Monday, November 14, 2005

salam terlambat...

with high hopes, the holidays must have been a blast for many ;) and if i ever said, did or even assumed of any wrongdoings to many of you, please do accept my humblest apologies. with promise *ifgodwills* not to repeat any of it in the future...selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin.

i managed to finish my over dued assignment and thanks jihn for keeping me fairly awake towards the end of it! the new job is great and finally things are on a platueu and wishing it will lasts for a bit more. head is spinning due to damn migraine attacks *dehem!* and the weekend with terrors was fun and fulfilling. another round of classes coming my way and hopefully promises of new beginnings will fruit.

have good days ahead peeps and stay sane always,

1 comment:

Lynn Maharet said...

amy!! mana recipe yg u janji kan?!

hmm tapi i lupa recipe aper tuh