Monday, March 13, 2006


i got back at 6pm and left the rest of the guys to finish up whatever was needed at the office. i had an important errand to run, a message to send and i just don't know what to expect. nevertheless, i just did what my heart told me to do and time! back close to 9pm. one of the girls is coming in morning tomorrow and i'm stuck with the 11 am shift. i actually have class but she needed the morning shift more than i do so i lied and said it's okay to change :) i hope things work out for ms villy kong hehe...

"a fleeting smile disarmed me and i turned my eyes away so as not to fall further down its abyss of soulful yearning. the steps i took burnt marks into the concrete floor as i try with all my might to walk away. within minutes my heart stop beating and with just a hello you started it alive with desperate longing; as i try to mask my hidden sorrow. still it was that fleeting smile i will choose to remember the rest let mere presence swallow...."

OOppps...terbabas gua!! it's desperate housewives nite and i keep clenching and grinding my teeth. maybe i'd take the time to look for that biting cat again and give it a tight smack for biting me last night hehehe...darn this nagging feelings of unease!!!

stay sane,
amyemeelea tak centre skit nari..*skitjermaybecosi'mHUNGRYah!*

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