Tuesday, December 12, 2006


This is wrong! but am in need for a little quiet ‘den’ time. the head honcho has gone for another trip and so all the cats and dogs come out to plaaaaaaayyyyyyyy :D *crossesfingerssaysaprayerdungetcaughtblogging*

But I should really think about setting time aside to write regularly. And study! And to read! And to see my sorely missed friends! *blueek* Anywho, the terrors concert went great. Minor glitches were expected but thank god nothing that required me to rear forward my obstinate, uncouth *unglam* side on that day. I did get in and even got a seat! I clapped loudest of course when I saw each of the terrors perform and ordered a vcd of the concert for keepsakes. I was so proud of the children that day, all of them because as kids are, they are soooOooooo cute when trying their damnest to be perfectly just kids. No pictures though but thrust me when I say all of them were super cute. Just like when the soon to be 2 year olds had to do a fancy dress catwalk and there was a boy who dressed up as Superman. The music went on but Superman refused to go up stage *muahahahah* he was crying! The teacher of course dragged….ermm pulled on him on stage and when the beating of his heart synchronized with the thunderous applause, he steadied himself and amazingly went through the parade like the Superman he is.

The week came and went without making any impressions on my soul. Except for last Saturday when I picked the terrors up without any prior plans whatsoever in my head. In the end, since everyone was busy we trooped down to woodlala-land to chill in my room. But! The weather was working with me and it started to pour…I asked terror 1 to peek and proposed a walk in the rain. I knew they were forbided by their father to go anywhere in the rain but I knew it would be hard to resist and I had their trust to keep them safe so a minute later, all of us then put on our beat the rain gear and headed out the door. As long as there wasn’t thunder and lightning, it was a good day as any other to go for a walk. We sang “rain rain go away” but immensely enjoyed splashing in the puddles, we tasted the rain and all along the way I tried my best to answer all their questions. It ranged from explaining where does the rain come from, to telling a story to explain to the terrors that not all step mothers are evil ;) We went home only when the rain stopped and my soul for a minute suspended itself in heaven when terror 1 shouted to the skies, how this was the BEST day out ever! I herded all into the bathroom for a warm shower and we sang “bubble, bubble bath” courtesy of Barney till the only energy left was for dinner. It was close to 11pm when we got to Yishun and before you could say “tido!”….the 3 terrors were all sound asleep leaving me to continue the story of Despereux the mouse, my voice drowning amidst teeny snores.

Kids got to stay another night because school was closed. Someone died and as they say, someone else’s misfortune was my pot of gold. Had to borrow work clothes from my niece and it was another Monday at work. The other half was very sweet to pick me up from work and he drove me home. Bobby and shikino then helped me drive the 3 terrors back and after that we went to Tamps to shop at my cousins! She had a loadful of warehouse mango apparel to let go at cheap cheap prices and so shikino and me went bonkers trying on stuff and ended up blowing about 200 bucks. Mine was a total 8 pieces and damage was 56 bucks *phew* we drove to simpang bedok and had fantastic supper as food is always delicious when one is ravenous. Lagik best kalau adik yang bayar!!! Impressions don’t last and scuff marks need a lil bit more work to tease out, so that was my week…

Stay sane,
Amyemeelea *exhale*

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