Thursday, September 14, 2006

some things are not meant to be...

the week passed and as usual, the troughs of ups and downs this week bordered on both extremes. i think i am getting the hang of it. trying to let go the euphoria and fear that comes tagging along with every wave was fairly easy. i just had to make sure i rode firmly and easy and not get overboard. i went to more interviews and sucess came very close. so wish me luck again today :)

i met up with family over the weekend and that cheered me up tremendously. i was initially afraid that i'd be too happy since it was a sombre affair. bobby said i shouldn't feel that way since my family knows me very well and won't hold it up against me. my cousin just lost his wife to cancer but i'm glad to say he's one tough guy. we are one strong, very tight bunch so promises were made to meet up often. i also had lunches with my friends and caught up with thier busy lives. listened patiently to ex colleagues rant about work and patiently sieved through the nitty gritties of my daily life with as much patience i can muster in a single breath. all perfectionists are huge procastinators hehe so we put off to do the work needed just because we are afraid doing a lousy job on it :P *adejerreason*

i couldn't meet up with poww cos there was a slight change in plans but i'm really looking forward to see her when she gets back from new york *waves* wish i could have made it still but duty calls ;) just spoke to sham over the phone about the importance of having good self esteem. i know its hard to keep up when we fell so drabby and so unglam from taking up the responsibilties and thinking about the sacrifices we have made. but!! we have to remind ourselves that love does not judge. its more helpful to bring the insecurities into pure natural light and love all the flaws you see. neon flourescent light is never flattering ah! so jangan tka jadik ah kita nyer next date!!! *woooohooo!*

am i an extrovert or introvert?? that was the question that was posed to me over lunch the other day. i think i am an extrovert but i enjoy my bouts of solitude extremely which makes me an introvert? well, that was the opinion of ms noorticataitai anyway :P so ho di daaa..

stay sane,

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