Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hung Up and Down over…

Respect has to be earned not given.

It has been said too many times and most expected from another.

How does one earn respect from another?

Well, whatever rocks your boat or flies your canoodle one must say! Then the flow of conversation will go on hopefully on equal measure. Slimy is the one who replies to EVeRYTHING using ‘it depends on the situation’ as an answer every time.

I hate yous. It just means to me that your brains a fried lar and you need more time to phrase your answer to appear less stupid muahahaha..cheeky bastard. But I like you more than just enough which is why I patiently sexplainED the rhetoric to you dumbass so that I can get to know you better or LESS. In this case the baseline for either depends on how much VALUE *kaching!* you add into my life. As of current real-time, it looks like its leaning towards more on the scale of NO MORE PLEASEEEEEE…

I also hate it when someone tries to start a conversation with me with “so how you doing?” errr…u haven’t SEEN me in the flesh for like ages and you ask me smack in the face over nice dinner that lamest ever question? Besides I always associate joey from the sitcom friends whenever someone says that. Also! It’s a standard greeting at work for me!!! I go “Morning so and so..” and EVERYTIME and almost everyone in my office will reply with that.
oooPs! Why should the world revolve around my likes and dislikes right?


It’s because I CAN, CARE and WILL make the world revolve just right about me and those close by into my universe. Why do you think we like role playing games best?!! *slapforehead* oh yeah~, I forgot you fried your brains.

Not an assumption of course, I so KNOW how you fried your brains muehehehe..SO please stay away from the bimbos and himbos can? And when you do date the ever affable mary jane, balance and restraint is the key beb ;)

Stay sane,

ps: no emoley and damn i need an answer for november! >(

Friday, October 30, 2009


No terrors.

Got private part *hehe* party party.

Maybe soccer training *finally!*.

And must get emoley~


I’d be working tomorrow because the floors need another round of polishing. Later today will be rounded up by the usual suspects for a long over-overdue meet up. The student will be paying for drinks *muehehe* but she can afford it lar! ;p I am sure order of the day will be most about the club’s progress. I just went to our official website which *ahems* if I may so point out, was due to be up by September. So I am not the only one dragging on the past ehk? I’m looking through the club’s constitution and what MOST struck me is clauses 9.7 and 9.9, under the heading ‘ Duties of Office Bearers’.

9.7 The Secretariat Heads shall lead the operation of specific secretariat duties of the Society and responsible for keeping the Committee informed of their secretariat activities regularly.

9.9 The D2D Enterprises Committee Members shall provide the link to potential sponsors, e.g D2D Enterprises and assist in the marketing and publicity of the society.

Hrmmmmm…..AND the the ball is round! *like DUh* The rest of it is the usual mentions of trustees, financial bleahs, dissolution and more meetings etc. I am of course zooming in on above because I volunteered to head “Welfare” >) and I know the gals are expecting the more we- get- together escapades!! Trips, celebrations and anything can be an occasion to squeeze into our jam packed calendar (too be reviewed and voted of course). I foresee much more work done sitting down then playing soccer BUT Clara pacta, boni amici.~~~

can settle one!

Now should I sign on the dotted line ehk?

On a very happy note! I have whole 10 days to be doing nothing end of November. Nearer to date, I’d make sure boredom gets shipped off somewhere far far away. No need to lead me to temptation as I SURELY can find my way muehehehehe…

AND you know who you areeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ *blowskish*

Stay sane,

Thursday, October 29, 2009


its starting in what 2 days? And my mail is flooded with thread replies from the forums. I can sense the hyperactivity and some or might be much regurgitation of words. Images. Everything. OVERLOADS on the excitement of writing that very very first novel!


I slept a druggy sleep. AFTER I wrote in my journal.

I am praying today is PAYDAY. So that I can hurry and buy my moleskin. My 18 month bla bla yada black soft leather bonded free of acid paper moleskin. And I shall name it obviously! Only after its safely nestled in my hands yeayrghhhhhhhhh!~ I concluded that the reason I haven’t been writing and seriously fogged of the mind is because *drumrolls* my journal planner notebook trusty companion is CHEAP. It’s still in purple though but still CHEAP. Forget about the fact that in my notebook collection, I have only 1 moleskin to boast of :p

In the spirit of blaming everything and everyone else for all that is actually my fault to EVEN begin with. I shall digress even further to state that :-

i do not like to be squeezed into a corner and its NOT AT all about my choices right? i have to do what is best for my parents *bATOKbatok*, my friends, my cool factor and then hell yeah~ my va-jay-jay. And why not? If men can think with their dick I could damn well blame and push all responsibility over to anything totally random to justify my ills.

The ills you so repulse in me and everything that I do and NOT do, is very damn well please get this - NOT my fault!

Hehehe… :p

stay sane,
j.amyemeelea *feeling-feeling MATAHARI*


PPS: sandbox! He’s in the bloody reserves for gaodsakes!!!!!!!!!! Or maybe he likes it ehk?

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Have I really lost my sense of humor? This blog used to be funny didn’t it? hell! I used to be funny. I laugh at myself very often. Maybe there were a few entries that bordered on mellow yellow sentimental? But always it was more of self assertion. Like the saiko and sharky fiasco who said what on whose tag board. Which later went the way of the dodo until of course I go back to the very entry and laugh at myself for actually writing the whole spiel over NOTHING…really? Then my bitching about berokman and his escapades? *faints* We worry about who said what and why and when to the tiniest excruciating detail of where it was said and HOW what was said. Was it with conviction tinged with malice or probably said in blasé so not fashionable at all that does not deserve of any attention?

Wah so BOOMZ! To quote the FORMER Ms. Singapore World *sigh*

Wahliao…the faulty lights at the corridor is hurting my eyes. I wish they would fix it lar. Such an eye sore.

What about MORE hari raya stories? And more hari raya pictures! I secretly suspect that bobby has purposely BANNED lapicits from connecting to his wireless network at home. Although I must say he has been pretty concerned that I’ve resorted to plugging in from his study now instead of dragging the looooOOONG wire to my room.

but to avoid tangles i am go-blogging this from the office *lol*

…where above will bring me back to OH duh~…

Terror 1 and her negi magi adventures!

Negi magi is a manga series about a boy who has magic powers stuck to ‘teach’ in an all gal school. I do not know WHERE the hell terror 1 got introduced to manga (definitely NOT me with all my bukake and whatever curiosities of all things jap) but sometime around a few months back on our trip to popular bookstore, she asked me if I can get her the comic. Of course I know manga! And of course I was surprised…in a good way to think that terror 1 has an eccelactic but somewhat very diverse range taste for books. Mind you, she collects a series on fairies and it’s not even the old school Enid Blyton kind. Her books are all airy fairy and oh-so-sweet stories about fairies that takes care of flowers, lil kitties and everything girly. Befitting books to be read by a gal aged nine.

It’s only her taste of music that is leaning towards the dark and angry and often quite emo! Think white snake, evanescence, my chemical romance! And whatever she is listening to now :p but all in all she is true blue her mama’s gal which is to say she doesn’t deviate too far from her rock roots. Terror one thinks gun’s and roses is so OLD SCHOOL >)

So when she ‘tested waters’ and asked very very nicely if she can collect the negi magi series, I was somewhat nonchalant if not quite bemused. In the end after actually browsing through the series and checking out the drawings I bought her book 16? It costs me $7.90. OH was she so THRILLED hehehe and I know why of course. It is in its very essence a comic lar. So what’s wrong with that right? WRONG.

Terror 1 : ma~ will you read negi magi now! *flips open her book and showed me a page*

Me : don’t want lar, I want to read my vampire story lar and I read it already what~

Terror 1 proceeds to convince aunty shikin to read her comic. Aunty shikin dutifully being the very good and loving aunt she is, proceeds to flip through the comic. A few seconds later she passed me the comic (I was sitting right behind).

Me : hehe…and we wonder why the jap kids are sooo errr sot dot…

I passed her back the comic where there was negi magi (jap harry potter) drawn with his face in between a gal’s legs. Of course no nippies or ‘camel toes’ drawn lar. And she then proceeded to hand over the comic to bobby when he came back to the car from pumping petrol.

Bobby : ehk! Why are you reading this?? I want to confiscate this book!

At that point I knew what was brewing and then proceeded to give terror 1 a piece of my mind. I told her off for trying to show off her kinda risqué reading material to just anyone. I knew by observation that that she doesn’t show just everyone what she’s reading. Only to those who matter. Like terror 3 who went “Disgusting! Disgusting!!” at every opportunity she has,trying to be the virtuous one, when she doesn’t even squeak at real life KISSING scenes on telly was cute hehe. Of course terror 1 shares her innermost a with bobby and shikino because all the terrors are very close to them both ;)

Terror 1 was snappish and majorly sulked at my nagging and admonitions of “a lot of people won’t understand and I will have to explain bla bla bla” ……..and *phew* I think she understands NOW that reading manga at 9 is a privilege and NOT just any given right. Basically! At the end of my bla bla blassss, terror 1 knows that she have just managed to irk me lar with her ‘I-want-attention-antics’.


After the terrors kissed me goodbye hurriedly and JUSTTTTTTTT when I THOUGHT I was safe within the boundaries of my room…bobby came up to me and asked me if I confisticated the comic from terror 1. Ehk? Like why?? Since I was the ONE who approved of her reading it anyway. I had a feeling that this was going to be ugly and yeaps…true enough, in between the supposedly ‘conversation’ we both had…I remember lines such as :-

1) Be MOM not FRIEND, THEY need a MOM not friend
2) She has siblings!
3) You BAD MOM, bad bad BADDDDDDDDDDD mom
4) Can you please support green-eyed-mongstar in trying to bring up the kids
5) You NOT COOL MOM, don’t need cool mom. JUST BE NORMAL

Bobby did went on to add the terrors are my kids and so he’s actually butting in about HOW I actually mould em to be the upright model citizens that are gonna be (read :: boring mice or evil capitalist rats maybe?? ) *OVERMUHDEADBODEH!* but what I heard most repeated was “BAD MOM BAD MOM” so of course I had to tear a bit right?! He thinks I am overcompensating for my time away from the terrors by TRYING to be this all cool mum. I TRIED to explain to him that I want to instead encourage responsibility and hail to intellectual freedom lar! But NoooooOOOOOO…

He faceplamed me from actually speaking anymore and said, “Don’t make me ANGRY. I don’t want to care anymore and as long as you live under my roof and abide by my house rules, you can do whatever you want.” and so THERE.


Stay sane,

Note to self :: never surrender muehehehe..\intellectual freedom/ and here is an entry form wiki about the historical roots and popularity of manga in general ->