Saturday, November 20, 2010

to fit a description..

the saying goes that a picture speaks a thousand words but more so that fleeting moments in the presence of something yet nothing is indescribable.

to see a shooting star, witness the glow of the setting sunset or following the trail of dusk maybe even submitting your will to the pull of the open sea waves must just be 'felt'. it could be that you can find the words to immortalise it into memory but how so ill equipt are we? just leave the words as how they are meant to be, just words and succumb in its beauty. silence could just be the most befitting description of the truly wonderful. but i do like it when you ask why. it means you respect and honor me with the intelligence sensitive enough to give every moment meaning.

solitude has run its course and turn itself into a crystalline beauty of depth and enormous potential real feelings. YESSAR!!! * somersaults* no more run of the mill conversations although it adds the comedy of reality. you could not fit a description *blush* but...i give you......quiet.

wishing you the peace karna :) lets thank the bugger up there and of course facebook *hurhurhurhur* date is ONS tomorrow, see you at the gate woooooooooohoooooooooo!

stay sane,


ps: sheshhh~...otey, this is public declaration of sorts. starting errr tomorrow? its all going to written and given. originality *pokespokes* will be rewarded ;)

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