Friday, May 02, 2008

Men are Pigs… - Love’s Loopy Logic

“Women using a 'men are always pigs' decision-making rule may be more likely to actually end up with honest, committed, and long-term-seeking males," insists Geher.

I would hate to have to summaries but tell me please about what you think about the article linked. These past few days have been pretty tragic to say the least and my heart goes to You and You :) where I quote from our msn conversation, “At the end of the day, only you and you alone knows the state of your relationships and yes it is hard to know where it finally leads to…”

So have heart, the most important thing is not to be swishy washy with one’s decision. So for the most of us *ladies and gents inclusive* it is far better and more conclusive to hold firm to the clarity of white or the darkness pitch-black of reality to have a clearer mindset of what holds for each our destinies. While I truly agree that sometimes the toughest things we want to hold on to requires fierce fight but then walking away clean can be of a better option for most. In cases like myself, where as a single mum aka divorcee with extra baggage it all boils down to the future of the kids. We base most of our major decisions over their future rather than setting the future on ourselves. Again my che. J4S summarizes, “I know I need him and love him but at the end of the day I do not want to end up alone.” As compared to another’s stand where she feels that self confidence to move on with or without a partner is simply more realistic. I concur because why would you want to bear with the endless heartache of pondering over his non-commitment. But for the sake to maintain proprietry Who loses if everybody wants to win and haven’t you heard the biggest winners were losers first.

Men and women are simply ‘wired’ differently because men do not generally invest as much as women in a relationship hence the roving eyes BUT as the article pointed out again *for those gender sensitive* "Biased mechanisms are not design defects of the human mind, but rather design features," so the ladies to are prone to their own set of biases too *like for expecting too much hehe*. Most importantly is to be in the KNOW and use that knowhow to empower yourself optimally. *I see many pointing to me and going how IDEALISTIC!* but then why not? *ponderponder*

To Her who has been tested with one of her biggest hurdle yet, only time can tell the truth and I am totally against of banging hard on the table for a definitive future *unless set as guide* Which I know from our conversations to be ‘NOT LETTING HIM INTO YOUR LIFE AT ALL’ especially after all that has happened. “Men are Pigs - so move on psycho talk” can do only so much very temporary measure but the endless possibilities of seeing only a future open to ALL possibilities does much more. Think about it ;) Because at the end of the day, we are born to be so super resilient *points to evolution* and come what may, you have the power of fate in your hand and not all others. As you wish for me dear strength, I wish for the happiness of the Fool to follow you wherever it may lead you. Cry when you need to cry, hate if you must but LOVE even more even though it kills you to love and hurt those around you to do so. I do fail in this area miserably myself because some peeps are too hateful and vindictive to be deserving of such giving. Then please take tembak gajah satu *a big gun lar* and go shoot him in the head and do the rest of us a favor *muahahahaha* or simply if WE can, turn the other cheek for them to slap, insult and abuse. Just DON'T stick yourself in the rut only rot to stink to the highest of heavens with self inflicted woes will be to decide to waste the beautiful soul that you are.

And to che. J4S, I do hope you find that man who will forever stand by your side and be all that you want him to be because YES! We all deserve only the best. To view life so cynically can only mean that you are on the road to finding yourself the one most sought after. A man of integrity, honesty and loving who is committed to you long –term :) I certainly do enjoy your brutal love tactics but I can’t bear the thought of having another’s death on my conscience *hehe* because we never know how fragile another is. Statiscally, those who do threaten to jump and die WILL jump and die as opposed to the current belief that they are only crying wolf. Life is sacred *blush* however jahat *naughty* I am. It is naughty but nice ;) NOT jahat as in EVIL! *gahhh!* I have grown older therefore sappy *blueeek*

For me…although ‘sederhana’ *moderation* is to some BORING, simply too safe or maybe too strict in certain areas; I seek your understanding to let me give it a try because I like it. And I am happy with just the way things are. I have accepted the fact that should I end up alone due to age, my emo-fits or simply for being just me. I take heart that I have given the other *and all that comes with him* the chance and benefit of the doubt to give US a try and for myself the chance to experience love in its many manifestations. As I always remind myself there is always a better tomorrow! And there is justice for all! *queue song from metallica to head bang to*

Oh! For the record I do too have my limits and for one can’t tolerate abuse of power if we are to to build and lobby for a better future hence I’d like to promote the belief that one should be vulnerably strong. Vulnerable to rejection, competition and fierceness of criticism *ahems* but ALSO strong to hold forte to my center and ground myself in the endless splendors of infinite possibilities to go further into the abyss of positive unknowns. Try getting drilled at 5am about SOPs on how to remember to put yourself in another’s shoes and you’d see what I mean. I feel so stupid and powerless but then I am humbly grateful to overcome that moment with compassion and more understanding for another.

Women are Pigs too! \m/

Stay sane,
