Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wish upon a star and follow who you are….

Last 13th Jan, I turned 29 and my eldest turned 7. We celebrated both our birthdays with a small gathering of neighbours at the place where she practically grew up and where, I shared my innermost turmoils with strangers who now I call family.

I didn’t get ANY presents this year *sourgrapes* but terror 1 reminded me I didn’t need any to feel special because SHE is my present. *hehehehe* so she likes to always remind me when I get all pouty and sulky about having no presents this year!!!! Who doesn’t love presents!!!! I loooooove presents! Still, I thank all who remembered my birthday. I got many well wishes and that soothed my selfish heart a bit >) I had a nice lunch courtesy of cylernkilla and bobby and shikino just asked what I wanted for my birthday. Bobby asked if I wanted perfume but I told nah….i asked for books but he said to please ask for something easier to buy. Eh!! When did buying presents turn to be just another stroll in the shopping centre? :P but whatever IT is going to be, I’m going to love it and I’m going to enjoy it definitely.

I can’t bring myself to load the pics but there’s one I like of terror 1 & 3 together. They always hug when taking pics but still, terror 3 likes to complain that she isn’t loved by either 1 or 2 *muahahah* terror 2 is so difficult to photograph so he isn’t in many of the photos I took. I was too busy playing host and entertaining the kids and so the camera was left unused. Maybe later…

Now, I just want to sail and immerse myself with my conversations over msn…thank you husgy for the parting message which I used for the title in this blog entry. The elusiveness of love and the challenges of being married. Been there done that. My aspirations of becoming a witch. And how I’m not suited to live here with my liberal views fused with much eastern values. Or maybe I’m stuck thinking that if I can’t make it here then I can’t make it anywhere. Options still open. Saiko is pregnant!!!! Ajip’s son looks just like him and we both think this baby is definitely the next bet for singapore’s next olympic medal. Mum former national runner and dad is soccer fanatic. Condolences to poww for her lost. We both miss you. Hearing your voice right after I smsed was HUGE so let’s meet soon powwsters. Thank you yunis for asking me where it hurts. amir for just being amir! I promise to log soon because we can catch up on ‘kasih, cinta dan sayang’ Sham please get well and I bet you’d start smoking soon enough *hehe* and how I hate hate hate LIARS. May their pants really go on fire. I need to work on my next school assignments and now read till I can finally doze off. Noorticataitai, please..can I have just 10% of that cool 1 mil you got for selling away the house ;P pleeeeeeas arh! Listening to lefthanded right now……brought on by memories from gp.com :D never in anger because the past should be always in the fondest of memories.

“Kau pergi tanpa kerelaanku….hatiku lukaaaaaa…hampa dan kecewaaaaaaaaaa”

cedey lar gua!

Stay sane cos I haven’t been myself lately,


Anonymous said...

huh pregnant?!?? I was kidding.Anyway...selamat hari lahir tho terlambat giler.

The Self Center said...

lerr....i tot it was great news! tapi takper...soon perhaps??

maceh for the wishes! end birthday celebrations will be end jan muehehe...