Sunday, May 28, 2006

horrible gum..

i tried some of that nicorette gum they advertised on telly. it TASTES horrible i tell you! i bet gua kunyah sentel ke sireh ke *betelleavesortobacco* lagik baik siak! *pttttuiiiiii* in my many attempts to quit that was the most horrible experience. it actually stung my tongue *yucks!*

left with just 3 packs and i told myself this is going to be my last ever yet i know it takes much more than just iffy promises. its hard to break nasty habits but well ho hum..i'll take my shot at it. the week went fairly well and the bset thing this week must be the news that for this whole motnh and a bit more i'd be able to borrow up to 16 books from the library!!!!!!! *jumpsupanddownlikeberokmentel* hypno class resumes tomorrow after a week break *gush* and i can't wait :) my first assignment is going on well as i start to discipline myself bit by bit. my gal pals che lina and che feejah are doing good after a heady night pouring and receiving. i'm really proud of che feejah to have accomplished her dream of owning a bike and way cool to be riding pillion with her *hehe* she was brave enough to send me back all way from tampines to woodlands the other night and to work a few days after. i dropped her cashcard but thankfully she didnt scream :D met up with che ayincurrent by chance but didn't say much other than hi. che nyce had a date and must remind myself to catch up with her soon and ask about her new guy *kaypoh* and hope powwsters not too busy to meet up. kids are good and work is the same save for my snaps with debra who cheers me up and is always there to vent *gossip* i owe you one debra ;)for missing coffee last saturday due to work.

looking forwad to my break and who knows what will happen this week! *countdown*

stay sane,


April-November Love said...

Hey, for what is worth, I've been smoke free since April 1st, I kid you not.I just went cold turkey and I say, good for you,now that you are quitting ciggies.

I hope tis can motivate you as much as it has motivated me, my grandma who has been smoking for close to 40 years,kicked the habit last year, upon hearing this, if an old nut like her can do it, i think i can do it too...

So good luck and I wish you all the best.

The Self Center said...

thanks to know u kicked it ;) *salutes!* its one step at a time..and them poof! i swear its going to be its either ada or nada! :D