Wednesday, April 13, 2011

post its

- lack of jealousy only means double the securities and NO it does not mean he doesn't love you. UNLESS you've been cheating, then try not to quack in your pants every time he asks questions :D orh~ disclaimer : a bit is still needed but its called compersion.

"Right inside the jealous episode is a fiery core of erotic passion. It may surprise you how good it feels, and if you get there, you can be sure you're stepping right into compersion." - in other words, tread carefully.

- buy rope. its for the idiots to hang themselves. che. michelle, please go first.

- FTW. means = For The Win ps: those who often use this loves RPG :p

- your vote is important which is why i'm sleeping in on that day.

- its not generation gap between you and me. i wasn't paying attention. yes, you caught me. HAPPY NOW?! *smirk*

- not writing down stuff BACKFIRED major!


Talented Unicorn said...

Not random at all. *Looks around to see if anyone noticed*. Ok fine, random...very. Random FTW.

The Self Center said...

blearghh!!! i've got more random bursts but i think so far only the birds and squirrels heard me.