Saturday, August 13, 2005

The thing about those black clouds…

Pessimism. As much as I hate (otey..dislike) pessimists, I think there’s something about being down and in the rut that makes you go reach for higher, further beyond the yonder to quit being in the rut and you end up soaring like a bird! Yes, everything else is or would always be a vicious cycle, like endless relationship problems hehe or that hateful *coughdislikecough* person you keep bumping into every now and then. It would begin creeping up your leg (mine does) first and slowly tingle by the back spine, stop and burn your heart for awhile before exploding in your brains into many a million little tiny light bulbs that flash so brightly that sometimes I shed tears *sniff* and we all know tears (especially with girls) can be induced by almost everything and anything. And mine just has to come from pessimism! They make an appearance almost always to show the feelings and emotions we all feel at that moment and usually misinterpreted too *pout* Its always together there when you’re happy, sad, angry, frustrated, melancholic, dreamy, grateful, remorseful this view called pessimism. And how I wish I could have the window to that particular view of those black clouds closed! *yeahright* And then probably I won’t waste so much damn tears and maybe just maybe will be able to see the silver lining that lines every cloud : ) black or white!

I realize how powerful our feelings are and how we are capable of changing the course of our destiny if only we could be able to seek that balance or push the extremes into our favour recently and the concept isn’t even new. It took a visit, a chat on msn, a phonecall and being shut out (hopefully momentarily) to make me realize what I wuss I have been to have wasted so much of those tears for nothing *hmmph* everything that has a function should be used to achieve its optimum charge and in this case I must find a way to tame me creepy crawlies pessimism so that I wont cry myself blind and not see those silver linings ;)

Heart to those whose still smiling and salut to those who has managed to always see that silver lining in every cloud!! I’ll remember how it is part of getting to know someone every time I run into a misunderstanding with the ahems and hate is really just a waste of energy on that someone or somebody when I do bump into you so instead I would sincerely smile and wave you off *likeafly* :P and yes…you’re never alone (quit thinking of Liverpool ehk :D and no matter if you do really really feel so cos its wrong ok..) and things will never be the same again at least for awhile but nothing, nothing would ever change the fact that we are all destined to be reaching for the stars! *cedeylargua!*

Stay sane,


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welcome to the self center irene. stay sane ;)

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The Self Center said...

tak tau nak ketawa ke nak pie berak ah! >( :p