don't have any AIRS because by blood your not thier MOM and legally by law your're NOT thier mom least in singapore. HELL lar!! i don't see how you deserve being MOM to any of the kids at all?? *pttttuiiii* secara hukum you have the 'rights' as ibu tiri. almaklum da nikah aper. tapi mak eh....kalau nak model diri tue serupa mithali, ingatlar yang kita nie maseh lagi terikat hukum dunia jugak! kalau ini cara mak eh..besok lusa, anak sendrik kaweng lari pastue dia cakap, "mama dulu kaweng pat thailand per" tak boleh nak salahkan anak-anak tue tau. peringatan kepada dua anak beranak ini...mama terror aksyen lar taknak tunjuk belang tapi pikirkan lar, air yang tenang yang selalu banyak ikan piranas! ishkk! sakit jiwa siak meikirkan nya...cuma waktu saya lebih bagus digunakan untuk mendidik saya dan anak-anak serupa terrors supaya bedoa dan usaha jangan larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...kiter sumer nie terjebak dan terbabit dengan &*^&^^$^$%#%#^&*#&*(&(& awak anak beranak!
stay sane,
mama JAHAT
ps: don't worry, i fear retribution more than death at second ;)
Monday, April 27, 2009
hate! hate!
but i shall play my cool.
do you really want me to hate you?
I CAN...
should i play into your traps?
will we ever make our way out of this?
because what are memories but just memories
DIE! DIE! DIE!!!!!
why can't i hate you?
stay sane but NEVER you *sob*
Friday, April 24, 2009
living dreams..STORM

Finally, the end of the FAS Women Challenge Cup.
top row (left from right) : kimmie 'makan kaki', jean goalie mummy, yan unstoppable wedgie, zai hola strikeme, dee budak jahat, mel the captain aye, jiabin ithink, celeste the tank, soo not tired, des barcelona chick.
bottom row (left to right) : lina dark kuda, jiahui mongstar strength, stephie vice stripper, beds heart attack, haz wonder kecik, moi, shihui da missing, kidd priestess bola.
not in picture : crystal mid wonder, farah saya goalie.
we lost the challenge and didn't' make it through the next round. and we got totally trashed haha. imagine an end total of above 30 *morecoughgoalscough* scored against us with a total of 6 games played. the greatest humiliation was the game where we lost 26 nil on HOME ground! *faint* our saving grace was the lone goal scored by zai hola strikeme who promised a goal in our last game. it wasn't easy being part of this team. what do expect when you have girls living the dream of samba soccer? i pity our then coach *blesshistorturedsoul* for being brave enough to take us on. but in the end he quit wot?! there was the need to have more players, the strive to get fit, the necessity to perfect our technicalities and then the overlapping bitchy emotions running amok to contend with. from the lost of gals then gaining some later only to lose them again due to unforeseen circumstances lead to the remaining having to question the loyalty and commitment of those who stayed. from the hard courts of futsal to the la di da of let's just play field finally to the vision of setting up a real football club; the above gals made the cut through all the drama and turbulent trying times just to live a dream. and a dream it was and reality it will be.
i really should get started on that book huh? *muahahaha* its been slightly less than a year and it seems like a whole life time. obviously we lost more than we won anything but to be sure...TO THE CORE! TO THE HEART~!!! we WON gals! we WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!! defiantly in my books, we won the hardest and most elusive prize of all, which is to stay as a PRIDE *roarrrrrrmeow* words cannot say how proud i am to be part of this team and how much i'm willing to sacrifice to ensure that all our sweat, tears and not forget laughter stays in existence. plus, i am suffering from recent heartbreak and you guys keep me sane *muahaha*
there were many disagreements and too many episodes of wrenching heartbreak hiccups to even mention lar. lost of sponsorship, no players, no coach, no equipment, no discipline and yada yada yada...but hey! WE are STILL here. of course we are no bastard bitches that bit the hand that fed us. he who shall not be named shall be remembered as the one who started it all. 'maybe' God bless his tortured soul ;) lets pray really really hard for him otey and i hope we can bury all disappointments individually and collectively to start anew as i certainky have ;) PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....
so i hope the call to band together tighter and more solid as before will not be disappointing hor! *crossfingerstoesandeyes* for all that is worth, its the future of dreams calling each of us strong..not to forget NEW COACH *ahemstohari* new players, new goals!, new everything!! gals!!! rally up...the team needs you. remember when i nearly gave up and you each made me stay? please now remember and take to heart each your plea and turn it into pledge. its now or never gals, let's really make this happen.
till i see you gals again....very very soon kicking balls! i quote crystal mid wonder, "can't wait to see all of us WINNING together." here's to the champions of my bola heart \m/ YOU GALS rock my SOCKS *hurhurhur*
stay sane,
ps: oh yah! the nicks i came up all on my own of cosh hehehehe..yan i know your're so gonna kill me *lolol*