Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another Glimpse..

I once earned the label an idealistics ass *keldaiIdealis* from few back while we harp on the pangs and sweetness of LOVE. So I take offence when faced with someone..goes on to have an opinion like this….

“My opinion TRUE love no more longer exist coz we don't even know how to love ourselves. You, ME, THEY all of us are only making use of one other this is the fact.Like what you said, people need "companionship, to be supported & especially the need of lust". Fallen in love or to be loved are gone what you can see & find is SELFISHNESS hahahahahh........”

The question to the above was ‘Why do we love when we know it hurts so much? Here comes my opinion.

"Shit you if Love does not exist. Bull shit if you do not know how to love yourself. You will not know stupid shit from good shit if you do not make use of others. Silly kau shit if you tag love to just another need. Pity shit if you have gave up falling in love. Hard ego shit when you are not loved and do not want to be loved. Damn hell shit if love is gone! U cannot shit shitte if you cannot handle selfishness. TRUE shit is you know nothing about Love. "

To realize Love is to joyfully discern its subtleties. To idolize Love is to make truth its highest pinnacle. To honor Love is to make war and taste its blood. To fulfill Love is to never fear folly capriciousness. To bind Love is to fill an ocean of tears with hopes. To have peace in Love is to respect merciless pain. To eternally be in Love is to be trusted to see your beloved through the veiled and unveiled.

*brainfreeze* but what do I know ;)

Newsflash! Singapore’s top most used word is……LOVE :) *ehehehehehe*

On the other side of things, I have finally relocated to the new office at Keppel Distripark. It has been two whole weeks and I have yet to settle down. I receive static reception on mental floss like above on and off but usually I completely slip into oblivion after work. The terrors lost their grandfather early last week and my weekend with them was somber but still fruitful. I went to pay my respects but was literally asked to leave by his son and lost my composure when I tried to explain how I still felt for the family and the man *alfatehah* but losing one's parent is always hard.

The books are stacking up on the sofa in my room, all read and waiting to be return. But not yet because I have loads to pick from the books and stash somewhere in my ever growing collections of writings to me, myself and…*kelipsatbiksetan* My bag is full of scribbled loose notes, an unfinished letter from March 07 to Susan *whoifinallyemailedtosayashorthi*, an unfilled journal for at least 3 weeks, half written blog posts!!!, post it reminders of things to do from god knows when and what manner of leftover bits from work and my rat race life. I will not mention the state of my room or the amount of laundry I have to do for obvious reasons. The good news is that I would be moving on to greener pastures, made the decision based on the chase for higher pay. I could be sentimental but I feel good about the move but also maybe because the boss man asked me today in attempt to hold me back, what is my designation at work *duhhh* I finally registered for the new semester and listed out the papers I have to hand in prompt! Met my ex classmates who are now doing their Specialist Diplomas!! *jealous* but I’ll get there *yeeehaaaa!* My lecturer actually thought I graduated already *muahahah* and good to know that I could book them for one on one sessions for when I can’t gatecrash class. The new campus at Bugis looks ORANGE and surprise, surprise it was the former police station beside Shaw Towers. A new phone!!! The N80 Interneck Edition, courtesy of a blessed soul *mayHereturnyouthefavourmanyfold* which will enable me to BLOG via wifi ler!! *drools* which I have yet to hook up to my pc anyway to synchronize and add songs for on the go *blastoff!* but will need BIGGER memory card. I really need a laptop and may one fall from the sky *haha* which is just wishful thinking on my part. So will have to stick to the traditional way of doing my assignments, WHICH means having to retype, edit and can only review on the pc at home. So yeaps…I really do not know what the heow am I busy with >)

Happy birthday YUNIS! Guapunya Pte Ltd! Ayincurrent! Sham! In addition, the many more I forgot about ;p I want to go CHO LON!! I miss the elegies gang very much much! Hope to meet wombatman soon! Lunch! Breakfast! Dinner! Mummy I want to see you too! I am dreaming of archery lessons and the scenes of the Lourve. I want to BUY books on sale at the substation! The new novel by Paulo! The whole MPH...TIMES...KINOKUNIYA! and last but not least Borders :p oh! congrats norticataitai for getting that jimmy choo bag though i wish you had gotten the jimmy choo shoes AND a chanel handbag :p

But now…its sleep :)

Stay sane,

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The decline of desire…

Shikino and bobby were looking through the papers for school project work last night and asked me nonchalantly what I thought about the prime minister’s pay of 3million and the question ended with a full stop of a ‘I don’t think its too much for a person managing country!’. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that we had a *iforgot* percentage increase in the number of millionaires in Singapore as of to date. Do the math; it’s all the ministers’ lerrr. My opinion is simple, “And look at what, where and when policies did he and his compatriots think and execute for the people? For the country?” *nuffsaid*

Yes, I do agree..he is managing the WHOLE country! And that itself is a HUGE task. Bigger than say USA? Switzerland? Germany perhaps? Or what about Malaysia, Indonesia? China? And why shouldn’t our government is paid as well as those from the commercial, industrial or financial institutions? ;) Why not indeed. But are we really attracting the right mix of people for our government? Are the academic and scholastic types really better than those poorly educated candidates like Mr. Chiam See Tong?

From an open letter to the government written by Yeo Toon Joo, Peter, 61 an Ex-news editor for the Straits Times from I would like to quote….
“Do not intimidate or beat down all dissenters or those with alternative views, but judge them on their integrity, and do not swamp and swallow up those with potential for leadership into the PAP and high ministerial salaries. You end up with many ‘yes’ men.”
For all fellow dissenters, haven’t you been challenged with a direct “What then is the solution?” or “Why don’t you pick up arms and join the party?” What I do not understand is this; is our discussion done? Have we exhausted ourselves with the question already that you throw me a dare and another question?!! *blinks* or is that merely and exasperated attempt to quit the topic and move on to another? Like I have mentioned…the art of conversation is DEAD and lesser still the people who appreciates the little nuances of a discussion.
On a lighter note; while waiting for dinner to be delivered and over dinner itself we talked about the many sales going on, holiday trips and generally caught up on each our lives. It’s rare to be sitting over dinner with my siblings :p and when I am quite used to huge family, rowdy but fiercely intimate dinners with my loved ones. Last night was nice. I missed the outing with another set of loved ones. Namely biksetan, powwsters, sham and naza and could have only imagined the ruckus they created along jalan sultan. Earlier I missed dinner with my loved ones from years past namely aha, lindot and nanin. My absence from that dinner outing was glossed over with the fact that titot and Adrian was missing in action too. Still I missed the laughs over silly memory details from school days. My reasons most very cliché and most times irrepressibly dejavu-istic :p but!! The DESIRE is not lost, just wavering gently in life’s breeze, taking care it will never be snuffed out by materialism, ageism and what isms exist now. Eh! More places now are clamping down on smokers and booby said a club was only giving free drinks to those under 35 *muahahah* In the very least I hope not to lose the bit of integrity I hold close to my names. May it be the naughty but nice jahatism of jahat, or the flighty distracting amyism of amy, I hope searching essence of emeelea-ism will stick if not convincing enough for date picks? :D

Stay sane,

ps: so who wants to be a millionaire!!!!