Friday, March 12, 2010

another kickball day

kickball day and the usual bullshit about not needing or wanting complications. its all about FUN. OF course lar! who doesn't want to be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...finger hurts cos i didn't wear gloves while playing goalie. then i also have nice raised welts on my right thigh from someones boots today. which means NO skirts or dresses! but its friday anyway and i shall have the weekend to recover.

all n all it was a good kick about session. i pespired like a pig and ate like one afters. shared a cab with kiddo back home. on the way back there was an accident. the suzuki swift went turtle! it was white and the cab driver also agreed the guy MUST have been speeding. ahhhhh....again, lebai came to mind. he drove a swift what! but i managed to shoo away the thoughts before they turn me bonkers with no sleep. let the past be where they are. rationalising and talking my way out of memories is a neat trick! as i told ismet, let time tell lar and heal *amin*

i won't be seeing mr. tee tomorrow. tired siaked. i don't think i can talk soccer after today. ENOUGH! tomorrow..i shall come back and settle in bed with lapicits and my beloved books. will i turn up for soccer with the lil tikes on saturday? maybe not, i should be typing away on my papers. all those can wait a while more. i have committed myself for 2 months of english tutoring *gah* but the extra 60 bucks or so will come in handy. also, i hope to do a little bit for girl-girl with what little i can offer. after may, with any improvement, THEY can find a REAL tutor!

is this how mama felt before? trying to help in little ways?

so its another weekend with the terrors this week. we are going to watch a puppet show yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....i have to pick up terror 2 and 3 from punggol first then terror 1 from school camp at 6pm on saturday. after that its home sweet home and lepak sunday! maybe this time we can play monopoly as a family and spend some quality time in front of teevee hehehe...

budget NOT helping! i screwed it again. well, there is NEXT month and Alhamdullillah...He's been kind. GOOD news is that i'm on leave this monday muahahahahahahahahaha....but right after i send the kids home. i have class at darul furqan. i've been reading up on prof syeh naquib al attas and his contributions. somehow, his writings on malay philosophy resonates.

i can't wait to see his papers! we are going through them line by line...which is sexciting :p halfway through zen and motorcycle right now and i wonder about quality too. i found stuff in there from the classics worth second and few more reflections. maybe i can share them with biks on our trip to batam. or maybe biks would just like to indulge in being still?

east west conundrum! i miss talking and discussing my thoughts with lebai :( even though he can be pretty daft with his replies. defensive most of the time! but i miss the banter and steady chatter. mr. supercop is quiet THANK GOD and another mini twin cop just got axed! NOPE....not gonna bend my rules and make the same mistake again. i WILL NOT and AM NOT about to go out with an attached guy. so the jack neo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurhurhurhur.......he's the current local tiger woods making waves in the news. i missed out on parliment dehemit! but managed to catch up with priceless gems of top quotes from google reader. i believe a certain minister was caught sleeping on camera :p


stay sane,

ps: or insane?


Anonymous said...

Miss reading =(

The Self Center said...

hey hey anon...i can read to you! will it help ease the miss? *blowkish*