Sunday, October 10, 2010

teng teng TEng teng TENG...

my hands disn't shake nor did i pass out from sheer shock as i saw you in maroon. visualisations work and bon vogage *salut* che. diambunuh :) please do not let me say i told you so in solace or worst as witnessed by someone else.

otey..seriously..did you know that its your solemnisation date that is the OFFICIAL date? *prfttttttttttttttttt* so gals...please check if you chose your date 'well' as intended ler *kuakuakuakua*

got back from the baby shower and rested watching movies. first it was mantra as recommended by ms. aha. its a horror movie made in malaysia. in che. pidomat's blog there were some comments about its bad cgi but ms. aha thought otherwise. i NEVER watched a horror movie ALONE. espescially one with local ghosts. no pontianaks, no pocongs...NO NO NO! but last night....i did. talk about facing your fears ehk? *saaaaaaaaaaaap* then i continued with lagenda budak setan. why? because its supposed to be *sobsob* chick flick. its an adaptation of the malaysian novelist Ahamadiat Akasha's book of the same title. Alas, youtube was coeperative so after episode i gave up and tried to sleep. che. shoo (macam nak dikasoskan jugak deknie) smsed and then then i had just had enough of trashing about andfell into deep sleep.

ms. chelle..or rather the urgent sense to pee woke me up today. then i got ready to see ch. shoo. i cotinued with kasha's story. it was a chick flick. i got disturbed by the storyline. so i smsed che. shoo to cancel our date. he said 'its okay' in the most pitiful sms :p so i asked him outinstead for a movie???? what was i thinking right???? but i suspect...i'm gonna be like this for awhile. dishelveled, neurotic and a wee bit too trigger happy. but, surely....i'd come down fast to mellow mode soon enough. jahat4slalu just called to check up on me. we traded sex stories before she hushed me to sleep.afterall...its monday tomorrow.

i have loads to do and will need that break in kay el with datin E. expect pictures then. hopefully more of me being broken in need of a fix. coreection..


orh! the weird thing is of all the 3 movies i watched. mantra, lagenda budak setan and reign of the assasins (GOOOOOOOD!) with che. shoo just now. it struck me how the recurring theme was jealousy, love and then revenge. PLUS! 2 out of 3 movies, involved plastic surgery!!!!

*blearghhhhhhhhhh* coincidence? am i thinking of what i am i really thinking? plastic surgery???????! me??! will i ever go down the knife ehk? to think of it..i might just do botox :p

stay sane,

jahatamyemeelea *lagikkenonengkOOOOmoi!*

ps: last bal forEVER *Amin* mula dengan langkah *ahems* thanks jahat4slalu...for the doas and also those precious tears you shed for me. truly....i wish for the very best in your impending nuptials *blowkish*

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