Tuesday, January 31, 2006


for those who have tried to get to me via handphone and found that my line is on a holiday, my sincerest apologies. like a very good friend of mine said, no news is good news unless of course its just sad news from a third party kinda of news, i'm just saying that i'm fine. everything is a-okay and i'm riding as ususal. once the line is up and as most are familair with my riding it just goes to say, "gua biasa ah, sekejap timbul lain kali nyer tenggelam."
i'd be doing my usual rounds of catching up soon enough.

solipism - latin ipse = self and solus = alone

1. nothing exists
2. even if someting exists, nothing can be known about it and
3. even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others

solipism claims that the universe exists entirely in one's own mind.

reads familiar right? poww and myce, the date for the 9th or was it 10th? :P is still on. i will be calling you soon about it. and i think my dinner and dance is going to be on the 9th so let me get my diary straighten out. to the cellaraid gang (hahahahah!!! means u nanin ;)) i still owe u a graduate's celebration and of course the usual let's laugh and go about being aka 14 years old again :D soon!! you have my baju kurung lar dey!

to ms. vilevilly who can't speak proper english even if its forced up her arse. please watch out as i don't care if they call you 'gangster batu pahat', i'd just swat you the same *withthevilestofinsults* the minute my feelings of 'understanding' erodes. everyday being at work with you is mental torture and its the law of the universe to reap what you sow so i'm just going to be patient and look on. if you ever so much step a milimetre of my non existant tail >) you're gonna get a shitload of abuse. i don't think you ever heard of machikvilliean tactics kan kan kan?! *hehehehe*

selamat tahun baru sumer!

stay sane,


ghoose said...

nice concept...nothing exist.
what do we really see,hear & touch? this is an invitation to the truth.

The Self Center said...

nothing exist except for the essential Self ;) went to your blog and hey! not too bad a read :) thanks for coming over...