Thursday, March 02, 2006



"keikhlasan ku disoal, apabila dituntut
erti keikhlasan itu tidak harus dipersoalkan.
kemahuan ku ditolak, atas dasar aku tidak mengerti.
tiap tomahan dan cemuhan kusama ertikan dengan luahan cinta.
pergertian saksama yang diburu digelapkan oleh kecelaru pemikiran.
perbezaan zahir dan kelemahan batin menjadi batu penghalang.
perjalanan ku terhenti....
tersentak lamunan cinta asyik syahdu romantis.
diriku keliru dan jasad ku lengguh ditimpa badai tak sudah.
namun perjalanan menuju ke SATU tidak akan ku hentikan.
andaian kekasih sejati kujadikan senjata srikandi.
yang menjadikan cita-cita yang diburu bukan setakat impian tapi
perjuangan yang suci
lagi kudus....."

the kids in a controlled enviroment of course! if not i shudder to think what could have happened to the walls, the floor and to everything :P they have this habit *whichicultivatedahems* of drawing on the walls except for terror number 3 cos she's too young to remember but we used to have a special wall to draw on! they *andme* are allowed to draw, color and scribble and do anything to that wall and i'd just keep it that way. it is suppose to deter them *andmehehe* to draw on any other walls and things in the rest of the house!

well.....we'll have another wall soon :) and in the meantime, paper would do. any kind of paper of course! :D i know it must sound terrible to number them in such a way but i have to tell you that it stopped them from fighting over the phone and almost *ALMOST* just about everything else. i used to have this problem of them fighting over the phone when i call but the numbering system worked! now they take turns according to the 'number system' and i get to talk to ALL three of them *yeay!!!clapshands* in order plak tue :P but i always remind them that i love all the same and not more or less. only yes...the love just grows as love does grow over time...

stay sane,

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