Thursday, July 31, 2008

what really matters...

is to stay true to who you are and what to you is right. Our own prerogatives definitely and instead of trying to control situations, our willingness to be present emotionally and without judgments (please add with ALL the uncertainty that judgments can produce) is the way to go.

Online or offline.

The cat says to Alice in wonderland, “Bravery and I are not on intimate terms. My natural curiosity is tempered with caution – thus I've lived long. But now, ignoring my instinct to flee or fib, I speak the truth without regard to consequence. Your courage deserves no less. You've suffered great pain and you've caused some; you've endured deep grief and feelings of guilt; but you will be tested by a more wrenching anguish, Alice. There is worse to come. You and this Red Queen cannot both survive. You are two parts of the same..."

So of course you want to do what is right. Just as Alice often wonders why she is chasing after the rabbit and having to deal with the mad mad queen. She braved even the mysterious cat. Deep down just like Alice you will twist and turn to wrench away the knots in your belly as you take on life situations and tackle overblown perceptions which are often shallow. the cat reminds Alice yet again that her journey is not the end with but the cat does infuriate Alice with his clues. *muahaHA* Many a times, someone’s hurt feelings TEMPT us to say things we don’t really mean. The ignoramus will of course swallow it in literally when it’s not about what we said, its more about HOW we say it. The body will reveal hence solipsistic introjections will stay as introjections especially on the web. Meeting face to face and having a physical bond will seal the deal even more so. If your needs are different from what another person wants, it's okay to admit it as long as you do it kindly and without putting any blame on him or her in the process.

I say, my say or who says….be prudent ;) be brave…me is alice too...

and stay sane! if not saner than before you lil monkey!
amyemeelea *fazedunfazedbyallthehullaballooo*

Monday, July 21, 2008

I defy you…

Recent developments around me makes me squirm uneasy. Have been trying to anchor down this dis-ease to something tangible, hopefully leaning towards the positive…then at the bottom of it all…the solution from digging and sorting through it all suggests that my power today lies in defiance. We are willing to reject the sure thing or accept excommunication to try to make it on our own rather than endure the status quo or submit to conditions that assume we are invisible -- in this, we have nothing to lose. We accept responsibility for the difficulties ahead and do not seek pity for having chosen against the grain. I am empowered by mutual support and my assets are self-worth, hope, and pride.

Analyse this!

Stay sane,

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The cacats..

“It is the feeling of inferiority, inadequacy and insecurity that determines the goal of an individual’s existence – Alfred Adler (1927) Understanding Human Nature.

So to you…maybe to shed more light on those feelings that are intensely convoluted, do what you do best and then shed it off. Revel in the feel of new skin as those tears awash you with feelings of humble gratitude. Be very afraid of what you wish for and then ask youself again if this is what life must be. More hurt, no meaning *arghhh!* and then the cry all the way falling down to the very bottom of your guts is just an indication of another growth spurt upwards ;)

Sometimes through this all which seems to have no end, you must remember that this is your life and should there is no one to pick you up and tell you the all is alright, close your eyes and you will see sparkles of light. Yeah, there is a very scientific explanation for that but then science does not explain everything. Do not believe for once that you will find answers because there are no answers. For all the truth that you seek, there will be biasness in action. Fight it internally so that it in turn can act as the protective shield that could only be yours and yours alone. No one can penetrate that if you won’t allow. But why should you put up barriers in the first place if the goal is to be known and understood?

I may be no saint and hell yes I could be certainly devilish but you, me and them we are all the same. There is no one side of the story and could we ever think of the infinitum of time? In the name of preparing for the worst and then go OOOPS! When we burst yet another artery *toolate* People die from aneurysms…like my mum did :) knowing you risky devil, you might just jump blind and take the leap of faith.

Believe and you will become…never underestimate your power.

Stay sane,

j@e *asyouknowme*