Friday, May 13, 2005

It is time!

I have always been battling with my online persona ever since I created this this this monster :P and after countless, numerous confusing and downright heart wrenching battle episodes of confused identities with or without my friends (not to mention family), I have finally decided to stop thinking about being the personas I would be and instead just be me. After all, jahat is me and I am jahat and then my online or offline friends are still technically all categorized as ‘friends’ and the sole main purpose (one of many actually :P) is really widen my circle of friends (also family...err to avoid inbreeding? muahahaha). Then also keep a log of any polemical conversation that is of any importance and interest hehe….let’s power polarize our forged relationships!!

It is also this time that I will not be another hidden faceless name, protected by distance and shielded by handle but I will not guarantee that you will be able to generalize, even find me remotely familiar through this blog. Isn’t change constant? And if you agree then you might not even be the same person yesterday as you were today right?

And so I welcome you to my little own corner where what matters is the sharing and keeping it ‘real’. However stupid, small, insignificant, shallow or high-minded you think your thoughts are (as mine often are hehe) let’s decide over time if we would still be friends or that we will hate each other’s guts each swearing never to have anything to do with each other anymore!! Yet…you and I know for that briefest of time we did make the effort to keeping it ‘real’.

Welcome to the self-center friends, may you find you’re way in here and stay dammit!

Stay sane,
Jahatamyemeelea *waves to bobby & orashikino, pausters, stinks, hugsy, noorticataitai, pinkfloydmama and ritzlin* and *hugs to cylernkilla* :P

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