Thursday, May 11, 2006

yeay! yeay!



yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! *happygiler*

there is nothing like the feeling of satisfaction and there is nothing like that sense of fulfillment! there is nothing like the rush of serotonin and endorphins like tonight!!!!! not even e-kan can beat this feeling of mine :)*heheheheeheh*

the reason why i am so blaaaaarrdy happy is that today i went to school and after a long time of not wanting to face the music of my piled past procrastinations i dragged my feet to the notice board where the posted our results. it was breaktime and i was on the way downstairs to get 'oxygen' when i told myself, "okay larr...if i suck it will be a very timely reminder that i will need to BUCK up pronto". i looked up the board and they had not our names but our course id numbers next to the results for every module that has just passed. shitte! i can't remember my own id number and was too lazy to even get back to class to check on it so i asked the customer service desk to check on it. she was nice enough and so i went back expecting the worst! but guess what i saw on the board next to my id number.....002710 course module AP101 - DISTINCTION *dehem*

i blinked and then i went back to the counter to ask if they got my number right; by then my coursemates saw where my pointy fingers had been and already started teasing me to buy kopi :P i got back to the board in disbelief and tried my damnest to believe what i heart was like bursting and my head felt very light! i went for a smoke and i just had to tell somebody, anybody!!!! but no one heard me *pout* so when i went back to class and looked at my student id card to confirm my id number, my eyes wanted to water and i bit my lips in disbelief.

i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

couldn't really concentrate after that *muahahaha* but i managed to contain myself. the first person i called later to tell of the good news was terror number 1 and she sang me a new song which she learned in school to celebrate. but she had to put down the phone abruptly when i asked to speak to number 2 :( still, fret not i told myself as this weekend i'd get to see them again *hopes* and probably then i'd be able to vent off my happiness.

if only i could share it with you and hear you say
that you are proud of me
if only i could show you how much it means to me
that you are happy for me
if only i could see that smile of yours
that you are going to reward me with a kiss
if only you would just stop for a moment....
and surrender to my will of happiness
but reality is....
you are lost to me for this moment in time
albeit physically, still know that i could feel you
in my mind, my soul

chow chin chow peeps! till my euphoria dissipates *muehehehehe*

stay sane,

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