Saturday, September 24, 2005

unconditional love?

for someone seeking for balance, the need to give and receive something so extreme is mind boggling. contradicting values...sense of morality depicts a tortured soul never at peace, not at rest..looking for perfection when it is already right here and now under our noses.

been busy at work (got caught surfing again by BIG boss this time!) and school. whatever little time i get to myself i spent it all on making the frayed ends of my poor poor braincells to rest. vitamins b and c is good for you and trying again not to relapse and start smoking again. nope, i haven't totally quit :P but hopefully i'd be able to keep on keeping these itchy fingers from reaching into my purse to buy a pack!

will be back soon to write and share with you guys stuff ;) and finally, just finally i have found my answers to the truth about altruism!!! :D

stay sane,


Al Sayf said...

Good luck with quitting smoking. It will be a lot easier to do so come Ramadhan, InshaAllah. I'm hoping to quit before the good month of Ramadhan arrives. And that means I barely have a couple of weeks left!! *sigh* Well, good luck to the both of us and whoever else trying to quit smoking.

*note to self and other innocent victims (especially my family)*
Be prepared for my cranky moods.

Your friend,
Master Crankyong

The Self Center said...

yeah far so good but spot on the cranky moods (displace and overwrite with desolation)...feels like just lost muh best friend aka nicotine :P

gd luck peeps!! and yong..i'm goin to be learning psychotheraphy, wat say you be my second guinea pig? :P (first gua larr)

Al Sayf said...

and yong..i'm goin to be learning psychotheraphy, wat say you be my second guinea pig?

Will I be required to run on that wheel thingy they always have in guinea pig/hamster cages?

The Self Center said...

not if you don't want to but ermmmmm its mandatory for you arh! and i have to confess..i fell to temptation *pout* and boy did it feel so good and all evil at the same time...

unbridled candour....hmmmm~~