Thursday, September 29, 2005

school visit...

so i signed up for this school visit to buangkok green medical park or used to be formerly known as woodbridge mental hospital. we were treated to a tour and a short intro talk on the history of the institute and a sexy clinical psychologist asked us why we wanted to join the profession.

the place was HUGE! and i really mean HUGE!! they've recently (march 2005) opened the 'sayang wellness center' and it caters to the rich and crazy hehe. then they showed us slides of long term patients and the wards THEY stay. the stark difference between these two will have to be the amount of beds they have for these classes. the c ward compared to the a ward has a total difference of 46 beds between them. yeap.....its 46 beds between them! my jaws drop literally. so anyway, stats show that we are not only going to have more older people in singapore over the next few years but more people will have tendencies to fall into depression, stress and ultimately go crazy more sooner. and the scary part is that i spied more than half the class smiling! what's so good about those stats?!! ;P but yeah you know, i know and everybody pretends not to know what we all already know.

and i met many intresting new characters in my course of studies! there's a girl of 24 years old and she spent the last 4 years in the army as a combat signaller and quit due to severe depression. then there's the baby of the group, another girl of 18 and a barperson at sebastian's and she hopes to do her masters and practice overseas then later come back to singapore when the integrated resorts get built, up and running (go figure) and then i also had the pleasure of getting to know another guy who recently quit his 3rd year at NUS to pursue psychology in hopes that he can emulate adam khoo (got his millionaire at age 26 teaching neuro linguistic programming) his current idol *phew*

repression is different from regression but both is equally painful. later today i will sit for my first exam *gulP* and i'm trying to put my heart and head together so that i will be able to breathe better. the day so far sucks save for memory specks of intense stimulation and i can't wait to find a solution for my anxiety attacks *breathesintobag*

till then stay sane,

ps: happy beshday burstday powwsters!!

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